Install The Pixelmon Mod

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Pixelmon Mod) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Pixelmon Mod from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Pixelmon Mod Version 1.16.5-9.1.13

created by PixelmonMod on Minecraft 1.16.5 using Technic Solder
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Hey, i'm actually playing on a server with some friends, and my gameshark can't locate bosses but works fine for everything else. One of my friends has also this bug, but we're only two to have it. Do you guys have any fixes ?
Undergast 4 years ago
I think you simply just have to use the latest version of Gameshark, which is at I had the same problem, and when I updated it, it starting working again for me.
Posted by SlyRivai 4 years ago
Hi there! I'd recommended updating the PixelExtras to the latest, since PixelExtras and the latest Pixelmon have a little problem with doing /wiki biome right lol
SlyRivai 4 years ago
hi, im on a server with my friends, its up a running fine, but none of the merchants are loading. noticed it in ilex forest where we need to get the cut but there's no merchant, the farfetched is sitting next to no merchant, there is invisible barrier where the merchant should be so I know that it should be there but we cant see or interact with it to get through the game. i assume we have missed all previous merchants too and were wondering what our emeralds were for.
MAKANASTIE 4 years ago
If I remember correctly, certain versions of SpongeForge and other plugins will cause this. Make sure everything is up to date on the server's end.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Sorted the problem running my own sweep of my server files, thanks for the tips!
Posted by MAKANASTIE 4 years ago
I'm having trouble disabling the spawns of certain generations of pokemon in the overworld, i've already gone in the config and turned the generations I don't want spawning to false but they're still spawning, does anyone know what else i have to do to stop certain generations from spawning?
Taggaz43 4 years ago
I'm not too familiar with that feature, but sometimes malformed configs will cause the mod to load safe defaults instead. The people in our Discord may know more, and can also look into your logs for the errors a malformed config would print.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
I've installed Pixelmon, jumped through all the hoops of making sure I've installed Java 8 and updated my windows to 64-bit, but it still says that I need to set the actual ATlauncher to java 8. I've looked through the settings but I can't figure it out. Could someone please walk me through the process step by step?
SwingAndAMiss 4 years ago
Do you have any other Java installs on your system? If you open a command prompt window and type "java -version", what does it say? We can have a further look in our Discord with that information.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
I do, but I'm not sure how to delete them. I brought it up and it says this: "java version "1.8.0_241" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_241-b07) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.241-b07, mixed mode, sharing)"
Posted by SwingAndAMiss 4 years ago
Going by that the active installation is a 32 bit version of Java 8, which AT will complain about. If this is Windows, go to Add/Remove Programs and uninstall all the copies of JRE there. After that, get Java here: (make sure you get Windows Offline (64-bit), the other two are 32 bit!)
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Perfect! It's all working now, thankyou so much! Quick question, is it possible to stack the Optine mod ontop of this one, and if so, how?
Posted by SwingAndAMiss 4 years ago
Awesome, no problem. As for your other question, on Technic you would go to "Modpack Options" > "Open" > "mods" and drop the 1.12.2 Optifine .jar into there. Keep in mind that Technic overwrites custom mods when the pack updates! On AT, I believe you can open the same folder through the Instances tab (Open Folder?), though I do not have that running currently.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Forgot to mention: Optifine may break font rendering when playing on Pixelmon 7.2.2. We're working on a fix, but it may be good to hold off until that's out.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
How can I create an NPC that activate the starter select screen?
iTzAlo 4 years ago
I don't think that's possible without a custom mod or the like. The people in our Discord may know more, here.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
why cant i play multiplayer
mpi_3103 4 years ago
We'll need a bit more information than that to be able to help. I would recommend joining our Discord from the link to the right, that's generally the best place for us to look into issues at.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
I keep having this bug where if I'm in a battle sometimes it keeps repositioning my mouse to the center of the screen every like 2 seconds, so if i want to do anything, i have to do it super fast. Any way to get around that?
gamerunner15 4 years ago
Do you have any other mods installed? I've seen this issue mentioned in our Discord before, though I can't remember what exactly caused it. May be worth asking in there, though!
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Clicked on play for pixelmon it’s comes up with the minecraft box at the bottom Can hear the music but can’t see any screen. I can close the window but nothing else. If we try full screen you do see a left hand bit of the screen which is blurred and too big. How do I fix this just want to play
haydnmcgill 4 years ago
Are you on Windows? Does hitting the Windows key together with the left/right arrow do anything? Make sure the MC window is selected. If it doesn't, the people in our Discord may be able to help further, link is to the right.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Yesterday I created a server with friends of the pixelmon 7.2.0 version, it happens when it evolves to the pokemon, the non-evolution only shows a message in which it says that it has evolved to the same pokemon, is there any solution to this problem? Thanks in advance
MaxlendMC 4 years ago
What server software are you running? If on a Bukkit/Spigot hybrid like Mohist this is a known issue, and is likely due to an issue on the end of those platforms. SpongeForge setups should work, though.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
when i try to switch the memory to 2 GB it won't let me
epictehuman 4 years ago
Check out this guide, specifically the second paragraph:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
add waypoints pls
Marianong542 4 years ago
Hello i have a question, how can i let Pixelmon spawn in modded bioms, im playung with aether legacy and want some pokemon to spawn, is there an easy explanation possible?
LuigiKiller007 4 years ago
If you enable the Better Spawner config in Pixelmon's "pixelmon.hocon" config file, you'll get a new configuration file under "config/pixelmon". Most spawns will use the categories from there, so adding any new biomes there should work. If you want finer control you can also enable the spawning JSONs, although these may be a pain to edit. I would recommend doing this on a (local) server, as Technic tends to wipe most custom things when the pack updates. If you need further support here, our Discord would be the best place.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
we created a server yesterday to play pixelmon reforged, we played for hours, it was a lot of fun. we wanted to play today too, but when we try to start it, it says: "$annotatedConnectException: connection refuse: no further information". it also said something about a outdated client. can someone help, we really want to play again.
Ari0806 4 years ago
Check to make sure that the server has started (and isn't getting stuck somewhere), and that you have the right IP and port. That message is MC's default "we couldn't connect to a server at the provided IP/port" error message -- it's not seeing a server. If you need further help, we may be able to look deeper into things in our Discord.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
How do I make my game stop the crashing whenever I try to load into a server?
UnrealTanner 4 years ago
Give this a shot, it usually fixes it:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Sun power Charizards sola beam is not hit due to the error ..
sunpowerdongtae 4 years ago
If this is a bug, please report it (along with the full error you're getting) to our tracker here:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
I want to change something(evolution condition, rideable, stat), so i edited the stat folder's json file (assets/pixelmon/stat). for example, if i want to ride the Naganadel, so I edit the Naganadel's stat file(json), and I changed isrideable from false to true. and i edit the onix's stat file(json) . I changed the evolution condition from trade to leveling. and I rebuild the jar file(mod file) and i place the mod file(i edited), and i start the minecraft but it doesn't run. just "mojang" appear on this screen and a few seconds later, minecraft turn off Please how can I play in the modified pixelon mod without minecraft turning off?
Pyeong_Star 4 years ago
Please do not edit the mod file directly. If you open Modpack Options > Open > "config" > "pixelmon.hocon", you should be able to find the "useExternalJSONFilesStats" setting in there. Enable that, save, restart the game and then go up one folder from "config" and open the new "pixelmon" folder. You should be able to make your changes there.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
How to open MySQL storage in version 7.2.0?
wdxfandwy 4 years ago
The database was removed a good few versions ago, and replaced with an external JSON file system. You can find the toggles for those files in the "pixelmon.hocon" config file, located under Modpack Options > Open. Restart the game (or your server, if you edit the file on there) after enabling the types you need, and they should pop up in a new "pixelmon" folder in the game/server root.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
hi, everybody, I have created a server and I am looking for people anyone who wants to play is welcome. who wants to play with me search me on discord DemonAss#1639 p.s. for children who want to destroy the world I do a backup every day. thanks to whoever will participate
AegisAnako 4 years ago
Playing with someone on LAN but everytime I reopen it to LAN and they join they have to choose a starter all over again. Is there a way to restore their progress?
Rasengan975 4 years ago
LAN setups are known to be a bit wonky, but using a local server should work. You can check this guide for the steps, there:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago

Latest Update

The Pixelmon Mod was updated to version Pixelmon 9.1.13