Install The 1.7.10 Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The 1.7.10 Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The 1.7.10 Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The 1.7.10 Pack Version 0.10.14

created by xJon on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod is clashing with Vanilla, Dark Oak Fences are uncraftable.
Neon_Wasabii0 5 years ago
Can someone help me...Everytime I try to download the pack It stucks at 23%
House11 5 years ago
This happened to me with a different mod pack, I just left it downloading and eventually it finished. I think that mod might just be larger in size.
Posted by Ryzen67 5 years ago
Exactly ^
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hello! Can u add ProjectE pls?
StraveCounter 5 years ago
Hi guys. I'm really having fun with the mod, but i just encountered a strange spot of the world which made me die dozens of times trying to recover my inventory. In this spot there's basically a force pushing you to the middle of this strange force field and once in the center it just shoots you very high in the sky and then you fall down and die. What's the mod resposible for this? How's this spot called? If anyone could help me i would be very grateful. Thank you in advance. p.s. once i destroyed the grave the items were shot in the sky and i lost them all.
androsida 5 years ago
Im having some grapic bugs in MC can anyone help me? Specs. Nvifia geforce gtx 960m 8gb ram in total 3 gb reserved for mc Already tried: Un and reinstalled java Un and reinstalled graphic driver Un and reinstalled mc Turning off and on again.
JayPi 5 years ago This is a video to show what kind of bugs i have. Mods please be gentle
Posted by JayPi 5 years ago
Please go to the "Help" section to get help!
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
How do I use the morph mod?
WiskyQ 5 years ago
default keybind is ]
Posted by DJ_Zach 5 years ago
The best pack, the only two smalls things that would make this better is catwalks and /any/ mod that has some kind of player sensor, like malisis doors.
Iorek2319 5 years ago
modpack just crashes whenever its loaded into the main menu. 5gb ram allocated. GTX 1080Ti and still crashes already gave up trying to play it tbh
45StrongBad 5 years ago
Please go to the "Help" section to get help. And post your crash log.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Are there any plans to add the secret rooms mod? Would love for it to be in here.
KlayJr 5 years ago
no plans yet, join the discord to learn more
Posted by DJ_Zach 5 years ago
This Modpack have Herobrine? Because I was playing and on my machine was write "Herobrine was here"
TheJoing2004 5 years ago
Herobrine has successfully been removed in version 0.5.4.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
One of the mods, I think EnderIO, does that.
Posted by BladeSeeker 5 years ago
Howdy there, great work. Just a little question, when I morph into a bat, I cannot fly. Is that normal ? This make me thought morph was activated in this pack only to look like other creatures when killed. But then wen I morph into a spider, I can walk up vertical wall, so I think bat should work also ...
Quasar-01 5 years ago
You need to visit the nether at least once to enable Morph flight :)
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Many thanks "Hi it's me", I have just been testing it ! I can fly as a wasp also now ;-)
Posted by Quasar-01 5 years ago
i open the 1.7.10 pack and loading and minecraft is closing how can i fix this problem ?
TroXXis 5 years ago
Please go to the "Help" section to get help!
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Any plans to upgrade the modpack to latest baseline version? Pleeease do so! :)
fdworkshop 5 years ago
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
any plans at all on adding ''Iguanas Tinker Tweaks'' aka letting us swap out tinker construct parts on tools ect would be really awesome and a good thing
PhoenixTV1337 5 years ago
Any plans on adding Journeymap? Also, is there a reason why Project E is not included?
BigChungus69 5 years ago
The modpack uses the VoxelMap mod :)
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Please add: MoCreatures Mod Traincraft Mod Secruitycraft Mod journeymap
MagicalMaik 5 years ago
Firstly, I'd like to say that themes included are great. But most important, is that I have a few issues with the game. To Begin with. /back /back here does not work at all! For example - I die, respawn at spawn and type /back. It. doesn't take me to where I died, which is where it should take me. How else am I supposed to get all my stuff back?? This is a major issue for me because I just died thousands of meters away from my base and I can't get back to my grave. It should really be fixed. Secondly, claiming. I have heard that the server is a "raiding server" so immediately that doesn't make me satisfied with the server. I don't want to have my stuff. stolen whilst I'm gone, that's absolutely unfair to anyone on the server. (Just wanted to point out this.I know it may be for lag reasons but not convenient whatsoever) The 5 second wait to teleport is unreasonable. I completely understand if it is used for lag reasons, but the fact it applies to /home is quite annoying. But finally I have some good things to say. I like the wide range of mods and there are some that I have always wanted to have. The amount of items and things to do is endless, keeping me occupied. Thank you for reading, hope you can take some of this into consideration.
CucumberJuuce 5 years ago
mods included**
Posted by CucumberJuuce 5 years ago
I Would like to suggest a change in the Mekanism Mod Configs for the sake of balance. The Mekanism Passive Generators are too Op and Cheap at the same time, not needing more than Obsidian Level items to craft them, and allowing things like a Fast Working Quarry (buildcraft) powered by Mekanism, to be made quickly, after only a few hours into a new game. Mekanism is by far the most OP mod, and i can't find any other tech mod with only simple and cheap craftings, And since we can't change the craftings (also, to not confuse players), i suggest a power output reduction from the Solar Panels (normal and Advanced), Reactor, and mainly, the Windmill. because not only they generate tons of power and are cheap, but this power can be converted to the other tech mods and break the power balance of the modpack.
The8Bits2013 5 years ago
I understand that I need more RAM for it, but the link that the error gives me is not clickable. Any way to help this?
ShotgunFlood 5 years ago
Please go to the "Help" section to get help!
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hi ! Awesome pack so far, thank you for making it :) I've noticed that Tinker's construct may not be working though, is it just me ?
Brouhaha12321 5 years ago
Please go to the "Help" section to get help!
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

We are aware of an issue preventing players from downloading/updating the modpack. We plan on migrating the hosting within a week or so which will resolve all of the hosting issues for good.