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Hey, I'm glad to see that the torch of pixelmon is still being carried!
Ive got a small problem though; I can't craft/obtain a pokedex and I cant find anything about it - any ideas or am I just being really stupid?
Oh wow, that goes back a while. The Pokédex is no longer an inventory item in more recent versions -- you can access it from anywhere with the "I" key now!
Oh wow! That makes sense. Thanks!
Okay so next probably stupid question, now that its not an item any more, how do you use your pokedex to scan wild pokemon? Like, to build up your pokedex withouth cathing them all?
"It can be accessed by pressing a certain key ('I' by default). Pressing this key on a previously unseen wild Pokémon will cause its name to be recorded to the Pokédex. To register the Pokémon's complete data, it needs to be obtained (by capture, evolution, trading, etc.). "
Hi me again.I did ask about mega evolution and speed calculation mechanics before.Now i need to feedback about some other mechanic too.I have Meloetta with Serene Grace ability which doubles the chances of secondary effects on moves.Now from VI gen onwards It actually doubles the Secret Power's %30 chances but when i play matches it probably acts like %30.Please be sure about check this mechanic because i completly build my meloetta about this abilty and this move :) Source about abilty and move :
I'd recommend taking this to the Discord -- there's more people who might know about this kind of stuff there.
I might have somrthing, I was using the stander launcher for minecraft and decided to go back a update for forge and it worked but had no sound. Heres the update 1.12.2-forge1.12.2-
Update your Forge to the current latest, 2752. The news just came in -- that has this issue patched!
Hey, I'm having difficulty loading minecraft with the mod in the forge mods folder. It can load without the mod there, so it isnt forge, and it can load without forge. i have forge and i have the universal .jar file for the mod. Any ideas?
Check out my reply to "tecmc1", you likely have the same issue.
Update: Grab Forge 2752 if you're doing a manual install, that has a fix for this issue.
Whenever I start up pixelmon it loads normally then crashes once it finishes the load up screen saying Error: java.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering screen.
Are you running through Technic, or through another launcher? Something seems to have broken Pixelmon, possibly Mojang pushing out an update somewhere. Technic should still work. We're looking into it!
I'm having trouble actually downloading the 6.3.4 file as google chrome stops the download, claiming the file may contain malware...
What's the exact message you get? I just get "This type of file can harm your computer", which is just because it's technically executable code. If you click "Keep", it should work.
The error message is reading "Pixelmon-1.12.2-6.3.4.jar may be dangerous, so Chrome has blocked it." and I just get the option to "Discard" and don't get the option to keep it.
Do you have MalwareBytes? I've seen a few mentions of that interfering with it. It may be good to try another browser with this direct link:
The download link worked, thanks so much :)
I'm having trouble with a crash upon launch with the Pixelmon Reforged mod loaded. Without the mod loaded Forge is loading just fine. On the crash I only have one mod installed. Things I have done to date:
1) Uninstalled everything, started fresh.
2) Validated that Minecraft loads without any mods.
3) Increased the allotted ram resources to 3GB.
4) Drank an energy drink.
5) Stared and drooled on my keyboard some.
My crash report:
I would really appreciate any help that can be offered as I've kind of hit a brick wall.
Are you trying to set up a server? You're running the -server file, which doesn't have any of the client assets (textures, sounds, etc.). If this is a client setup, grab the -universal file from (big button) and put that in "mods" instead. That should work.
Hi, does this have those Pokemon Go features I saw on YouTubes? The 1k, 2k and 10k eggs plus Pokestops? Because I thought that was really cool.
I'm not too familiar with Go, so not sure on the eggs. However, there is a sidemod that can enable Pokéstops. Not sure if it's server-only, might have more details.
I want to use Nitrado to create a Pixelmon server for me and my friends. So far, I haven't been able to do it. Is it even possible? If so, how? btw, i love this mod pack ...
And sry for my bad English ... i am a german potato ... so
You'll want to do a Forge install, preferably build 2705 (for MC 1.12.2) if they have that. After you boot with that, it will create a "mods" folder that you can drop Pixelmon and any other mods into. Check out this link for more info: (a large part also applies for online setups)
Got it :)
Is there a way to increase the spawn rate of the pixelmon ?
Check out the "pixelmon.hocon" file in your "config" folder, that should have options for that stuff. If you have any further questions, I'd recommend joining the Discord -- that should be a bit faster, too.
tried to play this for the last week but every time i play after about 5 minutes my UI will lag out and i cant craft anything, cant mine anything, cant drop anything. tried installing on my laptop and also did the same thing. Any tips?
Try the same thing I told BLACKPOPTART yesterday, it may work for you as well. There's a known conflict between Minecraft 1.12.2 and 32 bit Java installs (even when you have the right version otherwise). If your computer supports 64 bit software, a 64 bit Java install should hopefully fix it.
when i click start it starts loading things at the bottom but never launches what should i do?
Go to Launcher Options > JAVA SETTINGS. What does it say in the top box? It should say 1.8.0, but if it says anything else, get a 64-bit Java installer from (make sure it says 64-bit! some are 32) and install that. Make sure the launcher and game are closed while you're doing this. The game should work after. If you need further help, join the Discord (link to the right) and tag me in #general-support.
Hi im not sure if this is the right place to ask but I was wondering if there was a way to up the spawning rates? I've been playing and to me there is barely any pokemon spawning so I have a hard time battling and catching. I edited the config a few times to see if I could make the spawn rate higher but I could never figure out which ones I have to make higher to make them spawn more. If anyone could help that would be amazing, I looked everywhere and on the wiki but that didn't really help.
The wiki's a work in progress, and is still missing a whole lot of stuff. I'd recommend changing entitiesPerPlayer, spawnFrequency and, importantly, minimumDistanceBetweenSpawns -- that's a killer for spawn rates. If you've reset the settings in the in-game menu, regenerate your config through Modpack Options > Open > "config" and remove the "pixelmon.hocon" file, followed by a game restart -- in-game reset seems to set weird values, it's a known bug that's being looked into. You'll find the values I mentioned above in that file, too. If you need further help, I'd recommend dropping by the Discord and asking in the #spawner-support channel.
Do you think you could add a very basic command? - Invulnerable while in battle = true prefarably to 3.3.5
Pixelmon 3.3.5? Those old versions aren't being updated anymore, and are part of the shutdown for the original mod. If you want to suggest new features, is generally the place to go. This sounds like more of a sidemod feature, though -- very niche.
Is there an ETA on Pixelmon Reforged 1.13?
There is no Forge for 1.13 yet, and it will likely take a while because of all the breaking changes. Once Forge gets a stable version out and stuff like SpongeForge is also updated, we can look into moving Pixelmon itself to 1.13. Until then, future releases (including the big 7.0 that's coming up next) will be 1.12.2.
Is there a command block way to check Poke Dollars. Something like "/testfor @p[pokedollars=500]' ?
I'm not aware of any way of doing this myself, but this might be a better question to ask in the Discord -- there's more knowledge there for more obscure stuff like this.
Hi ! I have a problem on my local server (i have a Pixelmon server to play with friends) : we can't craft any potions, super potions, or Multi Exp, ... Does anyone know how to fix it ? Thank you ! :D
Most of those recipes were removed, as they were largely too easy. The consumable recipes may be coming back, although held items have now been delegated to boss drops and world (chest/Pokéchest) loot.
With Charm as his fairy move, leveling Eevee up in a flower forest doesn't evolve him.
Does your Eevee have high friendship, too? I asked around, but people were reporting that it was evolving properly with all requirements met.
Hello once again! I am currently experiencing problems with my server due to error messages saying "Pixelmon loaded a new chunk [-9, 36] in dimension 0 (overworld) while populating chunk [-9, 37], causing cascading worldgen lag."
This happens pretty regularly and once we try to explore the world, the entire server lags out and times out for about a minute until we can rejoin again. Is there any way to fix this? Running with default pixelmon.hocon settings and 3GB of RAM.
That message is generally harmless, as Pixelmon's structures are pretty small. However, we do recommend pre-generating the server using something like Nucleus (within a world border), as generating on the fly is very heavy on the server in general. 3GB is pretty low for a Pixelmon server, and may be the cause of your issues -- we generally recommend 4GB as a minimum, though it's not unheard of for the busier servers to go up to crazy amounts. If you need further help, I'd recommend joining the Discord via the link to the right and asking in #server-support -- it's a fair bit faster, usually.
I have not been able to locate a time space alter or any other legendary spawn structure at all. Configs show they are active and should spawn, what should I do?
If you run "/struc list", what does it show? It should come up with a list of structures. If the list is populated, stuff should spawn, although timespace altars can be pretty rare. If the list isn't populated... are you using this pack? Some packs are known to cause issues with structure generation, but this one (the official one) should work. If you need any further help, feel free to drop by the Discord -- bit easier to chat about stuff like this on there!
Oh okay, I figured it out.
Please, can you add a Command or a Button to access inventory outside the battle?
like: /bag or /trainerbag
I know that exist /pokeheal, healer etc, but for servers i think this would be a good thing to have a normal bag like in pokémon games.
I believe something like this was being looked into, but I'm not sure on the status of it.
Good,i hope this happen soon.
Thank you.