Install Tekkit

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tekkit) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tekkit from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tekkit Version 1.2.9i

created by sct on Minecraft 1.6.4 using Technic Solder
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Just bought minecraft java. Set up a new minecraft account and minecraft makes you set it up as a microsoft account. When I go to the technic launcher it asks for my mojang account, and i enter the microsoft account I made and it wont work. Is there any fix or does the technic launcher need a a update?
SkyTech78 4 years ago
i cant download the server download?
Grimskie13 4 years ago
Can we replace Equivalent Exchange 3 with ProjectE? No offense to pahlmer, but his remodel destroys the mod, while ProjectE does its best to update and recreate the original.
AngelicFireHeart 4 years ago
After the game crashed because of a memory problem with my computer (minecraft unrelated) when I enter my world the game crashes. How do i fix this?
Andreaslag 4 years ago
what java version should i use? i'm on macOS 10.15 and i have java 14.0.1 (64-bit) which the launcher refuses to run.
IAmSeamonkey 4 years ago
Can't run in the game... Whats up with that?
NigerBender 4 years ago
it says when i try to join a server minecraft has ran out of memory
9wxyz 4 years ago
Are you using a 32-bit version of Java or 64-bit?
Posted by Hero8Bit 4 years ago
Honestly i just wish that instead of equivalent exchange 3 that there was ProjectE aswel as thaumcraft
wrightmichael006 4 years ago
Agreed! I just mentioned this again up above, hopefully they will listen
Posted by AngelicFireHeart 4 years ago
Tekkit 1.2.9e wont launch at all. it starts up then just returns me to the launcher, im only trying to use this version because this is the latest The SphaxPureBDcraft Rescource pack has for the tekkit addon, can anyone help?
SmithingGod 4 years ago
I wanted to get back into this but the server linked in the download is not working. There are all kinds of item ID mismatches and other errors. Does anyone else have that issue?
Zach86 4 years ago
Posted by IamCOOKED 3 years ago
Why isn't IC2 in this? It's like the main part of Tekkit
Maurice_Flowers 4 years ago
Hello, I was using the Tekkit modpack yesterday with no issue (I have an apexhosting server in conjunction), however recently when I've tried to launch tekkit my minecraft won't open and it returns me back to the launcher. My java is up to date, I made sure to run the correct version of minecraft and then exit out, I've uninstalled and reinstalled the pack, I restarted my computer, server and Launcher at least 5 times but still no luck. My buddy has no problem returning and playing my tekkit server as well. Any one experience similar problems recently/ any suggestions?
colterbassi 4 years ago
fix some mod id missing problem, please. Server mods and technic mods not same as it is I guess
Oguzozcn 4 years ago
pls add new vesions of minecraft
TheSpaceBuilder 4 years ago
add ic2 plss
DeagleTheKing 4 years ago
How can i add a newer version of minecraft to tekkit.
andrewtanyinkit 4 years ago
For some reason, some listed items do not have recipes to show. Chiseled stone bricks for example. And the known crafting recipes for it (two stone brick slabs stacked in the crafting grid) do not work. Am I missing something here?
TheKrazyKrow 4 years ago
I guess youre too up-to-date. Some recipies is actually from 1.7+ minecraft. I guess that can explain ... all possible reciepts except a few is in the NEI GUI thing. I think enderchest vanilla type is not, its a eye of ender surrounded by obsidian hope it helps you out
Posted by SkyGamer911 4 years ago
For some reason, tekkit wont boot. the launcher will disappear, be gone for 10 or so seconds, the reappear. I rely wanted to play, but it just wont boot.
DoomStrider 5 years ago
make sure to download 64 bit java the windows offline 64 bit
Posted by skippersailer 5 years ago
Does Tekkit not work? Some years ago i have played Tekkit, and had a Nitrado Server, but since i think two years, Tekkit does not work. It takes a long time, until it starts, and it lags terrible. Every click and you have to wait minutes. Is there a solution for this problem?
Meisterproppa 5 years ago
i downloaded it but when i launch it nothing comes up
thecolourrose 5 years ago

Latest Update

Lumy Skin Patch has been updated to 1.0.13 so skins should be working again. Existing modpack builds were updated to the fixed version.