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I cant seem to find a way to convert BC power (ie. from engines via conductive pipe) to IC2 power, like you can with an Energy Link in Classic. Is this something that can be done?
That is not possible in Tekkit 2 - you can only generate EU power!
I see, is there a reason why Energy Links arent included like in TC? Love Tekkit 2 besides that dont get me wrong
You can use Flux Generators instead :)
So I'm not sure if this is intended or not but the diamond spawn rates are set to less than 1% so it's basically impossible to find diamonds while caving. Is this a bug?
Diamond generation rates are set to vanilla 1.12.2's default :)
Hi, Ive been searching for anwser, but coudnt find it. Do you know I cannot use obisdian dust from IC classic in metallurgic infuser to obtain refined obsidian dust? Nothing happens :c
Mekanism is not included in the pack, but if you manually added it you can check the pack's scripts for a conflicting change.
Oh I forgot I did this. Thanks :p
So i've been playing tekkit 2 for the first time after finally realising my favourite mod pack got updated and i've run into some issues finding information for certain mods such as ic2 all of the wiki seems to be for experimental and their older generation wiki seems to be for version 1.7 instead of 2.2.9 anyone know a good source for accurate information i seem to be lost. Also xJon <3 love that you rebooted this for us.
Here's a link to the updated wiki:
In the Discord channel of Tekkit 2 in one of the older pinned messages there's a collection of mod wikis I made.
And thank you for the feedback <3
hey umm new here and trying to use refinery but the oil doesn't flow in with buildcraft or fluid pipes, but oil will fill fluid pipes and I've triple checked input and output position.
Check out Discord for gameplay help :)
could you change Projecte so that it works more similarly to how it worked in the original Tekkit classic? like how you couldn't use pedestals to speed up machines and power flowers, how you could only have either fuel or non-fuel in the transmutation table, and how diving rods had a delay in between each usage.
Pedestals did exist in Tekkit Classic but they were broken in servers, so much less commonly used. In regards to all the suggestions though, feel free to open a discussion over
Is there an alternative to Treecapitator which seems to be missing?
You could use IC2's chainsaw, or ProjectE's special tools :)
@xJon Thank you, I'll try that!
Naaa, just not good. without Treecapitator it is no fun for me.
I'll try one of the other mod packs to see if I want to play MineCraft again.
For some reason my friends and I are unable to craft certain items, such as the Aluminum wire from Galacticraft. I'm still able to spawn them in and place them using creative mode, and JEI (or whatever mod Tekkit 2 uses for recipes) places the correct items into the crafting table, but there's no resulting item. We've added some extra mods, and had no problems until now.
Hey! Please go to the "Help" section to get help :)
I miss Applied Energistics 2 here :/
Translations for all of the items in the modpack into Latin. What do you think?
Some mods already have more language support! If you want to contribute and translate more mods, you can post it over the link in the "Help" section.
with future updates are we going to get a UI update to let the replay mod fully work? as i can't access the recordings after i've finished filming with it.
You can remove the Custom Main Menu mod if needed!
I would like to request some very useful mods... I have added them to my version of Tekkit 2 and they work perfectly
Applied Energistic 2 -
Secret Rooms Mod -
Malisis Doors -
Forgot one more
Twilight Forest -
If you pause the game, all the IC2 machine sounds got stopped and not played again, until you leave and rejoin the world.
Hi everyone!
I am looking to put together a team of people that would be willing to produce the first Tekkit 2 Factions server!
This will require some effort but I believe it is doable and that the demand is there. If you are interested please feel free to send me a discord message regarding this post!
Thanks and cheers!
Hey guys, big fan of Tekkit and loved it for a long time, I'm just wondering, what version of Minecraft is used for Tekkit 2?
1.12.2! (It's written in small text right under the modpack name)
Loving the work on the mod takes me back to my childhood. But with the new update for 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 my save files are not loadable after I close the game and reload. I have added my own Mod the (Would love to see this part of the base modpack) But even without it my saves still do not want to load get stuck on a 0% window.
Hey! Please go to the "Help" section to get help :)
Also keep in mind the modpack has Flux Generators to convert EU to RF!
Its not just RF its also for Buildcraft easier and direct conversion. In the end it is your modpack and you can do what you want. This just covers all the major in one pack.
In Tekkit 2 BuildCraft uses RF :)
Then i must have been doing something wrong because my quarry wasn't running when i tried using the flux Gen I might be missing a step
Make sure you use Flux Cables!
Hi I am a big fan of all the Tekkit Packs since Tekkit Lite came out. Thank you for all the work you have put into Tekkit 2!
I do have one quick question: Can we please have Applied Energistics back? My friends and I really miss it.
Hey! Tekkit 2 is aimed to be a continuation to Tekkit Classic, so for storage options you can use Logistics Pipes or Project Red, or alternatively manually add Applied Energistics 2 or Refined Storage to the pack :)
Is there a way to make the pack to 1.18 or 1.19?
Unfortunately no. What feature are you particularly missing?
Hello, is there a reason why not all combs are available at Tekkit? You can breed all the bees, but they don't produce the combs they normally produce.
Can you provide more details and examples of what you mean over the "Help" section?
Yes of course, If extra bees are added to a modpack. Then the mod brings a lot of bees and combs with it which is produced by the queens. With Tekkit 2 it is so that all the necessary queen are present. However, not all the necessary combs that they would normally produce. I have also asked this question in Discord, there turned out that apparently Industrialcraft Classic is the problem for that not all Combs are possible. However, the mod developer of Industrialcraft Classic said that the problem has been fixed. Now I wonder if Industialcraft Classik on Tekkit 2 is the latest version.
It should be resolved in version 1.2.0 and above of the modpack :)
Yes Thank you :)
It would be great if "Emeralds" would be nerfed or removed from the ProjectE transmutation Table...
Because if you have a Village, Players can trade EMC-low Items for Emeralds and put the Emeralds back to the transmutation table until they are rich as F.