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Is this mod pack compatible with an Intel based MacBook? Really want to relive some nostalgia but don't have a windows computer. Thanks for your help!
Yes :)
Good evening, was it possible to update the logistics pipes to the latest version? (I don't know if it's the latest version). Have you thought about the extra planets addon for galacticcraft?
It will be updated to the latest version in the next modpack update (should come out next month). And thank you for the suggestion :)
Can a mod like waila/hwyla be included? It would be helpful to see what mod each item is by pointing at it.
It is installed but disabled by default - press NUMPAD1 to enable!
Hello. First time replying in a blog. Wanted to ask if it was possible to earn xp for shift clicking items into your inventory? When I macerate or smelt, etc something, I get xp when I simply left click to grab the item, but when I shift click to send it to my inventory, I get no xp. Just wondering if this was something that could be fixed. Thanks. Have a great day! :)
Thank you for the bug report! I've forwarded it to the author of IC2 Classic so hopefully it will be resolved in the next update :)
Hey is it possible to patch potions of instant damage and bee hives going straight through the best armors in the game?
I'll look into that - thank you for the feedback!
Magic damage (from potions) is supposed to bypass armor, but we'll change the bees to respect armor in the next update.
Is there any possibility that, Simple Storage Network or Refined Storage will be added? Since Logistics pipes is in beta testing on 1.12.2 version. Missing Tesla Core Lib for Industrial Foregoing speed & energy upgrades.
And I wanna ask if it´s possible to add Compact Machines to modpack to save space in the house
It doesn't work or am I doing it wrong?
Logistics EU Power Provider has stored energy. There is Basic Logistics Pipe next to it with Power Transportation Upgrade. A few Unrouted Transportation Pipe, Basic Logistics Pipe with EU LV Power Supplier Upgrade and Macerator next to it. Everything is in a straight line. The macerator receives no energy.
I am pretty sure the Power Providers are unimplemented in 1.12.2 unfortunately. You can ask about it over their Discord:
But transporting RF works very well
Odd, I'm not sure about it
Is there:
1. Amy way to transform EU energy to RF?
2. Teleport pipes energy?
Context: I want to have a solar array field and teleport the energy produced there to where I have my machines (macerators etc.).
Flux Generators; and not really, you can teleport energy storage blocks though (
The "Advanced Nano Chestplate" " Advanced Nuclear Nano Chestplate " recipes is wrong, because they contain the so called " Compacted jetpack " which is completely bogus because it requires hard to craft components and is much weaker than the gear used to create it. I looked up the wiki recipe for the Advanced Nano Chestplate and it contains an advanced electric jetpack instead of this made up compacted jetpack which makes a lot more sense.
Obviously the "compacted jetpack" shouldn't exist in this context, the correct recipe for the Advancecd Nano Chestplate (600 000EU) is a combination of the Nano Chestplate (100 000 EU) and the Advanced Electric Jetpack (500 000 EU)
While this bugged recipe requires 2x Advanced electric jetpacks, plus the original jetpack and a batpack and has the EU only of those last two items.
These are intentional changes from the Gravisuit mod (IC2 Classic add-on)! That being said, I already ended up finding the power storage of the Advanced Electric Jetpack is indeed wrong and reported it, so in the next update it will be drastically lowered. If you want to further discuss this topic please feel free to open a ticket over :)
Will probably modify the Compacted Jetpack recipe in the next modpack update :)
Idk what I did, but for about 2 minutes I was able to see the EU rates under their name when I hovered over them but that disappeared and I was wondering how I would get that back if that’s a thing.
Is there anyway the power converters mod can be added to work alongside this? The modpack is great but I'd love to be able to use energy links etc if possible.
Use Flux Generators to convert EU to RF :)
Hey, I've downloaded the pack and been playing it but I get huge lag spikes all the time, I've tried reinstalling and checking java, even removing texture packs. Any thought on what is causing this? My hardware is really good so it cant be that.
Head over to and I'll try to help!
Howdy. so whats the command to reset all the EMC values you mention in your update log? Why not just put the command in the update log?
You can ask for more detailed support over Technic's Discord or the Help section :)
Why not save everyone the hassle and just say it once in a reply? jeez. It'd take less effort then that response lol
Because there's no one command to reset all the EMC values back to the values in previous modpack versions, it's a bit more complicated than that and I've explained it in a series of messages once over Discord.
Can Galacticraft planets be added to the modpack?
It's already included!
Yes but I mean the extra planets mod which allows us to visit saturn, jupiter etc
You can add your opinion over this discussion thread:
Hey, I just wanted to ask if u can add the mystical agriculture mod. I have been really enjoying it and hoped to see it in the game (I am sorry if it is already in the game, I only looked at the 'Mods' tab)
You can feel free to add it yourself manually :)
This may sound very dumb but, how do I do it? And does this convert if u make a new update :)
Feel free to ask for more help with this over Technic's Discord :)
Great Pack, any thoughts on adding AE2 or Refined Storage? would be great with dealing with storing the tens of thousands of items late game while still being able to find stuff.
Thank you :) Logistics Pipes & Project Red offer more old school systems that are recommended alternatives, but feel free to experiment adding mods yourself manually!
hey Jon i have Problems. With your tekkit 2 i will have it on a nitrado server but the problem is there are mods inside the pack that dont have the good version for playing on the server how can i fix thiss please let me know
I'd recommend going to Technic's Discord for help!
i have did it but they dont know it
Then head over to
Can you set the quarry max speed very higher? My Quarry Max Speed from Buildcraft is approximately by one MV Solar Panel. And one MV solar Panel is approximately equal fast as one HV solar Panel or 10 HV solar Panels. I have tested it in creative world.
It is set to a similar speed of the original Tekkit release. If you want to modify it yourself you can edit the Buildcraft config file. Alternatively, you can use multiple Quarries, or a Watch of Flowing Time.
Is zetta industries big battery not working properly or am i doing something wrong? Building it is just fine, aswell as power going in, but i cant get the power to come back out.
Are you using Flux Cables for transporting RF? (they are the recommended RF cables)
I can see someone has lodged the ticket on IC machines cant smelt normal MC items. Its still not fixed.
It is still not marked as fixed - should be in the next couple of days though.