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Hey also just wanted to message and say craft and slash is awesome coming back as a adult looked forward to playing this mod if you ever get a chance to get it up would be amazing
Sparten2168 on TheEpicModPack's profile 3 months ago
The craft and slash modpack sadly doesn't work anymore. I really enjoyed it, and it had potential for future projects like companions, and guilds. i know you are busy with music and art I hope it is able to be fixed
Memed711 on TheEpicModPack's profile 4 months ago
To all those asking about TerrorCraft:
spacechalK on TheEpicModPack's profile 3 years ago
I used to play Terrorcraft many years ago and I found it to be my top favorite modpack created. Still do actually, along with many other people as I can see in the comments. (1)
TovWolf on TheEpicModPack's profile 3 years ago
Has there been anymore talk About Terrorcrafts return? It’s been so long since I’ve been able to fight the horrors in the library
Fuzzygrim14 on TheEpicModPack's profile 4 years ago
i need some assistance with the craft and slash pack is there anyway we could chat not on here?
sbminer123 on TheEpicModPack's profile 4 years ago
I believe they might've gotten a warning from multiple developers for using sounds or pieces of OST of Triple A titles (Silent Hill specifically), even if they mixed it with other things. May Terrorcraft rest in peace.
SwitchedAccounts on TheEpicModPack's profile 5 years ago
I haven't played this in years. Will the Terrorcraft server ever be back up? I know college can be a lot of work so i'm sorry if it can't.
nickpent on TheEpicModPack's profile 5 years ago
hey. People want TerrorCraft back. How much to keep it up and running?
DJCr33p3rk1ll3r on TheEpicModPack's profile 5 years ago
Hey, what's going on with terrorcraft? Will it ever be working again?
Hey, what's going on with terrorcraft? Will it ever be working again?
It's very disheartening, hopefully someone else can make another horror filled server however!
SwitchedAccounts on TheEpicModPack's profile 7 years ago
But if I'm wrong, I could advertise the server to multiple minecraft gamers. If he would be interested in that. But I have a feeling his mind is made up. He even deleted the source pack.
SwitchedAccounts on TheEpicModPack's profile 7 years ago
I doubt it, Blocky and Raging. He sadly made a new but rather overused server and is working on that, not the unique server he had going on.
SwitchedAccounts on TheEpicModPack's profile 7 years ago
Hey Chris was wondering what was going on with TerrorCraft. I honestly loved that modpack and the server. Would it be possible to relaunch the server?
RagingRevenge on TheEpicModPack's profile 7 years ago
Hey Chris was wondering what was going on with TerrorCraft. I honestly loved that modpack and the server. Would it be possible to relaunch the server?
RagingRevenge on TheEpicModPack's profile 7 years ago
Hey Chris was wondering what was going on with TerrorCraft. I honestly loved that modpack and the server. Would it be possible to relaunch the server?
RagingRevenge on TheEpicModPack's profile 7 years ago
Any plans to put terrorcraft back online? :3
BlockyBBosa on TheEpicModPack's profile 7 years ago
I'm not dead! The new update is going well, and I am working steadily on it until it is finished. No ETA really, but I think in the next week or two is realistic.