Install Craft & Slash RPG

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Craft & Slash RPG) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Craft & Slash RPG from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Craft & Slash RPG Version 2.0.1

created by TheEpicModPack on Minecraft 1.7.10
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I see that this pack has Mo' Creatures, and the config files for CustomMobSpawner are included in your pack, yes CMS doesn't seem to be present. Is that intentional?
mrnosuch 7 years ago
To that end, I've tried manipulating the spawn rates of the ambient mobs using every option I can find and NOTHING seems to affect ambient spawn rates. What mod is being used to control spawning? It isn't CMS, and MoCreatures configs don't affect spawning either.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Custom mob spawner unfortunately makes it so that most mod mobs besides mo-creatures ones simply never spawn, no matter how it is configured. If I had another way to control mob despawning I would, but atm is is not too bad (mostly hurts servers, but there are plugins to control mob despawning for large areas). That said, the spawn rates of a lot of mobs are configured via their respective mod configs, and can be tweaked as you like. I often make adjustments to these files to make the spawning balanced for the pack.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
I would suggest giving this a go
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
The experience I am having is that turning off ambient mobs, such as flies, fireflies, butterflies, maggots, snails, dragonflies via the MoCreatures config does not actually have an effect. setting these in /config/MoCreatures/MoCreatures.cfg to canspawn=false does not actually stop them from spawning. Something else must be overriding the MOC spawn settings. Do you know what that might be?
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
The problem with Bukkit plugins such as you suggest is that on our hosting server they do not appear to be persistent after reboot. So every single reboot they must be reinstalled.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
having the same problem turned off all the bugs and it still spawns , can i just remove the files or something so it doesent exist to spawn in the first place? so yes wath files?
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
MoCreatures is what is adding the ambient mobs. Removing MoCreatures may have a pretty profound effect on gameplay- I'm not sure what else might be affected by it, so it's probably a bad idea to remove it.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Ok, MobManager does stay active on our server, with our provider, after a server restart so I will research this plugin and try to figure out how to manage the ambient spawns. I'd still like to know why the MoCreatures configs are ignored...
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Hey, do you have any secret way of making MobManager actually work on MoCreatures entities? After setup if you try to /mm butcher MOCREATURES_BUTTERFLY it gives an error even though that's the way the entity is listed in the configs.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
The Mo'creatures config is dependant on custom mob spawner as far as I can recall. As far as managing mod mobs with Mob manager, make sure you are using the right entity class names for the plugin commands. I have put together a list of all entity class names for the modpack here: You will probably have to play around with how you word it until it works, as many plugins etc need it worded slightly differently (eg. a Clay Golem could be com.hoopawolf.mam.entity.EntityClayGolem, or hoopawolf.mam.entity.EntityClayGolem, or mam.entity.EntityClayGolem, or entity.EntityClayGolem, or EntityClayGolem, or just claygolem. Once you figure it out with one (just spawn one and keep trying the butcher command until it kills is) then you will know what to do for the rest. Let me know if this helps with the issue.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Thanks for doing that, I'll give it a go. By the way- CustomMobSpawner is not part of the server pack. I'm not sure if that's an oversight, but the jar for that mod is not included.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Ok, looking at your list dragonflies have two entries. I did as you suggested and tried different sections of the entity name, but none worked. If one does /mm count the results show 0 mobs.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
FML has found a non-mod file CodeChickenLib-1.7.10- in your mods directory. It will now be injected into your classpath. This could severe stability issues, it should be removed if possible. can i remove it?
TheSinEater 7 years ago
we will move server hosting soon , getting a better GPU ! On our mission erasing blocklagg
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Can you describe the block lag you are experiencing? I wonder if it is the same problem we're having with our private server.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
block lagg is block lagg? you break something and you have to wait 3 sec to pick it up
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Sounds like what we're fighting. Sometimes the ambient mobs spawn like crazy and that basically causes huge lag on the server. We had to use clearlag to kill all the mobs (then disable clearlag because it's crazy aggressive, but the ambient mobs slowly respawn. We're waiting for a response, above, on what spawn control mechanism is in use because CMS and Mo'Creatures configs do not appear to affect spawning. If ambient mobs can be disabled, and hostile mobs can be capped, that should help a lot.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
That is a dependency for another mod. If you remove it, it will be re-generated automatically on launch as far as I recall. As for your mob related lag issues, give this a shot, it is very flexible:
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
I think some of us have issues installing extra bukkit plugins, so we're trying to get an idea from you as to what mod is actually handling the spawning so we can just manipulate those configs. I don't have an issue trying the bukkit plugin, but a straightforward idea of what is handling the spawning would be very helpful.
Posted by hydrazine2501 7 years ago
Ok I ended up moving my home and deleting the chunk. It still crashes when I get near that town after being rebuilt. If it is just on my save I can avoid it the area, but here is the crash report if it helps:
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
a few modpack suggestion: - Cooking For Blockhead ( for easier manage cooking recipe - Level up ( ) for more player self advancement - Levels ( for weapons and armor leveling up system
kazuto123 7 years ago
These are some great suggestions, I'll be testing all of these!
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
every time my server is finished loading ,it comes up with this message and i don't know how to fix it.
Sparklez_FTW 7 years ago
Make sure you have the JDK not JRE version of java, and that it is the 64 bit one. I'd uninstall java completely, and then install the right version here:
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
that seems to have fixed my problem. thank you sir!
Posted by Sparklez_FTW 7 years ago
No prob, glad it helped!
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Spawning is sort of broken big time. We have 1500+ mobs around our base, and that's just nuts. It causes obscene amounts of lag on the client. Somehow the spawn caps are being utterly ignored.
mrnosuch 7 years ago
This seems to only happen randomly. I may be doing some work to fix this for the next update.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
If you do decide to ditch the corpses in the modpack I've played a mod thay adds gravestones, a dungeon, zombie/skeletal cats and dogs, and occasionally when a zombie or skelly is killed their head will attack you, I'll comment the link when I find it
InfernoPretzels 7 years ago
Posted by InfernoPretzels 7 years ago
That's a cool looking mod, definitely looking into this
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
How does one acquire Soulfire Charges to make Demonsteel Ingots? I can't find any info online about them....
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
In the Abyss dimension. In dungeons or traded for in abyssal citadels. Abyss portals are found in large black monolith structures.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
That's a scary, scary place.....
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
is there a server?
Tomeloge 7 years ago :D!
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Hey , on the server ppl have alot of problems that when they die their corpse dissapears , we think it would be better to add in Gravestones instead this is less laggy and cannot dissapear. if you can do this is would be awomse Owner of TheSinEater aka Staticflame
TheSinEater 7 years ago
adding to that , we do not have a plugin that removes the corpse . the only way to remove it is to do /butcher .
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
I agree it would be better without corpses because tombstone can be broken but the bodies cant so they just lay there forever.
Posted by TylerShy04 7 years ago
Use a shovel or mattock on the corpse 3 times and it will disappear.
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Shovel will remove the corpse by hitting it 3 times, and they will despawn naturally after 5 mins if they are empty. You can also just make them auto despawn even if they have loot in them after a time by changing the configs. I am looking into tombstones, however.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Got what seems like a basic crash. Don't know what triggers it, but I get kicked out on launch... for crash dump
Shagadilly 7 years ago
You may need to just delete that chunk file if there is nothing important there.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
I seem to have run across a recurring problem of a broken download, relating to for a mod. Is the site under maintenance?
maniakdude 7 years ago
Are you getting any specific error? The download is still working fine on my end.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
"failed to download" Is what keeps popping up every time that I try to download.
Posted by maniakdude 7 years ago
It could be an issue with your firewall settings. You'll have to look into the technic help forums etc. for help with those kinds of issues. The download is definitely working as usual atm.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
So there's an item that is crashing my game, I do not know if it is just my computer being able to handle it but I found the item in a chest in a skeleton base. I am unable to see the item because I crash instantaneously upon opening the chest, here's the crash report:
InfernoPretzels 7 years ago
This is generally a graphics card issue, update your drivers and see if that helps. The item is a loot bag from thaumcraft.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Thank you, I'll see what I can do on my computer, I love the modpack by the way, you're doing a great job ^-^
Posted by InfernoPretzels 7 years ago
Getting alot of errors that might be causing lagg ( ) also can i remove some of the worlds the modpack created ? /Lag command ( ppl on the server are very happy that its here! Owner of TheSinEater Aka staticflame
TheSinEater 7 years ago
Can't help you with that unfortunately, that is a plugin issue.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Feel free to remove any world files, that wont affect the mod pack.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
so wath are the worlds the modpack doesent use ?
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
The modpack doesn't come with any worlds saved. The only worlds you should have are ones you have creates.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
i know it doesent come with worlds but it creates a few cuz of the mods , do you know how many ? and witch one i can erase? also you can DUpe backpacks witht he camping mod 2 If you have the backpack Equipped in your I Inventory slot then you die you'll still have it in your inventory slot and It will be in your corpse , the items you had in the bad will also be in the new bag , we banned this item from our server until you maby find a way to fix this?
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
also from kit demon the leggings that have regen , they dont work , the regen timer gives 1second of regen but regen 1 needs more time than 1second to heal , could you fix that ?
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
I can't fix the regen issue, as that is handles by the mod entirely. I'll have to ban the backpack from the camping mod in the modpack, there's no way to fix that. Campfires also dupe food when using the cooking items from the mod, so that will be banned too.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
The modpack shouldn't be creating any world files, not sure what you mean.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Here is my crash report: Also is there any way to make the Tinkers Smeltery and/or Botania Thermalilys compatible with the Pure Lava from Lycanites Inferno Mobs or would that be considered too easy since it is renewable? It does cost 2 ghast tears to make an infinite source.
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
It looks like that chunk might just be corrupted. If it isn't an important chunk, you can just delete that chunk from your world file by using this: to find out which region file that chunk is and delete it from your world folder for your save. The chunk will re-generate anew after you delete it and travel there, which should fix the problem. I don't think there is any way to make those mods compatible, due to the way they handle the lava.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Well it is only one of those super rare Chocolate Quest towns.... Oh well. Thanks for the support!
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Is it on single player or a server? Also, which type of town was it?
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Yea single player. It is a Orc Village spawed right on the outskirts of a regular village. It's a really cool looking place. I assume it won't regenerate the same?
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
It turns out that it is the same chunk my base is in. Luckily I made a backup of the chunk file! It is 375 meters from the closest side of my base to the Orc Town. No problems at all running around and doing stuff in my base with a view distance of 16, but if I go towards that town, ctd real fast.
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
That;s pretty unusual. I;d say it's the fact that it spawned on an NPC village. ,It seems like there's some kind of storage block issue because of one overriding the other. I think you'll just have to stay away from it unless you want to lose our base. Another option that is more complicated is to use a plugin like worldedit by setting your world up as a server (or using the worldedit forge mod) and carefully selecting the whole area that is causing the issue while staying outside of it, and once you have selected that entire area, do //generate to re-generate just that area without affecting your base. This would take a few attempts to select the area without going so close that you crash, but should work to remove the village and stop the bug.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Yea I think I will just stay away from it for now. Thanks for your help! Btw where in the world do I get Soulfire Charges to make Demonsteel Ingots? And please don't say Orc Village xD
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
NEW SERVER IP: Join us again sorry for IPchange. we had to get rid off the port! we are 32GB now :D!
TheSinEater 7 years ago
Hi, so I got on your server but it won't let me do anything until I "Login / Register!" I've ran around trying to find out what it means by that.
Posted by InfernoPretzels 7 years ago
hi when you join the server it tells you to do /register [yourpassword] [yourpassword] if we can't get it fixed please join our discord , you can find the join link at i'll be happy to help you tommorow
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Yes thank you, it was easier than expected XD I feel dumb
Posted by InfernoPretzels 7 years ago
My friends are having this problem where they click "Play" but it only brings them back to the technic launcher while I'm doing just fine with the modpack. They say the modpack download was unusually fast but it was quite slow for me (a bit of a heavy modpack) and their internet speeds are slower than mine. I believe the modpack isn't downloading for them or something of that sort.
mrpaulcs 7 years ago
I'll need a crash report to know what happened. Get them to play with the console open via the launcher settings and copy what's in it after they crash, and post it to pastebin so I can check it out.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator Join TheSinEater's Server!!!!!
fielderdude 7 years ago
:P thank you for advertising , but we already have a post on here :D also we have our discord on the website for the server :
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago Join the modpack Discord!!!!!
fielderdude 7 years ago
Suggestion! : We own the server that will be an official one , and we are having quite some lagg problems sometimes , i think that if you add Gravestone's instead of Lootable bodys Severs would be alot more stable , also whith the big markets (emerald trading) , when you want to //generate (WE) it bugs out alot of it it spawns in 100000 x the mob that used to be there once. and really brings down the Tickrate of the server alot. i also saw this happen randomly. Some ppl on the server ask me alot how to dual wield . i know the button is R but wath i dont know if how do i get weapons in the slots ??? i hope you can help us :D! Thank you very much greetings -TheSInEater Aka Staticflame
TheSinEater 7 years ago
A solution if you are having trouble with bodies causing lag is to set a despawn time on them. You can make it so that after, say, 10 mins of not being looted they will disappear. I can't really do anything about what happens when you do //generate, as those kinds of problems are for the mod authors to fix. You can dual wield by pressing I, then clicking the button that says BG (as it sas in the guide book for the modpack in the controls section).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
thank you for your fast response! When will the next update be so we can expand our playerbase?
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Not sure yet. I need to make sure there is enough content to warrant an update before I put it out.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

Sorry for the lack of updates guys! In a few months I will be finished college, and will have time for plenty of updates! Keep giving me feedback!