Install Craft & Slash RPG

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Craft & Slash RPG) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Craft & Slash RPG from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Craft & Slash RPG Version 2.0.1

created by TheEpicModPack on Minecraft 1.7.10
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where do i change generator settings for a second world? like turn on Zelda dungeons and stuff?
TheSinEater 7 years ago
Hm, the zelda mod doesnt seem to have dimension settings, and generates based on biome types. I can't imagine why it isn't working in your other world, but it might just not be compatible with having multiple worlds like that (most mods are not designed to play nice with plugins in general).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Please stop with the updates.... Every time you update the modpack, the server most of us play on just get more and more issues.
Bobtheme 7 years ago
Most updates (like the last one) change very little and are just to remove bugs. We'll continue to update regularly as long as there are bugs that need to be removed.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
hey bob static here we are currently updating our server , Sorry for recent downtime there was some of that my fault picking a wrong host with to low specs should be fine now :P server only was bad for 24 hours . server now runs smooth with 8 players. we din't really test more . we might soon :D! but we should be just about fine!
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
@THEEPICMODPACK From what I've witnessed so far, is you adding and removing as few mods as well. Do you take the time to test these in your modpack and what kind of repercussions could occur to server owners? Your update has caused our server to be reset twice now because of corrupting from updating your modpack.
Posted by Bobtheme 7 years ago
he's right... server files corrupted.... all players have to restart :/
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
The mods removed were the levels mod and Level Up, both of which do not corrupt world saves. The bugs removed, however, do corrupt world saves. Mods are tested before being added, however it is impossible for me to test the thousands of situations that could potentially cause an issue, but thousands of players can test that once it goes live. Most mods have no (or easily fixable) issues, but every now and then one will cause a problem that warrants its removal. The options in this case were to either update the modpack now, and cause people to maybe have to set their controls again, or not update it, and have potentially everybody lose their worlds due to common bugs, or duplicate infinite ores, or become easily invincible due to various exploits that are now gone. If your world was corrupted by the update, I would be interested to see a crash report, as that definitely shouldn't happen when removing mods that add 2 items to the game, and no blocks or entities. I may be able to sort out your issue if you post a crash report, or put a copy of your world on dropbox etc. If it is corrupted, generally finding the offending chunk and simply removing it will fix it 99% of the time.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
i try to log in but it tells me that i have mod rejections
littledm1 7 years ago
Are you logging into a server or a world? If it says there are missing blocks, just press continue (a few mods were removed, but it will not affect gameplay).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Bug fix patch is live, see the changelog for details.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
The witch crash source has been fixed, and the levels and level up! mods are being removed from the pack. Either remove those mods yourself if you don't want to update, or update the pack once I can put up a new download. This will fix worlds that were broken by this crash.
TheEpicModPack 7 years ago
"The next update is a massive town with full market/economy. Over 100 items to buy and sell so far, and I am just getting started! Expect many gear upgrades for existing mod gear also... but at a price!" You should correct the bugs first... I mean the pack isn't really working fine, server is crashing often, lot of recipes are nonsens, a lot of mobs are unkillable or have bugs... there are many things to improve before adding new content.
roulioz 7 years ago
Bug fixing doesn't really work like that, unfortunately. Whether I can fix a bug or not comes down to either having enough information about it from the community to identify the source, or being able to somehow replicate it myself so that I can understand the cause. As more crash reports and descriptions come in, I can fix more bugs, but some bugs will take longer to fix as more info is needed. Bug fixing isn't something I can just sit down and do for hours and fix all the bugs, so I work on content updates while also fixing the bugs that I can. The next update (and every update) will come with many new bug fixes, and so far we have fixed an incredible number of problems with the mod pack along with every content update. So, tl;dr: you can expect both bug fixes and updates to come, as they do not take any time away from eachother : )
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
This is true alot of the time when a new player joines the server the server crashes i finally found a good hosting and TPS should go fine now. only the bugfixes :/ i think it has something to do with taumcraft! also i think none of the Thaumcraft Biomes are spawning in my server? players are complaining , do you know how to fix that? and make biomes spawn? if i make a second world Villages wont spawn and alot of dungeons wont be there , do you know a way to get the Villages and Biomes spawning ? Millionaire villages and dungeons. test making a second world with Multiverse you will see wath i mean all zelda content is gone + millionaire. it sucks! cuz i made an adventure and build world , the adventure world will reset so players have enhouf content , but at the build world i want millionaire villages and zelda content :/ but its not there? pls help :/
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
By default, servers done use the biomes o plenty worldgen (though its biomes are still there). To fix this, change "level-type" in your server config file to "BIOMESOP" and that should have your world generate properly, and youll see more thuamcraft biomes I'm sure. As far as millenaire and zelda mods go, the issue is likely that your additional world has a different dimension ID. Millenaire and zelda by default only spawn in the main dimension, so you can go into their configs and they should both have a place to add additional dimension IDs they are allowed to spawn in. This should fix your problem as long as you know which dimension your building world is.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
As far as a crash when a new player joins, that could be a plugin issue as I have never experienced that problem in my own testing. A specific crash report would help.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
i have been trying to get a crash report but i tried 3 times and everytime you said theres no details in it :/
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
So there is this one food recipe I found. It's kinda OP. Just take one Cooked Silex, add one Potato, and presto! Lapis Fish And Chips! It literally makes you invincible by giving Instant Health III for a whole minute. I really think this needs to be fixed since Silex are everywhere and potatoes grow in every town. The description says it is supposed to make you swim fast? I'm done abusing it since I got Odin's Ring now ;)
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Thanks for the heads up, I'll take a look at it.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
It's from Pam's Harvest Craft.
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
I think it may be a case of mixed potion ID's or something similar, as it seems it's suppose to improve swim speed, but applies the Heal effect, not Regeneration, but instant health for 10 seconds. Perhaps instead of changing the recipe you can sort out if it's an ID issue?
Posted by OnlyZuul 7 years ago
Oh, and it's a Lycanites item, not Pam's Harvestcraft.
Posted by OnlyZuul 7 years ago
I, too, have the same problem. Every time I fight witches, I crash. A fix would be much appreciated.
kronos07 7 years ago
I'll prob be removing them if I cannot directly fix the bug for the next update
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Bug is fixed, see the main update posts
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
I occashionally get crashes while fighting mobs, just crashed again while fighting a witch. Not sure what's causing it, but it's annoying.
OnlyZuul 7 years ago
Bug is fixed, see the main update post
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
I keep getting a crash every time I fight Gaia Guardian II. He spawns a bunch of witches, some of them are impossible to hit, and some throw potions which i guess are modded because they cause a crash. Then I keep crashing on load until I eventually die .
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Bug is fixed, see the main update post
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Awesome job! Kudos!
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
May I suggest Recipes Plus to make podzol craftable for Botania Mystical Flower farming and Thaumic Exploration to help automate some Botania and Thaumcraft stuff with Everfilling and Everburning Urns for the big update? Great job on this pack btw! I'm so engrossed in Botania that I can't step out to explore more atm lol. Botania is really fun.
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
There are problems with a few items from thaumic exploration conflicting with other mods, unfortunately. I can add recipes of any sort without needing any mods, so I may make podzol craftable in the next update (or buyable, since the next update is adding a big market and economic system).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Cool! Podzol in Recipes Plus is cocoa beans on dirt, which I thought was cool since it made me set up a cocoa bean farm to make podzol. The other cool thing in in it is the ability to create vanilla spawn eggs. So in theory you could get 2 Gast Tears, make a spawn gast, spawn in the overworld, nametag it, then it would shed Gast Tears over time thanks to Botania. Any way to autofill stuff with water and lava would be greatly appreciated, which is why i thought thaumic exploration. That manual bucketing from inf water source to petal apothecary is lame, and it feels cheaty to config Agricraft Watertank to take flowing water sources then put inf source on top, but it's the only way since rain takes forever and runs out quick. At least with a Everflowing Urn (or something similar) it is something you have to work for. Anyways, great work and awesome feedback!
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Hey i really like this mod pack but if anyone has a list of all effects of enchants from the EnchantPlus mod i would really appreciate it ( sorry for bad english)
xNestle_ 7 years ago
This has already been Requested. he is taking it into consideration.
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Here is the bulk of enchantment info I've found. Pay attention to what item the enchantment is for. For example, the More Swords enchants are just for weapons, and are likely useless on armor, though Enchanting plus allows you to put them on armor. (under sword info)
Posted by OnlyZuul 7 years ago
Is the mod pack for Witchery limited in some way? The recipe for a broom does not seem to work. I was wondering if I'm missing something.
zb21hay 7 years ago
I noticed the same thing with Tinkers stuff... namely the paper and cactus tool parts don't seem to work or have a recipe in NEI.
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
broom is intentionally removed. Flying methods are limited in the modpack (though some still work, such as wyvern pets).
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
The Flügel Tiara will do the trick for you. It is mid game Botania. You have to kill Gaia Guardian I to make it. Plz don't remove ;)
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago server crashes randomly idk why? i think its mod based?
TheSinEater 7 years ago
There's no crash info in there
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
New crash report :
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
None of these are crash reports. I need something that looks like this (from your crash reports folder): ---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Uh... Did I do that? Time: 12/04/17 9:51 PM Description: Exception in server tick loop cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: paulscode/sound/SoundSystemException at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.transition( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( at cpw.mods.fml.server.FMLServerHandler.beginServerLoading( at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onServerStart( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( at at Source) Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: paulscode/sound/SoundSystemException at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method) at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source) at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLModContainer.constructMod( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.sendEventToModContainer( at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.propogateStateMessage( at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source) at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source) at at at at at at cpw.mods.fml.common.LoadController.distributeStateMessage( at cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader.loadMods( ... 5 more Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: paulscode.sound.SoundSystemException at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.LaunchClassLoader.findClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) ... 29 more Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
these are server crashes.
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Lootable bodies 1.3.7 isnt in the tecnic launcher version. i added it and now it runs fine. figured i would let you know
iGitzBlumpkinz 7 years ago
ehm it has been replaced :P
Posted by TheSinEater 7 years ago
Lootable bodies is no longer in this modpack. Inventory is now kept on death
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Always the same crashes while fighting monsters : and I removed the levels mod :-)
roulioz 7 years ago
Seems the levels mod may have to come out of the pack if it is causing these sorts of issues. It doesn't add much anyhow
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
There is still a problem with regen, crimson knight are nearly invincible. Is there a way to remove all regeneration effect on mobs or lower the regeneration effect?
roulioz 7 years ago
Unable to craft any swords from ObsTrophies Mod!
roulioz 7 years ago
They are all uncraftable due to haveing very unbalanced damage values compared to the rest of the modpack.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Just found a "Crystalline Blade 7158" from more swords 3 that have no display.
roulioz 7 years ago
So I died in the Abyss, respawned with all my stuff, went back, died again and respawned with nothing..... Went back in creative and broke the gravestone (while in creative) and got nothing back. Whole set of terrasteel armor, fully leveled tinkers tools, etc... Is it all lost for good?
TheBagGuy 7 years ago
Never break a tomb in creative if you want items to spawn correctly. It's much better to play with "gamerule keepInventory true" to avoid that kind of problems. If you have creative mode then you can just get back your stuff by clicking into NEI interface and use /xp to give you back enchanting power.
Posted by roulioz 7 years ago
I figured out that windows made a backup of the world 5 days ago (first backup of anything it ever made i think) so I restored previous version of the folder after making a copy of the save, went to open lan mode, enabled cheats, saved my inventory from the old save in NEI, and loaded it in the new save. I was mostly worried about the wyvern and leveled tinkers stuff that couldn't be spawned back in. I figured I messed up bad breaking it in creative mode. Thanks for response! It is a scary bug tho, since inventory is supposed to be kept and was except for that one time....
Posted by TheBagGuy 7 years ago
That's a pretty bad bug. I'll have to see if this is a regular issue, I may remove the gravestone mod altogether if this can happen.
Posted by TheEpicModPack 7 years ago | Modpack Creator

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Sorry for the lack of updates guys! In a few months I will be finished college, and will have time for plenty of updates! Keep giving me feedback!