Install The Pixelmon Mod

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Pixelmon Mod) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Pixelmon Mod from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Pixelmon Mod Version 1.16.5-9.1.13

created by PixelmonMod on Minecraft 1.16.5 using Technic Solder
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Every time I try to get into this one server I keep crashing and I can't fix it
DannyDepresso_ 5 years ago
May be worth dropping by the Discord and posting your crash report, there. The people in #general-support may be able to help further.
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
I was generate new world but I can't find any item of pixel mon in simple dungeon chests. (In server) How can I fix it. Thank you!!
petch153624 5 years ago
I saw another report of this a few days back, though I'm not entirely sure if that was resolved. It may be worth joining our Discord for that one, and asking there -- that's where the other report was at too.
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
When I have in my inventory Elytra, my game crashes
VirtikWatermelon 5 years ago
Are you on a cracked setup? That's a known (vanilla) issue there, if so. If not, drop by the Discord and we can dig into your logs.
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
why does the "server download" download a file that doesent even run a srever?
04joe 5 years ago
The server download contains a smaller version of the Pixelmon .jar for use on servers, but you'll still need Forge set up (and configured to taste, not ready-made) to actually run it. Check out this link for a how-to:
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
i found a bug creating a server, i do a lot of changes in pixelmon.hocon but it doesnt change in the server, i put 60 boxes and change rates of shiny and boss and it keep in default.
mano14msg 5 years ago
Make sure your config is valid, and that you're editing the server's file and not your own file. If something is broken in the config syntax you'll get a large error in the console, and the mod will load defaults.
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
Posted by mano14msg 5 years ago
I dont see any error in the console and im editing the file pixelmon.hocon in the server page. Im using
Posted by mano14msg 5 years ago
Okay, the error was in the archive, thanks.
Posted by mano14msg 5 years ago
When will the this update be in aternos?
X_X1P 5 years ago
Tryna Play it with my friends
Posted by X_X1P 5 years ago
It might be better to contact Aternos' support, there -- the pack is available, just needs to be put up on their end.
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
Creating a private server if anyone is interested
[email protected] 5 years ago
what is ip ?
Posted by AegisAnako 5 years ago
Not here, please.
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
the game closes and takes me back to technic launcher any ideas
GeoArcher 5 years ago
Me too. Worked fine for a good 6 hours or so of gameplay, came back the next day to play and can't get more than 2 minutes into the game before it crashes/closes all the way out to the launcher.
Posted by Zumini 5 years ago
it does the same thing for me. i move around for a little bit or not even move and it just takes me back to the launcher. Also how do i disable the lines that guide me to the poke'loot??
Posted by izzymomo17 5 years ago
Check out this guide, it may help here: (if that doesn't fix it, it may be worth joining the Discord through the link to the right)
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
I don't know if this is the correct place to report a bug, but please, seriously, please, FIX Z-MIRROR MOVE! It literally doesn't work the way it should! It should give +2 Attack, copy the enemy last used move and turn it into Z-Move! It literally copies either nothing or only recoil (lmao useful)... I cannot use the insane shenanigan that is Z-Mirror Move! Please fix!
Remoa 5 years ago is the best place to report those, though I thiiink that specific one is up already.
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
Seems that going to the Nether causes pokemon to stop spawning. This is happening on a LAN server, though I'm not sure if that has any correlation. Leaving to the overworld and restarting the server fixes it but it doesn't seem to fix nether spawns
dragiron 5 years ago
I remember seeing a ticket up for this on , though I don't think that's been resolved yet. May be worth a search!
Posted by XpanD 5 years ago
I can't seem to get the generation spawning rules to work. I've changed gen 2-7 spawning to false, but I'm still seeing pokemon from those gens in my game. What am I doing wrong?
Justinjah91 5 years ago
Who Have Eternal move See Ivs And Nature ?
Son_Cameron 5 years ago
Nice to meet you I didn't know where to write I will write here It is a request Braille in Japan Hiragana Muddy sound Half dullness Long sound There are 50 in total Could you add this? I wanted to make a brave solution to the Japanese I ’m so sad that I ca n’t make it.
ShinNASML 5 years ago
hey im still stuck trying to install it can any1 help me
spence44 5 years ago
Is there any way to fix the weird flying "lag" on the flying mounts? It makes it very difficult to navigate and does a lot of damage when my pokemon suddenly sharply shoots down to the ground without warning, I tried adjusting my settings but nothing seems to help.
Wyvernagon 5 years ago
I been playing on a server and only on this part of the server where its the Kanto map i get this error with screen rendering. here is my log
HabidSmith 5 years ago
Hey I've been playing this modpack for a few days now and loving it. I'm trying to enable journeymap but can't figure out how. Can anyone explain to me how?
LBooks 5 years ago
Hello. I playing on this mod and I see models of some pokemon are still angular like for example Poliwag (And his ewolutions (I don't know that all ewoluions have bad models )), Doduo,Dodrio,Farfetch'd etc. Can you fix it?
Kefasos 5 years ago
I'm trying to help my friend, he has a problem where whenever he tries to download the modpack that it says that the file is corrupted, does anyone know how to fix the problem or what the problem might be, we've uninstalled technic completely and the modpack also, we played the modpack before but when we were gonna play it again the message poped up.
DrWienee6290 5 years ago
I'm having this problem where my server will immediately crash as soon as I join it, I beleive it is from the update as it was working fine just 2 days ago before the update, do you know a fix? the error log is here [16:47:58] [Server thread/ERROR] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: Encountered an unexpected exception net.minecraft.util.ReportedException: Ticking block entity at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( ~[nz.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?] at [MinecraftServer.class:?] at [?:1.8.0_222] Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.blocks.spawning.TileEntityPixelmonSpawner.spawnPixelmon( ~[TileEntityPixelmonSpawner.class:?] at com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.blocks.spawning.TileEntityPixelmonSpawner.doSpawning( ~[TileEntityPixelmonSpawner.class:?] at com.pixelmonmod.pixelmon.blocks.spawning.TileEntityPixelmonSpawner.func_73660_a( ~[TileEntityPixelmonSpawner.class:?] at ~[amu.class:?] at ~[oo.class:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( ~[MinecraftServer.class:?] ... 4 more [16:47:59] [Server thread/ERROR] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: This crash report has been saved to: /aternos/server/./crash-reports/crash-2019-11-25_16.47.59-server.txt
masterthetime 5 years ago
Have you figured out a solution? Im having the same problems as you and I still cannot join a server without crashing
Posted by Cornno 4 years ago

Latest Update

The Pixelmon Mod was updated to version Pixelmon 9.1.13