Install Tekkit 2

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tekkit 2) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tekkit 2 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tekkit 2 Version 1.2.3

created by xJon on Minecraft 1.12.2 using Technic Solder
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I'm trying to host a server with a mate of mine but no mods ever seem to load and i keep seeing this "HEI must be installed" but cant figure out what it means. any idea what HEI is would be great
cunassara 1 year ago
You need to make sure you are starting the server using the Forge jar (or using the launch script)
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
I can't understand the usage of the mod ProjectRed. Why would you add something that powerful to a game? After like 3 hours I got a stack of diamond blocks, while my quarry was on the 6th layer of digging. You don't have to care about food or ressources. Just pull a hole stack of iron out of your inventory. Storage? Wtf, just get a chest for all non-emc items... I don't had 1 machine lol. The Transmulation Table and villager are just too op.
replayme87 1 year ago
Posted by replayme87 1 year ago
ProjectE's power is in line with the power of Equivalent Exchange in the original Tekkit modpack.
Posted by ChaosPeter 1 year ago
I am using industrial technology. The speed upgrade in the book doesn't show up in jei, how do I get it?
shiroemong 1 year ago
industrial technology=>industrial foregoing I used translater
Posted by shiroemong 1 year ago
It is not enabled in the modpack at this point.
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
Crop harvesters, anyone? Personally i think they are wayy too overcosted in ingredients for only harvesting a 3x3 square!
Make sure to use upgrades to increase the range :)
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
Has anyone got an idea on how to stop pipes that lead to my macerators from just dumping the items on the floor once the macerator is full, or already has an ore type in it? Never experienced anything like this in other tekkit versions that ive played. the current solution is to have two input chests with rstone engines and wooden pipes to just circulate the 'in que' ores instead of dumping, and this is very inefficient with space management
I use a combo of buildcraft pipes, crystal chests as buffers, and vanilla hopper. Not too difficult to automate and balance with extra macerators, electric furnaces, and upgrades. The import and export upgrades are useful
Posted by Kashmoney900 1 year ago
Why is it that I have 3 ways to convert EU to RF but zero ways to convert RF to EU.. also why is there zero portable storage devices for fluids. the only source of oil is far away in my world and I dont have ender tech yet so I am forced to carry buckets in my entire inventory.
Romanman18 1 year ago
Hi. Anyone having problems with additional pipes? Unfortunally I can't search the teleporting pipes in the NEI - menu. And I think the Kinesisteleportpipe is missing overall.
Linux_001 1 year ago
They are hidden by default due to issues, but you can still craft them. Hopefully the mod will get extended support at some point.
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
We need too much Iridium, but we are running out of supply. Is there any other way to get iridium besides uu-matter?
shiroemong 1 year ago
I think you need to upgrade your energy supply a lot... :D
Posted by Linux_001 1 year ago
pro tip you can feed more than 512 into a mass fabricator, by using more packets. You can feed infinite power into it as long as 512 packet size. Or just make more mass fabs also feed scrap into it
Posted by hoddcraft 1 year ago
There is no thermal expansion here, so I can't just pipe lava from nether to overworld. Any thoughts on adding it?
shiroemong 1 year ago
You can use Ender Tanks for that :)
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
Oh. thanks.
Posted by shiroemong 1 year ago
Will there be a multi-tree cutting mode?
ichbinumut35 1 year ago
Hello, oil resources may increase a little more, it is very difficult to find
ichbinumut35 1 year ago
Any plans to add any new mods? Personally i would love to see something like Refined Storage be added!!
TNT_Minecraft 1 year ago
Is there a replacement for TreeCapitator?
ZanyScum 1 year ago
Posted by ZanyScum 1 year ago
It is written that it does not explode when using a mining laser, so why does it explode and aggravates Zombie Pigmen?
shiroemong 1 year ago
Unfortunately that wiki might be out of date, although you can experiment with different modes for the mining laser.
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
thx sir
Posted by shiroemong 1 year ago
Is there any sort of alternative for the sorting machines as i believe they arent in this pack? wanna make a sorting system like original tekkit, cheers!
gleedo 1 year ago
You can get a lot of inspiration from folks over Technic's Discord :)
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
Hey, I have made a tekkit 2 server however for some reason no mobs are spawning additionally the nether isn't working either. Does anyone know of a fix for this? I have already tried a full reinstall and the issue is still there
Toasterwaffle71 1 year ago
You can get help over Technic's Discord!
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
Getting the error failed to get Mojang Jared Information when trying to download
Gonzoblue 1 year ago
You can get help over Technic's Discord!
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
How do I install plugins (specifically wordedit) on my server? Does the server have Bukkit/ Spigot/ Paper by default?
Knitcap 1 year ago
You can get help over Technic's Discord!
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
Thanks! Will do
Posted by Knitcap 1 year ago
Can you update Railcraft? The current railcraft is 3 years old and full of (unplayable) bugs, the newer betas have solved almost everyone of them. Looking forward to an answer:)
Nikunne 1 year ago
Hey - I wrote this over GitHub: I'm not using Railcraft's latest beta version because it comes with a long winded nonconfigurable warning message printed to chat, telling you to not use it in public modpacks. That being said, it's been stuck on beta-8 for over 2 months now, so if you want to ask over their Discord what's up you're welcome to!
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
Why not add a power friendly mod like Energy Converters ( This pack is 1.12 and you do have other mods in the pack that were not true to the original Tekkit. Just getting really tired of making junk, only to not have it work properly.
Portho 1 year ago
Think there's other ways of converting the energy in the pack mate, like flux generators.
Posted by gleedo 1 year ago
You can use Flux Generators to convert EU to RF. What mods do you not find true to the original?
Posted by xJon 1 year ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

Tekkit 2 was updated to version 1.2.3