Install The 1.7.10 Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The 1.7.10 Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The 1.7.10 Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The 1.7.10 Pack Version 0.10.14

created by xJon on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder


Version 0.10.14


Once again, a small maintenance update.

• Included default configs for the Additional Pipes mod, to workaround the issue with connecting to a server right after updating/installing.
• Added Thaumcraft 4 Tweaks, TCNEIAdditions, and TCBotaniaExoflame, all to improve the Thaumic experience.
• Removed the OpenEye mod, as it caused significant additional loading time on some machines.
• Updated 5 mods to their latest versions.
• Minor configuration changes, mainly to configure the new Thaumcraft 4 Tweaks mod, and to resolve a few potion ID conflicts.

Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.13


The clay update!

• Re-added clay & other water block generation (thanks to updating BugTorch).
• Added Better Invalid Session (for clearer error messages).
• Updated in total 6 mods to their latest versions.

That's it! Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.12


New maintenance update! Did you see it coming?

• Updated SerializationIsBad, resolving a crash on launch.
• Added and configured Neodymium, a client rendering mod that improves performance by 10 to 20%!
• Updated 17 mods to their latest versions (this includes a fix to the notorious resetting Thermal Expansion machines bug!), and updated the MAtmos resource pack, which is now set to be enabled by default.
• These updates include a massive update to Flan's Mod - changing to Flan's Mod Ultimate Stability Edition. This has countless improvements and fixes, making the mod much more refined! This also includes a fix to the long world loading times, reducing the time from ~55 seconds to ~5 seconds.
• Minor configuration changes, including reconfiguring Mekanism which also got a big update.

The update is now available as the Latest version in the launcher, and should soon be available to everyone else using Recommended version.
Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.11


A security patch (plus a few extra changes), please update!

• Added SerializationIsBad, which patches a serious security vulnerability that is found in a few mods.
• Added Sonomagy, a resource pack that enhances Thaumcraft's sounds.
• Updated 11 mods to their latest versions.
• Fixed Blood Magic's config files.

Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.10


Small maintenance update!

• Replaced SpongeMixins with UniMixins, which is designed for better mod intercompatibility.
• Updated 14 mods to their latest versions.
• Removed MixingASM & backport5160 as they are now superseded by UniMixins & CoreTweaks respectively.
• Disabled achievements from MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod by default (new feature of BugTorch).

Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.9


Hotfix update! Please update.

• Updated FoamFix & CoreTweaks for an important security mitigation.
• Also updated 2 other mods to their latest versions.

Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.8


Polished extended support!

• Updated 9 mods in total to their latest versions, this includes a fix to the beacon crash.
• Minor configuration improvements.

Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.7


Extended support update!
A lot of new additions and improvements.

• Added CoreTweaks and ArchaicFix, both very useful mods that fix up and enhance the 1.7.10 modded Minecraft experience in many, many ways. A notable addition is that crashes would (usually) take you back to the main menu, so you don't have to reload the entire game! Big thanks to makamys and embeddedt who created these awesome mods.
• Added Electro-Magic Tools (IC2-TC4 addon), Additional Pipes for Buildcraft, Iron Tanks, AnimFix (prevents stuttering from animated textures), Mouse Tweaks, SpatialIO Compat, backport5160, biggerpacketsplz, ASMFixes, MixingASM, FalsePatternLib, and ReAuth (instead of OAuth). You can read more about all these new additions in the Mods tab.
• Updated 9 mods to their latest versions - some of these updates include very useful improvements!
• Minor configuration changes, mainly for the newly added mods.

The update is now available under Latest in the launcher and hopefully soon will be available to everyone under Recommended.
Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.6


Hotfix update!

• Updated Jon's Exclusives to work with latest Technic API.
• Included the latest version of CodeChickenLib by default.

The update should soon get pushed to everyone playing on the Recommended branch!
Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.5


New update, yay! Just a few last changes I wanted to apply to this project.

• Added Open Modular Turrets (finally!), Advanced Solar Panels, StatuesMod Fix & Ascribe (fixes player knockback direction).
• Updated 9 mods to their latest versions, including new mod forks for ExtraCells, Mekanism & ThaumicHorizons (golemancer's bell finally fixed)!

The update is now released to the Latest branch, and hopefully soon will be pushed to the Recommended branch if everything is fine.
Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.4


Hotfix update! Yes, you can thank the trendy Log4j exploit for this one.

• Updated 7 mods to their latest versions, including an important update to FoamFix which features a mitigation for the Log4j formatting exploit.
• Replaced ReAuth with the OAuth mod for support of relogging in-game with a Microsoft account.

This should be pushed to the Recommended very soon! Enjoy playing :)

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Version 0.10.3


New update to The 1.7.10 Pack! It's not a dream! This is in order to address a couple of reported issues over the issue tracker.

• Added the Portal Gun mod's sounds to be included with the modpack, as their auto-download was no longer working.
• Added SignPicture, a client-side mod to be a 1.7.10 equivalent of the Extra Utilities Screens in 1.12.2!
• Updated 7 mods, including a custom version of Fairy Lights with an incompatibility fix which caused some reported crashes.

That's it! If all is well this should be pushed to the Recommended branch shortly. Enjoy :)

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Version 0.10.2


Another hotfix update! This time fixing an issue with NEI and Factorization causing the game to crash.

• Updated NotEnoughItems to v2.1.2-GTNH.
• Removed TipTheScales due to

This update will be pushed to Recommended very soon, Enjoy!

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Version 0.10.1


Hotfix update! This is released specifically to address some issues for servers using plugins.

• Reverted Witchery changes due to issues.
• Removed AppleCore from server-side.
• Minor config changes, specifically to disable a few modules in the BugTorch mod on servers.

This update will be pushed to Recommended, so you can finally enjoy 0.10! Enjoy!

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Version 0.10.0


Yes this is happening! The year-7 update! With so many players still very much enjoying the classic 1.7 modded Minecraft era, we have worked on a new major update focused on "quality of life", with over 20 new mods. Make sure to keep reading if you want to be in on everything that's changing over this new update.

• Added over 20 new mods, mostly focused around QoL & minor fixes, but also some feature ones: Added Cooking for Blockheads (for easy cooking), Fairy Lights (for beautiful decorations), Nature's Compass (for finding the most beautiful biomes), Zetta Industries (for Quarry users & tech players), ASMC (for backporting modern Minecraft sounds), Flat Signs (for editing signs and more), AppleCore (for viewing food saturation), FoamFix (for game optimizations & fixes), BeeBetterAtBees (for NEI help with bees), True Invisibility (so invisibility is actually useful), Better Ping Display (for viewing your ping in-game), Login Shield (for protecting loading players), NetherPortalFix (for preventing portal desync issues), ReAuth (for relogging in-game), SetNow (for setting your spawn without sleeping), TipTheScales (for custom GUI scale settings), WitcheryPatch (Witchery mod fixes), BugTorch (general fixes), Hodgepodge (general fixes), Careful Cast Corrector (world gen fixes), VillagerMetaFix (villager trade fixes), SpongeMixins (library mod).
• The Fairy Lights mod which was added does not have NEI support in 1.7.10 so in order to learn the crafting recipes please refer to the mod page over
• Updated 9 mods to their latest versions, including changing NEI to the unofficial GTNH release with modern features such as bookmarks and speed, and changing Witchery for a new branch with recent fixes.
• We also changed the MAtmos release to the new branch by makamys. This means the mod is now fully working, and we also included the updated classic sounds resource pack. To enable it make sure your MAtmos resource pack is loaded and press F8! You can also find different sound resource packs you can use through the mod page over at
• Minor configuration changes, mostly related to the new mods added.
• You can find a detailed list of file changes for this update over

The update is currently released to the Latest branch and hopefully soon will be pushed to the Recommended branch if everything works fine. Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.9.8d


The 1.7.10 Pack version As mentioned in the previous changelog, we'd like to make sure the pack is left in a complete state before moving on. Thank you everyone for your contentious support!

- Updated 6 mods to their latest versions.
- Changed some of the modpack's configuration files and settings.
This update includes some important fixes so updating is very recommended!
Currently set to "Latest" and hopefully will get pushed to "Recommended" soon.
Thanks again to everyone who have been supporting this project for the last 5 year!

Enjoy :)

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Version 0.9.8c


Yes, another update - this project is still alive and kicking! Now with over 1 million downloads, we want to make sure the modpack is left with all of the mods updated, and issues fixed, before moving on. I would also like to mention & thank the donors of the modpack that help keeping this project going, while getting awesome donor capes doing so. And now to the changelog:

- Added UniDict, for better management of different mods' ores & ingots. This should not affect your gameplay much, but if you are stuck with multiple mods' ingots from the same type, it will be much simpler now to combine them, and also avoid this from happening in the future.
- Updated 8 mods to their latest versions.
- These mod updates also include MAtmos that now comes with a different, more lightweight resource (sound) pack, instead of Rhapsodia, which is removed and not included by default. MAtmos is still disabled by default, but if you like cool dynamic sounds, I will recommend you to try it out from the LiteMods button in the main menu. If you do, you should also try out different and bigger resource packs with it, my recommendations are MSI and Rhapsodia. Downloads to them can be found at:
- Minor configuration changes, that include fixes to a couple of HQM quests - with emphasis on the Alien quest.
Currently the update is set to the "Latest" branch, and hopefully will be pushed to "Recommended" soon, with no trouble. This might be the last update to the modpack, specifically if there are no more mod updates or issues to fix. Thanks again for everyone who have been supporting this project for the last 5 years. Your help is very appreciated and you deserve your credit. Also thank you for everyone who have bothered and opened an issue, reported your problems and gave me information to fix it, there are almost 2000 closed reported issues now, and that is thanks to you.

And as always, if you want the fully detailed changelog of the file changes in the pack, you can find it here:
Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.9.8b


The 936K update is here guys, finally! Tell your friends and family! This version will be called v0.9.8b. The modpack's version number reaching v1.0.0 could be compared to entering a black hole - the time it would take to enter it stretches and strives to infinity as space-time bends under the gravity (or stubbornness), so you'll probably get too old and die before it happens.

- A couple of weeks ago we asked you in a poll in Discord about the MFFS mod, and 66% of you agreed that we should do it, so we removed MFFS (and VoltzEngine) as it was too buggy to use for most users. Remember that if you really want to use it you can still add it back manually.
- Added SmoothFont for better text rendering, Controlling for better controls menu, LumySkinPatch for skins not working for some mods, Guide-API for Blood Magic enthusiasts, and Born in a Barn to fix a vanilla bug.
- Updated 8 mods to their latest (functioning) versions.
- Some configuration changes, including HQM quest fixes, MPS recipe fixes, and more.
Currently set to "Latest" and hopefully will be pushed to "Recommended" soon. I'd like to thank again everyone who's ever supported the modpack through purchasing donor capes and every other way. It really does help with motivation of working on this project for all these years. Hopefully this update will work well and not require any future ones; whether there will be any more mod updates or future changes to the pack is yet to be known.

And as always, if you want the fully detailed changelog of the file changes in the pack, you can find it here:

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Version 0.9.8


The 700K update! Yes! We're releasing an update every 100K downloads now as a policy - so you better tell your friends.
Actually, this will probably be the last major update to the pack, although more minor updates can be expected if there are any new bugs.
A few weeks ago we asked you whether you want new mod additions to the pack, in this (probably) last opportunity for a major modpack update - and we've got your answers! So here it is - the changelog! (also there's no quote of the day today because today is not today).

- By your request in the poll from Discord: Added Modular Force Field Systems (and the VoltzEngine library mod) and Thaumic Horizons! Additionally, we've added Default Options for the new modpack players here to get better default graphic settings, Ding because loading takes time, and MAtmos (with the Rhapsodia expansion) to make things interesting - although it's disabled by default as it takes more RAM; if you're interesting in trying the new upgraded sound system, enable the MAtmos mod through the LiteLoader menu and then choose the Rhapsodia resource pack.
- Updated 25 mods. We are too shocked that some mods still update for 1.7.10, although this isn't expected to continue.
- Some configuration changes, changed the server LaunchServer.bat file to work better, and more.
Currently set to the "Latest" branch, and should be pushed to "Recommended" hopefully soon. Thank you so much for the support through donations and even just through DMs in Discord, it really helps with the motivation keeping this project up for over 3 years now. If we're lucky with no major bugs, this will be the last update of the modpack probably. But we're still in Discord!

If you want the fully detailed changelog of this version, it can be found in this link:
Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.9.7


The 600K downloads update, with a slight delay - but it's here! Yes, it is here. It's not a dream. (right?)
Well, I guess there's no quote of the day today too, because we're unsure whether we're stuck in a dream or not.

- By your request in the poll from Discord: Added AE2Stuff and Extra Planets! (and also two library mods to be in the pack by default).
- Updated all the mods in the pack to their latest versions (21 mods). All of the mods in the modpack are up to date.
- Added a new quest for ExtraPlanets (!), and applied minor changes to others.
- Minor configuration changes, to avoid some conflicts, and to modify ExtraPlanets.
Currently set to the "Recommended" branch, and also might be the final update for the pack, unless any issues or major mod updates arise. Don't be sad though! We might still decide in the future to make further changes, if there's a big request for them. But yes, after almost three years now, 1.7.10 is starting to get old. It's been a good ride though.

If you want the fully detailed changelog of this version, it can be found in this link:
And as always, enjoy! :)

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Version 0.9.6


A new small update! Yey!
No quote of the day today, because today is not a day.

- Updated 12 mods to their latest version, all of the mods in the modpack are up to date.
Currently set to the "Latest" branch, hopefully will be set as "Recommended" very soon!

And, as always, if you want the fully detailed changelog of this version it can be found in this link:
Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.9.5


Another small update! Yes, mods do still update for 1.7.10 and we want to stay up to date. As for today's quote: "'You suck' - Every pissed off person, ever", by Khionu; How lovely!

- Updated 14 mods to their latest version, all of the mods in the modpack are up to date.
- Minor configuration changes, minor quest changes.
Currently set to the "Latest" branch, hopefully will be set as "Recommended" soon!

Also as always if you want the fully detailed changelog of this version, it can be found in this link:

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Version 0.9.4


A new small update! Yes, these still happen! And as for today's quote of the day: "'If you're going through hell, keep going.' -- Winston Churchill", by Lord Ptolemy; How great!

- Added the Compacter mod, per request, very useful for making compressed items and such.
- Updated 13 mods to their latest versions, all of the mods in the modpack are up to date. Also note that a new version of Jon's Exclusives is also in servers now, so players can get their in-game messages there too.
- Some minor configuration changes.
Currently set to the "Recommended" branch.

And, as always, if you're interested the fully detailed changelog of this version, it can be found in this link:

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Version 0.9.3


The 400K update, with a small delay! Yey! Many new and cool things! As for today's quote of the day: "Be a rebel. Be a pirate.", by Ptolemy; How lovely!

- Added Jon's Exclusives, a custom modpack utility (open source) mod made by me - The mod introduces two main features: In-game chat messages for special occasions, like 400K modpack downloads; and in-game capes for donors that support the pack's development! using, donating over $10 will automatically give you an in-game donor cape, with a special design! Also, for all of my past supporters that donated, be sure to privately contact me through Discord with a donation proof and you'll get a cape too - no matter how much you donated.
- Replaced Magical Crops v3 with v4, per your guys' request! This means all things from Magical Crops will disappear from old worlds, and that the Magical Crops quests may reset, but now the mod is updated with cool new crops, and tools.
- Updated all the mods in the pack to their latest versions. All of the mods in the modpack are up to date.
- Some configuration changes, due to the change of mods (also disabled annoying laggy Mekanism tanks!)
- Also changed a bit the modpack's designs, bonus candy for whoever notices!
Currently set to the "Recommended" branch.

Also as always if you want the fully detailed changelog of this build, it can be found in this link:

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Version 0.9.2


Yes, it's that day of the month - a new update!

- Added Crash Log Additions, to get more information when you post your crash logs at the GitHub repository.
- Updated all the mods in the modpack to their latest versions. All the mods in the modpack are up to date.
Currently set to the "Latest" branch and hopefully we can set it to "Recommended" later this week.

Enjoy, and as always if you want the fully detailed changelog of the build, it can be found there:

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Version 0.9.1


A little bit more stabilization for the 0.9.x branch, plus - surprises!

- Added a new recommended server by default in the server-list, located in Europe.
- Added DefenseTech (!), ChatBubbles, and It's The Little Things.
- Updated all the mods in the modpack to their latest versions. All the mods in the modpack are up to date and thus a lot of bugs are now fixed (more details can be found on the GitHub repository through this link:
- Added new quests (!), and changed some configurations for balance purposes.
Currently set to the "Recommended" branch and we hope it can stay like that.

And as always if you want the fully detailed changelog of this build, it can be found in this link:

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Version 0.9.0


So - finally an update! A lot of changes, and additions. As for today's quote of the day: "Don't make Avocado fries", by sunshinehunter; such a smart guy! I wonder who taught him that lesson.

- Due to the request, added Portal Gun and Thaumic Energistics! Also an additional quest was added.
- Removed YAMPST, that has been officially discontinued.
- Updated a lot of mods (35). All of the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Changed some quests and fixed few minor issues with the configuration files.
As this version has a lot of changes, it's currently set to "Latest". Be sure to report if you encounter any issue so we can push this version to "Recommended" as soon as possible!

Also, as always, if any of you are interested in a fully detailed changelog, it can be seen through this link:

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Version 0.8.5


And for today's quote of the day: "Can I help you?" by Curunir; Congratulations!
- Updated 20 mods to their latest versions, all the mods in the modpack are up to date. Note that one of the updated mods is FastCraft, so there might be a slight performance increase.
Nothing more than that, just a small yet required update. Currently set to latest. Be sure to report if you encounter any issue.
Also, (again), if you want the full detailed changelog (with mod versions, etc) you should use Isigiel's Changelogger -
(And as always..) Enjoy!

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Version 0.8.4af


(0.8.4 - Attempt Fix)
Due to a report about a small client-side issue, I've made a fix-mod myself. It's added to the modpack and everything should work okay.
The update is of course very recommended and is *client-only*: just update your clients. This update is fully compatible v0.8.4 servers.

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Version 0.8.4


Unicorns and elves!
- Added Binnie's Mods (using the new patcher mod) and qCraft (this is going to be interesting!)
- Updated 32 mods to their latest versions, all the mods in the modpack are up to date.
- Tweaked and fixed some things in the HQM quests. Also, added the GravisuitePatcher that should fix *all* issues regarding the Gravisuite mod. Key bindings and item names, everything is working good!
- Disabled the DireSlime spawn and some other minor configuration changes.
And as always, be sure to report all issues you encounter in the GitHub repo!

...Also, for people who want a bit more detailed changelog, you can use isigiel's Changelogger. Go to this link:, and enter the modpack's API ( Then, select the modpack's builds you want to see the changes between (Available from build v0.7.1 of the modpack). This will tell you *exactly* which mods were updated or added and with what versions.


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Version 0.8.3


New update! Be sure to tell your friends and family.
- Added the Bookshelf core mod, due to the update of EnchantingPlus to beta 4.0. Be sure to check it out!
- Updated Forge to its latest version (.1614) and 51 other mods to their latest versions. All of the mods in the modpack are up to date.
- A lot of fixes with the mod updates. Some of them can be found in the modpack's repository, others can be found in the mod's changelogs.
- Minor configuration changes.
Currently set to "Latest". Be sure to report any issue you encounter in GitHub so we can make this build recommended.
Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.8.2


FINALLY! Yes! We waited for so long.. Finally a new Star Wars movie!
- Removed Binnie's Mods, to support the new Forestry 4 and all its add-ons. We can just hope Binnie's Mods will update soon and we'll be able to re-add it.
- Updated Forge (.1558) and all the other mods (45) to their latest versions, all of the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Minor changes to configs.
Currently set to the "Latest" branch, due to the removal of Binnie's Mods and the massive mod updates. Be sure to report any issue you encounter in the GitHub repository.

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Version 0.8.1


It's this day of the month again...
- Removed QMX's Modular Power Suits and MPS-Addons, and replaced them with the original branch. This will fix a lot of issues. If your armor disappeared feel no shame with cheating it back in!
- Updated Forge (v1517) and all the other mods (41) to their latest versions, all of the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Minor fixes to the quests, and typos
Currently in the "Latest" branch, be sure to report any issue in the GitHub repo so we could push this one to "Recommended" too.

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Version 0.8.0


The quest update is finally here! Yey!
- New quests, new steps to current quests, new changes and new rewards (can be obtained through reward bags).
- Added EnderCore and removed ttCore (replacement).
- Updated all the mods in the modpack (38) to their latest versions. All the mods are up to date.
- Changed a lot of configs (disabled broken modules of MPS, disabled new ore-gen by ProjectRed, and much much more).
Currently set to "latest" - be sure to report any issue in the GitHub repo.
And as always, enjoy!

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Version 0.7.9f


The 'F' hotfix!
- Removed VoxelPlayer & Render Decorator from client side (fixes several player rendering issues)
- Added PlayerAPI (Fixes the Extra Utilities portals issue)
- Updated few mods, all the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Minor configuration changes.
Hopefully the last hotfix in the 0.7.9 branch. Pushed to recommended.

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Version 0.7.9e


Can we make it to z?
- Updated Forge to its latest version (1492) and 23 mods to their latest versions, all the mods are up to date. Some of the updates lnclude fixes to bugs reported (Mekanism's Digital Miner and Advanced Machines' blocks broken).
- Minor configuration changes.
If you need any support, be sure to go to the "HELP" section.
Pushed to recommended.

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Version 0.7.9d


So, BloodMagic had some problems that required another hotfix.
- Updated 5 mods including BloodMagic, that fixed crashes while spawning demons and elementals. Also the other mods fixed some minor issues.
A really small update, pushed to recommended.

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Version 0.7.9c


- Updated 9 mods to their latest versions. The updates include fixes to bugs reported (Can't interact with IC2 machines).
Hopefully the last update of 0.7.9, going to push it to recommended soon.
Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.7.9b


A small update was required to push 0.7.9 to recommended :)
- Updated 16 mods to their latest versions, all the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Minor configuration changes.
If you have any problem, be sure to report it!
Enjoy :)

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Version 0.7.9a


Due to the recent updates of the Technic Launcher, we needed to change few things:
- Removed custom JVM RAM arguments
- Removed Java7Checker from client side
- Added new Java version and RAM requirements in the launcher
- Also updated 4 mods to their latest versions. All the mods are up to date.
Be sure to report if you have any problem, so we can push this version to recommended.
Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.7.9


Hype! New things:
- A new, fresh, changelog, for v0.7.9 of the pack (!)
- Added Binnie's Mods, Forbidden Magic & Java7Checker
- Updated Forge to the latest version (1481), and all the mods (40) to their latest versions. All the mods in the pack are up to date!
- Some configuration changes, performance should be better when starting fresh SSP worlds!
- Few fixes, for more information see:
For any support, or bug report, go to the "HELP" section to see where you can get it. Be sure to report anything! Enjoy :)

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Version 0.7.8


Please do not read this text. Ugh, you never listen to me :(
To the changelog:
- Updated Forge to the latest (and recommended) version, 1448.
- Updated TONS of mods (50 to be exact) to their latest versions, Buildcraft 7 included (!). Some of the mod updates include fixes to bugs reported.
- Minor configuration changes.
The update is currently going to be set to "Latest" and not to "Recommended" due to the big changes. Players that use the "Latest" branch, be sure to report any bug that you find at the issue tracker!
Enjoy :)

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Version 0.7.7b


Changelogs are so boring..right? NO. At least not for the guy who writes them.
- Updated Forge to it's the latest version, 1408.
- Updated all the other mods (16) to their latest versions. Some of the updates icludes some fixes to bugs reported.
- Minor configuration changes.
Please report if you find any issue in to help bumping this version to Recommended!

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Version 0.7.7a


You know what time it is...
- Canceled Forge's new fancy loading screen due to some rare incompatibility issues.
- On the way updated PneumaticCraft & LogisticsPipes. All the mods are up to date.
- Also some minor configuration changes.
Remember that 0.7.7a is still set to "Latest" and not to "Recommended". Be sure to report if you have any problem at

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Version 0.7.7


A new update! yes! even my non-existing goldfish is happy!
Now for the changelog:
- Added Mystcraft (Yey!), and CartFixes (A fix-mod for Steve's Carts 2)
- Updated Forge to the latest version, 1403, some new cool stuff you may notice!
- Updated A LOT (50+) of mods to their latest versions, everything is up to date.
- Minor configuration changes.
- One tiny little HQM quest bug-fix.
Remember that if you want any kind of support go to the "HELP" section to see where you should get it.

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Version 0.7.6c


Here we go again!
- Updated *37* mods, all the mods in the pack are up to date. Some of the updates include various fixes that you can see there:
- Minor configuration changes.
Remember that for any help or bug report, please go to

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Version 0.7.6b


After years of finally comes. Now on DVD and Bluray...
A new update! Now for the changelog:
- Updated Forge to build 1352.
- Updated 37 mods to their latest versions, all the mods on the pack are up-to-date. This includes an update from Mekanism that fixes a pretty serious bug that crashed and freezed worlds..scary. Thanks to Spellkaze (on GitHub) we were able to report it.
- Minor configuration changes.
- Changed some things on the server files, you'll see.

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Version 0.7.6a


Just a tiny hotfix, updated EnderIO.
Also on the way updated ExtraCells and Buildcraft-Compact.
Server download is available.
Currently the version is set to latest and not to recommended on the launcher.

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Version 0.7.6


- Added new HQM quests
- Removed Modular Force Field Systems mod, too unstable.
- Updated a buttload of mods, 38 to be specific (buttload is actually 126 gallons).
- Minor configuration changes.
- Bug fixes, for more see there:
For any other notes, questions, or general support, remember to go to
Enjoy! :)

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Version 0.7.5


~10 days without an update and I get "is this pack abandoned". Huh :P
Anyway, here is our lovely changelog:
- Added Default World Generation (Just as the name of the mod, BoP is the default now).
- Updated Forge to latest version, 1307.
- Updated *37* mods to this point, all the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Minor configuration changes.
- Just one tiny bug fix to a specific HQM quest.
- Added a server icon to the server files!
Don't forget that for any support that you need simply go to:
Enjoy! ;D

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Version 0.7.4a


Hotfix alert!
- Fixed the structures spawning rates.
- Updated 5 mods on the way.
This is NOT a client side only update so you guys will have to update your servers too. Server download is already available.

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Version 0.7.4


Hey guys! What's up? A new version is here, yey!
- Added EnderTech, INpureCore & Fast Leaf Decay!
- Removed ColorChat from client side due to some problems, but it stays on servers!
- Updated *32* mods to this point! All the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Minor configuration changes.
- Bug fixes. For more, see there:
- Some changes to the server launch file.
Please enjoy, and report back any issue on the GitHub page!

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Version 0.7.3


Yey! An update! I love updates. Some changes, a lot of changes. Update is really recommended:
- Added Thermal Dynamics & Hardcore Ender Expansion!
- Removed Chisel Facades (It's now default in Buildcraft).
- Updated *40* mods! all the mods in the pack are up to date.
- Minor configuration changes.
- Bug fixes. For more, see there:
I hope that you still remember what to do when you want support! A Clue: GitHub :)

Discuss this update (13)

Version 0.7.2


After not a lot of waiting I'm bringing for you guys the v0.7.2 update! Mainly focusing on the new mods but also some fixes and updates I'll describe more below:
- Added Modular Powersuits, Modular Powersuits Addons & Recurrent Complex!
- Removed the Ruins mod (Replaced by Recurrent Complex).
- Updated *25* mods, all the mods in the pack are up-to-date!
- Minor configuration changes.
- Fixed some bugs with the HQM quests.
Remember that for any question/bug report/suggestion/attention just go to the GitHub page of the modpack and I'll help you there.
Enjoy guys!

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Version 0.7.1b


- Fixed the LiteConfigs files, should be okay now. (They affect all the LiteLoader mods).
(Client only, no need to update servers).

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Version 0.7.1a


- Fixed a possible crash on launch.
(Client only, no need to update servers).

Discuss this update (4)

Version 0.7.1


SO, update 0.7.1 comes to us smoothly with solder, yey!
A lot of changes:
- Added Growthcraft Bees & FishTraps.
- Added some new HQM quests.
- updated *41* mods.
- Minor configuration changes.
- Bug fixes. For more information, see there:
Remember that for any question or just support you can open a new issue in the GitHub page of the modpack.

Discuss this update (2)

Version 0.7.0


Finally an update! We had to wait for several mods to update to support each other, but now we got to the point where everything is perfect.
- *ADDED HQM QUESTS*: After a lot of work I'm happy to release the HQM quest for The 1.7.10 Pack. You can get the Quest Book when opening a new world but also remember that you can craft it!
- Added BuildCraftCompact add-on, It adds compatibility code to BuildCraft for support of external mod APIs.
- Removed EE3 & QuarryPlus (Too unstable, unfinished and very problematic).
- Updated Forge, and *44* mods to this point. All the mods in the pack are up-to-date.
- Minor configuration changes.
- Bug fixes. See more here:
- Changed the server launch file. Should be much more efficient!
Remember that for any bug report or question you should go to the GitHub page of the modpack. Enjoy!

Discuss this update (8)

Version 0.6.1


New year update! Happy new year everyone!
- Added OpenPeripheral AIO, and a fix-mod for GC render with LiteLoader.
- Updated *33* mods to this point. All the mods in the pack are up-to-date.
- Minor configuration changes.
Remember that for every question or bug report, you should open a new issue in the GitHub page of the modpack!

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Version 0.6.0


0.6.0 Beta - FINALLY an update! god! so many changes..
- Added Funky Locomotion, Steve's Addons, WailaPlugins & Squidless (A mod that fixes a rare vanilla bug with squids).
- Removed MAtmos (did some problems with memory and it's just unfinished), Pressure Pipes (Ender IO has the same option) and Modular Power Suits (overloaded servers, also unfinished and too unstable).
- Tons of configuration changes.
- General performance improvement.
- Updated Forge, and over *70* mods to this point. (24/12).
Because of all the changes in this big update I release the update as beta, so be *sure* to report me about every single problem.

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Latest Update

We are aware of an issue preventing players from downloading/updating the modpack. We plan on migrating the hosting within a week or so which will resolve all of the hosting issues for good.