Install The 1.7.10 Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The 1.7.10 Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The 1.7.10 Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The 1.7.10 Pack Version 0.10.14

created by xJon on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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this pack is the best favorite pack
LordTSI 5 years ago
i found a giant oak tree in a medow biome i ahve played this pack for 40+hrs and never seen one of these can someone tell me what it is and what mod makes it
LordTSI 5 years ago
Does anybody know just how updated these mods are? Will they be as updated as they are in more up-to-date modpacks (i.e. a 1.12 pack)? Thanks ahead of time
DamienEdele 5 years ago
Add Mekanism mod plsss, that is one of the best mods i have ever played.
somethingno 5 years ago
The Mekanism mod is in the pack already.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
can anybody tell me why i become crashes, when i attack a monster while i loaded the Mod Optifine? It crashes only with Optifine, and i Like optifine becuase Connected Textures
HazeBaze 5 years ago
Make sure you use Optifine version D6.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
For some reason the Asteroid dimension is unavailable for me. Unlike other planets it shows red and says unkown...
lktuga 5 years ago
What's the recommended RAM for this pack with sphax?
Jaydood 5 years ago
I'd say 4-5 GB. You can continue the discussion in the Discord of the pack.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Only complaint is Thaumcraft, while i don't completely hate that mod, i damned sure don't love it.
Dv8Kitten 5 years ago
Can't win it all.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hey, I wanted to know if anyone knows how to add optifind to the modpack (or if its even possible) I would love to have it on this modpack just to make things look so much nicer. if the modpack maker could add it too it would be awesome!
nightninja55 5 years ago
Unfortunately Optifine doesn't permit adding the mod to any public modpack, but feel free to add it yourself manually.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Server: Fun server to be yourself. no griefing or exploiting. No pvp unless other person wants to pvp
Blooperdabloop 5 years ago
Hi modpack maker. Could you add Web Displays mod? Would be nice to watch stuff with friends inside game, learn without having to alt + tab, etc. Basically having full access to the internet while in game. Hope you can add it :)
tidusfire123 5 years ago
Hi Modpack maker could you add the Mo Creatures mod? that would make the wild life more fun and its one of my fav mods. Hope you can:3
JinxRockerWon 5 years ago
Hey, so I'm having TONS of issues trying to run this pack with plugins.. Tried everything, anyone have any advice?
MortemOmnia 5 years ago
Yooo, Ars Magica 2 would be so good in this modpack. Other than that the modpack is amazing! :D
minimaster225 5 years ago
Hi mod creator can you maybe add ProjectE mod ? that would make the farming way more easier and craftier for farming
epicfaceslimey 5 years ago
Anyone looking for that war, roleplayish, community, no-plugins server? Join discord, IP - . All I ask is that a part of your base is above ground, whether it be a door or a window.
Boosterseat 5 years ago
Can anyone tell me the name of the mod that shows the block's name, harvest'ability and the tool to use on it? it's lagging my game quite a bit
RLBRAVO 5 years ago
I think it's the What Am I Looking At? / WAILA mod.
Posted by BladeSeeker 5 years ago
Can we get ExtraTic? It compliments Tinker's Construct which is already in the modpack.
whiteflame 5 years ago
Hi! i have 2 requests for the modpack , is it possible to add the voltz nuclear reactor stuff and the particle accelerator (cant remember which mod names) . Its that it is impossible to craft items like anti matter missiles as it requires fire which is only obtainable through cheating in notenough items . If there was a recipe that required proper antimatter ( particle accelerator ) , would you be able to add it? . A final request is that ( relating to missiles and other things) , could you change Defence tech to ICBM as it has more stuff like barbed wire , spikes , automated turrets etc as Defence tech is like the lite version of ICBM (i think not sure) cheers! SaltY_KiiD (p.s -sorry it was a lot to read XD)
SaltY_KiiD 5 years ago
Can someone give me a little help. I'm trying to get into my world but it when it loads it immediately goes back to the technic launcher, no the world. I have 7 gigabytes of ram directed to it and I've tried more and less. Is there anything that could be wrong?
KaikeaG 5 years ago
Please go to the "Help" section to get help.
Posted by xJon 5 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

We are aware of an issue preventing players from downloading/updating the modpack. We plan on migrating the hosting within a week or so which will resolve all of the hosting issues for good.