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Good afternoon, morning or evening, I would like to make an upgrade request to a legendary. and it's about yveltal and after searching for it for 4 days in real life because i went to the wrong biome 2 times i finally managed to capture it. and when I finally enjoy being able to mount it I realize that it is very bugeado, its flight is like metagross or solgaleo like a levitation it does not look good that a flying guy like yveltal flies that strange and also when riding it my character sits on the air, much higher than Yveltal himself -Translation made with google translate-
io ho un server minecraft con questa pikelmon come facio ad agiornare il server con la nuova versone?
praticamente entra nel server e ti dirà di aggiornarlo alla nuova versione e clicca su fai il backup e aggiorna
Whenever I am in the menu I press single player and it crashes to the technic launcher menu please tell me whats wrong. I've tried unistalling the modpack and reinstalling it but it still doesn't work.
Never mind its every modpack I install.
im having the same issue
Hello um so I have tried to download this mod many times but the link that it gave me at the top of this screen to input the technic launcher says broken API link when i put it in. Anyone know how to fix this?
It looks like none of them are working actually so that's weird
Mew spawn is impossible since the update even in temples
hey hello guilhemito, hope you are not blowing your head (just like me ahahha)
I actually have the same problem as you, I spent days and days searching for the damn hairy pokemon and he was just not spawning.
It got me crying for nights till i decided to come to the forum and see that someone else has the same problem
The Discord link doesn't work anymore
Works here, check your connection and make sure you're not banned.
It worked this time, maybe it just glitched last time
Vanilla Minecraft command, not something Pixelmon is breaking. Make sure you've got the capitalization right, it matters: "/gamerule keepInventory true" (with a capital "i")
How can I enable minecraft mobs in athernos server? I tried to enable with the mod options but only works in singleplayer mode
You would need to edit the setting on the server's end, there. Aternos should give you access to the server's "pixelmon.hocon" file, edit that one and restart or "/pokereload" to get the changes up.
Can't get mew to even show up in checkspawns. I have an 80x80 platform above the jungle temple but no luck
I'm not too sure about this issue myself, but I know I've seen people discuss it in our Discord. May be worth joining there and running a search?
I can't find the Nature's Compass anywhere. I can't craft one or find it in creative on an Aternos server I made for my some friends. It really makes finding a good seed harder. Can anyone help with why it says it is installed but can't be found in game?
Do you have it on both the server and client? It's a mod that needs to be on both sides to work. (also probably better to ask in that project's Discord if they have one, it's not part of our pack)
How can I enable Mega Evolution and Z-Moves in Overworld?
Worlds can be set to allow either generation 7 or 8 mechanics through the "oldGenDimensions" setting in the config file, or possibly the in-game settings. Add "0" to that list (without the quotes) to toggle the main world to (partial) gen 7.
necesito que me expliquen como hacer la mega-evolución en pixelmon 8.2.0
Please check my reply to park011433 above. If you need further help (or help in a specific language), our Discord is the place to ask!
'A Fatal error has been detected, this connection is terminated.' often appears. How do I solve this?
We'd need to see the client/server logs for this one. Join our Discord from the link to the right and ask in either #general-support or #server-support depending on which side this is on, people there should be able to help further.
I have a problem, on my server with some friends of mine when we try to evolve a pokemon the server closes, we occupy alternos and tlauncher, is there a way to solve it?
I would recommend asking in our Discord here (from the link to the right), we're better set up to look into issues like these there.
Is it crashing for anyone else?
Have you given the game more memory? Good first thing to try:
It has max, which is the max you can get on a custom computer... It's crashing during play, so maybe it's minecraft bugging out with it?
What is "max" here, exactly? And how much memory does your computer have available? (note that if it's crashing during gameplay that's something our Discord is better set up to help with, if you ask in #general-support you'll likely get some good replies)
It is crashing for me every time I try to install the modpack. I don't know why it's doing that for.
Got a crash report for us? The Discord should be able to look into those, provided this is still happening on the 8.2.0 update.
Yes its still happening to me after the update went live. What is the name of the discord so I can join?
It's the Pixelmon Mod Discord, you can see a box with an option to join to the right of the comments.
I have the max you can get on a custom computer, and have it set to where the game can use all of it if necessary
It may be fixed now though
Setting crazy allocations is never a good idea, if a mod is misbehaving and manages to fill all of that up (due to a memory leak or the like) you will get crazy slowdowns or even crashes. Windows may also kill the process if it starts using too much memory. It also does nothing for your performance. 3-4GB should be fine for most setups, with some heavily-modded setups maybe requiring a bit more.
pessoal atualmente os pokemon tipo fantasma selvagem não ta dropando os itens o que pode ser?
Esta é uma questão conhecida, e deve ser corrigida para o próximo lançamento. Por agora, adicionar este mod às Modpack Options > Open > "mods" pode ajudar: (não se esqueça de o remover assim que a próxima versão Pixelmon for lançada)
when is this being update
We can't give out any specific dates or times. Keep an eye on our Discord, that's a good place to hear more when stuff happens.
Can some of the forms that can change during the month of Cresselia be solved by mega-evolution?
Not sure what this means personally, but the people in our Discord may know more. Link to the right!
Can you tell me when the next Mod will appear?
We can't give out any specific dates or times. Keep an eye on our Discord, that's a good place to hear more when stuff happens.
Did you know that the fields in the Tapu series in the Pixelmon Mod are being applied differently from Nintendo?
And can developers work that out?
If you come across any issues, please check our tracker and report them if they're not up yet. That's the best way to get stuff fixed. Link: