Install The Pixelmon Mod

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Pixelmon Mod) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Pixelmon Mod from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Pixelmon Mod Version 1.16.5-9.1.13

created by PixelmonMod on Minecraft 1.16.5 using Technic Solder
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Could You add JEI into the modpack? Specifically so multiplayer servers would have it and it be possible to auto fill recipes.
Elmazz 4 years ago
I vaguely remember it being in before but being removed due to issues, but I'm far from sure on that one. The people in our Discord may know more, there. (never used it myself)
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Hey are you guys going to update pixelmon reformed to the latest version of Minecraft or just going to stay in 1.12
timbermoon1999 4 years ago
Sorry for the miss spelling I thought I spell reforged my stupid table decided to change reforged in to reformed
Posted by timbermoon1999 4 years ago
We do plan on moving to a new version eventually, but we need a stable server platform on there first so any servers running the mod can move over as well. Stay tuned!
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Hi, I was trying to get some ghost type pokémon items but they didn't give me anything. Is it a bug or now you need to do something special to get drops?
Mije 4 years ago
Yup, known issue. Believe it's been fixed for the upcoming release, but not 100% sure on that.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
when I cook in the curry pot the game closes
Grey2005 4 years ago
Dragapult's Dragon Darts causes Life Orb to ticket twice, one for each hit.
Orcovious 4 years ago
Please report issues to our tracker if they are not up already, thanks:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Whenever I try to download the update it immediately says the drop box is missing and when I go to the link it gives a 404. I had it before the update and once that came out I tried downloading and it will not work. Anything I can try?
Ketchwarrior 4 years ago
Are you sure you're downloading this specific pack? The files from this pack, as far as I'm aware, should be getting served by our CDN, and not by something like Dropbox. If you are still seeing errors, it may be worth trying to download from something like AT instead. This guide covers that:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
thanks I was using technic AT worked much better
Posted by Ketchwarrior 4 years ago
The server jar file does not work at all from both here and the official website. Seems that something is missing inside the file. When I try to run it from a command shell it brings back "no main manifest attribute, in server.jar". Any help?
Kami99kazi 4 years ago
The server -jar is just a more compact version of the Pixelmon mod with client-side assets removed. You will still need to set up a Forge server to have Minecraft pick up mods like Pixelmon. Check out this guide:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
My game frequently crashes when Slakoth and Seaking spawns. I'm not sure what to do.
Kobxue 4 years ago
Edit: Slakoth or Seaking
Posted by Kobxue 4 years ago
We'd have to see your logs/crash reports to see what's going on, there. Our Discord is generally the best place for that stuff. Head to #general-support and ask around, the people there should be able to help further.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
why am I not getting notifications when legendries are spawning?
darksider04 4 years ago
Is this on a server, or in single player? If the former, does the server have Pixelmon Broadcasts installed and set up correctly? Broadcasts requires that people have permissions to see the event notifications. If single player, do you have showing legendary messages enabled in the Mod Options/P button menu?
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
(if this is on a server and Broadcasts is not installed, you'll want to check the legendary message setting in the "pixelmon.hocon" config file -- kinda forgot to mention that)
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Version 1.12.2-8.1.2 of Pixelmon does not MegaEvolve when fighting with the npc trainer. I think this is a bug.
oOKittyOo 4 years ago
This is likely due to the new Dynamax mechanic taking precedence in that world. If you want to change that back, look for the "Old Gen Dimensions" setting in your "pixelmon.hocon" config. Alternatively, go to the Ultra Space world. There should be some further changes coming here in future updates, as the current setup is a bit too restrictive.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
tem como baixar o negocio do server sem ser pelo winzip
dalny123 4 years ago
6.04 the compass for gameshark disappears (Game shark 6.04) 6.00 Current technic version works but you see the bosses dont work ..... Help? xD
Joelcross19 4 years ago
I'm not too familiar with Gameshark myself, but the next pack update may fix this -- from what I've seen, included mods were getting bumped up to newer versions. It may be good to ask about this in our Discord (link to the right) in the mean time, though.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
The technic version doesn't work for mac. I get an error at 40% installation every time.
Westleys_Peaches 4 years ago
Is this still happening now? if so, your Technic launcher log may have some info -- we can look into those in the Discord, or on the forums. (though Discord is generally faster)
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
I am trying to open Pixelmon but it kicks me out everytime I try to, it won't let me. What might be the problem?
AltF4_Gaming 4 years ago
Do you have any more details, there? Any specific errors? Is this when connecting to a server, or in single player? What happens when you try? May be good to join our Discord here if you're unsure -- the people there can guide you through things.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
it doesnt let me in the pixelmon mod
Akio_09 4 years ago
Do you have any more details, there? Any specific errors? Is this when connecting to a server, or in single player? What happens when you try? May be good to join our Discord here if you're unsure -- the people there can guide you through things.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
i'm from brazil, this is the best pokemon mod i spend hours playing but i have some doubts. when will they update to 1.16? have any chance to translate the movements to en?
k_edu 4 years ago
Updates to newer Minecraft versions are pending a stable server plugin platform, currently. We'll have to see how things go. As for move translations, I believe that is a known bug currently -- keep an eye out for future updates!
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
Is it possible to add battle music to a resource pack? I've seen a few that have the files but none work.
deathknight842 4 years ago
I'm not too familiar with this myself, but our Discord may be a good place to ask, there. Link is to the right.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
So technic won't let me download Reforged and it says "Reforged does not appear to be installed or is corrupt, and is not available to play offline or online."
Shadow11000 4 years ago
That's a weird one, do other launchers work? ATLauncher in particular may be a good one to try here, as that should also spit out some more useful logs if something goes wrong. If you need any further help, we can have a look in our Discord.
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
please help me, when i'm playing pokemon start to run out of textures, turn white and then minecraft closes what i do
tonin_272 4 years ago
That sounds like a vanilla bug with 32 bit Java. If you're on Windows, grab 64 bit Java from here: (and then follow to set everything up)
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
but my computer is not compatible with 64-bit java
Posted by tonin_272 4 years ago
How so? Almost anything made in the last 10-15 years should be able to run that fine. (it may be good to join our Discord, here -- the people there can look deeper into the issue)
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago
the orange vending machine has a messed up texture on the left hand side of it, there is some green
Renegade3434 4 years ago
Please report issues to our tracker, we can look into them further there:
Posted by XpanD 4 years ago

Latest Update

The Pixelmon Mod was updated to version Pixelmon 9.1.13