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So, I have been trying to get the forge server working and I have been struggling a lot. I want to play with my siblings, but I can't seem to get the server to load when I put the mod in the mod folder. I have followed with wiki's steps and done it time and time again but I have had no success. When trying to load the server the GUI gets to ( [Pokemon Mod]Creating Structures... ) then proceeds to freeze and then shortly after crash the GUI. I've tried [ java -Xmx4G -jar forge-1.12.2- ] setting it to the correct forge version and still have had no success I don't know if this has been updated on how to run a pixelmon server or not or the only other thing I could think of is it's just my computer can't run it, however my pc is pretty nice and I would think should be able to run the server. It loads 100% fine without the mod in the mod folder btw and I've tried many methods but I would like to hear some ideas.. Thank you.
Nevermind! I figured it out on my own when I was using Technic I realized my Java needed to be updated to 64 which after downloading the 64 java offline my server worked. :)
how do you think when version 6.1.1 will be released?
There's no set date yet, but I'm personally expecting it pretty soon. A lot of bugs have already gotten patched up, so it'll depend on whether the team wants to go for more feature updates at this point or go straight for release instead.
Why does this mod not run properly? It just lags at 1fps constantly
Make sure you've allocated 2GB of ram minimum.
For anybody else coming across this issue:
Where does Jamask spawn?
"DesertHills, Mesa Plateau, Mesa Plateau F, Mesa Plateau F M, Mesa Plateau M" according to (temporary)
when i kill a pokemon boss mega he does not give me anything
how do I use the server files? or can I even? I want to play with my girlfriend.
Have a look at , that should get you started. Jump into the Discord (#server-support) if you need any specific help. The Server Download pack is just a collection of lots of sidemods, you can pick the ones you want and look up what they do on the wiki ( ).
I still dont see a server start file in the server download rar file. I see nothing about it in the page linked.
do i really need to screw around with discord for this? i mean i can, but... really?
nevermind i got unlazy and wrote my own
I've been planning to add a basic start.bat to the wiki page, but haven't had the time yet. Might take a bit, but will probably end up adding that eventually. Here's the contents of mine, for anybody interested: java -Xmx4G -jar forge-1.12.2-
mewtwo size are broken, when it ginormous its not even hier then me
Yup, known issue. Should be fixed with 6.1.1 when that releases. One of the Mewtwo Megas is also broken, same story. :P
yes and that mega mewtwo Y my favorite:,(
My Lucario will not Mega Evolve. I have tested it with Pokémon such as Charizard and Gardevoir, and those Mega Evolve. However, at least two of the others do not Mega Evolve. Those two would be Lucario and Gyarados.
I don't think those have been added, just yet. The stones are in, but the megas still need to be finished for a future update. Check out the current list at: (at the bottom)
so in 6.1.0 is inkays evo broke? i level it up to 30 and beyond but nothing any thing i have to do speciel
You need to be above Y=127 I think
i put the max number for spawn for legendaries and my game crashes, then when i re-start the game does not appear any option in pixelmon mod options
If you want to reset your options or edit them from outside of the game, you can do this: Click "Launcher Options", click "Open Logs", go up one folder (to ".technic"), enter "modpacks", then "pixelmon-reforged", then "config". You can then edit the "pixelmon.hocon" file in there manually, or just delete it. Make sure the game isn't running while you're messing with this file! If the file is missing, the game will automatically make a new one with default settings.
xpan where´s launcher options
Top right in the Technic Launcher, just below close/minimize.
i´m not premiun, sorry for the problems
Fair enough. You'll have to look up steps for your specific launcher, but once you find the mod's config file the steps should be the same.
make it so you can download the pixelmon laucher from the website
I'm not 100% on this, but the old launcher is most likely not available anymore due to legal concerns, or due to a lack of source code. There may be another solution eventually (there was talk of one), but for now Technic or the vanilla MC launcher are the ways to go.
The 6th gen pokemon are not spawning and the spawning option for those pokemon is enabled, it's a bug or something like that? Does it happen to anyone?
Are you on 6.1.0? 6.0.0/6.0.1 had some issues with spawns, but 6.1.0 should've patched up the majority of them. If you have any specific examples, drop by the Discord (#support-or-something) and we can have a look.
I've looking for 6th generation pokemon for hours and i've not found any of them, I don' know what to do.
I can't use the discord, i don't know how to do it :(
Go to in your browser and accept the invite, then click the #support-or-something channel to the left when you're all set up. I've gotta head out for a bit, but other people should be able to help.
For anybody else who has this issue: Try using "/spawning beta" in-game. It's being looked into, but the new beta spawner seems to have helped here.
Does world gen take a really long time or is it just me? If so will we be seeing optimization for it?
It takes just over 10 seconds for me, but I'm on a fast computer. Have you allocated more memory? Feel free to hop on the Discord and ask in #support-or-something if you need any help with that.
Can you fix the mega stones when i put them on any pokemon bessides charizard venosaur or blastiose they cant evolve can you please fix this
Most of the stones are just placeholder items from people coming from other mods, for now (so they don't lose anything). They'll be made functional in a later update.
Metagross is a lot more tiny than before!
I hear that's fixed for the next version.
I can't wait after when in 2018 Q2 Minecraft 1.14 the mod being updated to 1.14 some time after!
its not working
What is not working?
the crafting of heal items or teh s spawn of kyurem?
please update models of some Pokemons of 1 generation
and that they are square
for example: meowth, cloyster, clefairy and some other
and fixed spawn Kyurem (ice-dragon) has to spawn not in Mesa! and in snow biomes
The old Techne models are being slowly phased out. Keep an eye out for future updates!
I'll have a look at the Kyurem spawn, and will report it as a bug if it's broken.
Just tested, but I only get Reshiram and Terrakion spawns in the Mesa. Seems to be working as intended, there.
Oh, I see... It's time-based. I'll ask if this is a bug, and will report it if so. Thanks for the info.
is the recipes for all heal item removed?
Some of the recipes have changed, and others got removed. The wiki should be receiving an update once 6.0.2 hits.
oops sorry I forgot landorus Forest hills and mesa plateau at day