Install Craft & Slash RPG

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Craft & Slash RPG) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Craft & Slash RPG from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Craft & Slash RPG Version 2.0.1

created by TheEpicModPack on Minecraft 1.7.10
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why does nothing spawn in the omothol dimension in abyssalcraft
littledm1 7 years ago
That dimension hasn't been changed. I don't know a ton about abyssalcraft, so I'm not sure if anything is supposed to be there in the first place.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
When will the server be back up?
iMeLLoWxx 7 years ago
No idea, the server is run by fans, so I don't have any insight into what they do.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Do you think TCBotaniaExoflame mod would be possible? Then we could go green and ditch coal altogether ;)
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
*will not ditch coal* :P
Posted by FusionInferno 7 years ago
I mean you can just use Botania to double it to make a bunch and a golem to put it in the Alchemical furnace, but man... Exoflames are nice....
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Just an update: After delving deeper into Botania and starting Thaumcraft, I just want to report that you can use Botania's Boreal Seeds to make podzol, and Thaumcraft's Golemancy to automate filling of Agricraft water tanks, as well as semi-automate filling of Petal Apothecary by using a golem to refill a Tinker's Seared Glass Tank and auto pouring it with into buckets on a Casting Table. I came up with a pretty compact design using Botania Red String. If anyone is interested I could make a video to show the semi auto flower making in Petal Apothecary.
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
You may need to disable the keepInventory settings in Project Zulu. I had to turn it off in order to have keepInventory work. That took a long time to narrow down, but it looks like we keep our stuff now when dying in other dimensions.
hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Ah, nice catch. I fixed it in another way in the last server files update, but that will be an added layer of protection there. I'll change that in the configs for the next update.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
hey what up with the server at this time? its not loading
littledm1 7 years ago
The arrows added by Battlegear 2 can be put into a crafting table to get their ingredients back. This by itself is not necessarily problematic if this modpack wouldnt cause thiose arrows to frequently drop from monsters and allows them to be looted fromm various dungeon chests. This led to me getting 30(!) nether stars WHILE building my mob farm. I dont know if you think that this is okay but I felt like this could use some balancing. Either by removing them from the droplist, making them significantly rarer, or removing the recipe allowing you to gather the ingredients used in them. However PLEASE DO NOT straight up remove the mod as this will probably lead to server map complications and therefore to a possible map reset :/
GamerFlix 7 years ago
Ah, thanks for the heads up, that would have cause problems with an upcoming update. I'll just remove those recipes from the modpack, the items should be able to stay in and drop just as often as they do now.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
im getting massive lag and actions arent responding sometimes... my computer should easily handle this modpack :/ it handles others that have 2-3 times as many mods no problem (i shut off res pack to see if that helped and it didnt)
FusionInferno 7 years ago
oh and only happens when i open a inventory of any kind
Posted by FusionInferno 7 years ago
Not too sure what to suggest, I've never had that problem myself and this is the first time I've heard of this happening. I'd say it's likely something on your end like maybe an out of date java version or maybe your graphics card drivers need to be updated.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
i have no clue how a gtx 980 card couldnt handle this XD cause it handles a modpack with nearly 300 mods like its nothing. but ill update java and see if it helps
Posted by FusionInferno 7 years ago
java update fixed it, no more inventory lag :D
Posted by FusionInferno 7 years ago
Nice! Glad the advice helped.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Epic If you could come to this discord the server owner and myself would like to chat with you at some point if you could join the discord and mssg me id appreciate it my name in the discord is mikey the mantaur hope to hear from you soon.
The_Mikey 7 years ago
Don't have a discord account, or a mic for that matter. Best way to talk to me is just post anything you like on this page, as this is the only page I really have time to spend much time on.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Oh okay then I would like to talk to you in private if that's at all possible we could do that via email if you dont mind.
Posted by The_Mikey 7 years ago
My email is [email protected]
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Server Admins: If you have tps issues, you can try this dev version of Tick Dynamic which works with the mod pack, but BACK UP YOUR WORLD FIRST as it is a dev version
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
so? how to install this?
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Just drop it in your mods folder.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
problem ?
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Can't really help with this mod unfortunately. It's in dev mode so if you can figure out how to keep it working, go for it, but if not then just don't use it. I don't have a server with more than 2 people that access it so I can't do any testing at all for this myself. It will probably require a good bit of work on your end to get it working if it is even possible.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Server Download has been updated! Existing server owners can just move the "world" folder into their existing server folder. This update fixes the issue of inventory being lost in other dimensions.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
you have to much mods that are overlapping eachother server cant run your modpack . i dont think any server would be able to . you have to fix alot of stuff befor it would work good. els TPS will be really low if you have 3-5 ppl. and restarting every 20 min isent an option. this modpack needs alot of fixes. befor it can be good. please check the modpacks that arent compatibal with eachothers ,lycanyte swampmobs and Biomesoplenty isent the best combination. also if you come on the server you can see for yourself. do /pl we dont have alot plugins. i can give you console access so you can see for yourself. we have a very decent setup . so that shouldent be a problem!
TheSinEater 7 years ago
also all taumcraft biomes dont spawn and if they do by using nodes or something? they are called marsh1 but nodes is something a player did its not automatic.
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Any time you can mention a specific issue, it can be fixed for the next update, but it doesn;t help much to just say there are too many mods. There are a lot of modpacks with more mods than this, and they have the same sorts of tps issues, as that is just what happens when you run many mods. Running a server for a pack like this takes a powerful server (most importantly, upload speed, I'd say 30mbps min). Another issue is that using a server host to host the server will always run the server worse than if you were hosting yourself (even with a fairly average setup). To say some mods aren;t compatible doesn;t help me sort any issues out either. If theres a specific problem being caused by swamp mobs with biomes o plenty, just post the details of the issue and I can take a look, but as someone running a server there will always be a lot of work for you to do as well to keep the server running. I used to run a server with over then thousand players, and I had to fix problems on there that nobody had ever (publicly) solved before. It takes a lot of work and learning to keep a server with this many mods running, and no amount of fixing things on my end will really change that, unfortunately. Your best bet is to just keep an eye out for what causes problems and try to give me as detailed a description as you can when it happens so I can look into it.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Also, Thaumcraft biomes should spawn as long as your level-type setting is set to BIOMESOP. In my own server testing I have always been able to find thaumcraft biomes so far.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Also, if your server host uses a start.bat file, make sure you set the right amount of ram in that file, By default, only 2GB is allocated.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
server host starts with jar file. and has 16 GB ram, can allocate more. but wath we are seeing here is extrmely bad. also id di wath you said with the BIOMESOP and it did not work. players are still complaining , this was added when the server worlds got removed cuz of Mods that got removed
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
You could just try turning the spawn rate of those biomes up in the config file for thaumcraft. It could just be that nobody has found one yet.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
i guess because the last mod got shot down wouldnt hurt to suggest another xD what about Ars Magica 2
Gaddur 7 years ago
I've considered that one. It might make it in eventually, I have to do a lot of testing with that one though.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
can you add the armourer's workshop mod id love to have it
Gaddur 7 years ago
No plans to add that, as it causes a lot of lag in a pack with this many mods already and the pack has a cosmetic gear mod already in place, so having 2 would get a bit redundant.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
i cant join the official server, it says failed to login, Invalid sesion try to restarting game, so i restarted the game and it says same sentence, what should i do ?
WinkyOnixCz 7 years ago
You need to restart your technic launcher completely (or the minecraft authentication servers are down)
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
sadly that doesnt work, a restarted my launcher, turned off the computer, just doesnt work, i am not using a original minecraft account but the server in Craft And Slash is cracked so its not the problem i think, should i set up somehow my roaming settings ? (btw i have the same issue with other mod packĀ“s servers)
Posted by WinkyOnixCz 7 years ago
Not sure what to tell you, as using an unofficial account will cause problems sometimes. I'd say you're best off just getting a normal minecraft account.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Created worlds wont load for me idk if its my computer if not srry for bothering you
koolguy254 7 years ago
Sounds like its your PC. If you just keep trying enough it should work eventually, as it will load it a little more each time.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
As there is no more XP or levels it would be nice for a "RPG" to add these features. Do you know "SkillAPI" available on Spigot and certainly working on Bukkit? It's the best mod out there for leveling. (here is the link :
roulioz 7 years ago
I could eventually look into that, though it would take a lot of work to get it set up. After the next few updates that could be a possibility, as I have a lot of work ahead of me for the next few updates (universal economy, quests, etc).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
We're having an issue where after updating the server it wont' start. The log satates: 12.05 18:36:30 [Server] INFO [18:36:30 WARN]: Forge Mod Loader detected missing blocks/items. 12.05 18:36:30 [Server] INFO [18:36:30 ERROR]: Unidentified item: levelup:respecBook, id 7848 Any thoughts on how to deal with the items that are no longer valid?
hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Read the whole crash, it will say something like "Type /fml proceed to continue" otr something along those lines (cant recall the exact message). It does this to make sure you wont mess up your world by loading it while missing a mod that adds blocks/items. This wont cause any changes to your wrld (only 1 item was removed).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Ok, I'll check it out. By the way, when you die in the nether you lose everything. It doesn't come with you when you respawn and it doesn't drop.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
That seems to be a server only bug. To fix it, just set the keepInventory rule to true on your server. I'll be updating the default server file to have it turned on in advance, but for existing servers, it will have to be changed manually. On single player, inventory keeping in the nether etc seems to work fine (the keeping inventory mod switches the game rule to true when a world is created, but it doesn't seem to be able to do that properly on a server, and it only manually tracks what is lost in dim 0).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Unfortunately /fml proceed doesn't work. The console won't accept commands at that point. Basically it gets to the point where it finds that levelup book and dies completely. I've checked our general inventory and can't find that book anywhere. Any idea of how to get past this?
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Ok, it's fml confirm that you have to type, and I got the server updated. I set the gamerule keepInventory true but we still lose our gear if we die in the nether.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
We at Caledonia RP wish to thank you Epic for consistently fixing the bugs we haven't had to do a world wipe yet and we have had a server up for bout 2 or 3 weeks now easily one of the best mod packs I have layed on keep up the good work Epic.
The_Mikey 7 years ago
Posted by The_Mikey 7 years ago
Glad to hear some positive feedback! Haha. If you have a public server, I can add it to the official server listing if you'd like.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
is it like possible to stop updating so much it takes so much time getting my controls rights etc
xNestle_ 7 years ago
The update was to fix bugs that made the game completely unplayable if you ever encountered a witch, so trust me, it is much better that I updated it than if you had run into a witch and had to stop playing the modpack. In the future, you can save a copy of your settings file from your .technic/craft-slash-rpg folder and just copy it back into there every time you update, which will keep your settings as they are now.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
A note on the witch crash, I found that changing the mode to peaceful before opening the world allows me to continue playing, so long as I don't fight another witch. Not that it matters so much now after the update.
Posted by OnlyZuul 7 years ago

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Sorry for the lack of updates guys! In a few months I will be finished college, and will have time for plenty of updates! Keep giving me feedback!