Install The Classic Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Classic Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Classic Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Classic Pack Version 3.3.6

created by Pulz on Minecraft 1.12.2 using Technic Solder
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Think there is a bug or perhaps its unfinished. I cannot create the "Item Teleport Pipe" with the Assembly Table. (Though I am able to create other items with the Assembly Table, such as the Diamond and Quartz Chipsets). Any advice or news about the "Item Teleport Pipe"? Thank you kindly.
Akieal 4 years ago
It has been reported, and will be looked into. The players who have reported this have said it is purely a visual bug and that the pipes are eventually created. Two users claimed that they needed to let the chunk unload for the process to begin.
Posted by Pulz 4 years ago | Modpack Creator
anyone else having issues with servers after the update? is this a fixable problem or will I have to wait for apex hosting to update the file.
Binsley 4 years ago
Hey there, usually we support on the discord but I happen to see this message! It may take some time for servers to catch up with the update and apply it to their database, if you got a FTP access you can update it manually though!
Posted by PikaArc 4 years ago
Do you have any pretensions to avaritia in the modpack?
VzeusV 5 years ago
does this pack have a server?
teamnightmare16 5 years ago
Two official servers run by myself and a team of volunteers are included in the server list by default.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Before posting here, be aware that support/general enquiries are much better suited to the Discord server- where you are guaranteed to get a same-day response. Comments here are not always read on a daily basis. Cheers.
Pulz 5 years ago
Hi! Small question, I was browsing throughj the inventory pets and I wanted to try and find/craft a biome pet. However, there's no JEI-recipe for it, nor can I find the pet anywhere online. Is it a custom pet? And if so, how can it be obtained?
AlisAquilae 5 years ago
You will find them in chests, just like some other pets
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
How do you put more modifier? I went to the Tinkers Wiki and it says it's a diamond and a block of gold and it still won't go. Is it a bug or is it anyway in this modpack?
BlazeSnow97 5 years ago
Please join the Discord and ask there, as it's more than likely you're doing it slightly wrong- so screenshots would really help figure it out ;)
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Please add the Mod Applied Energistics 2 and mekanism
BedWarsKong 5 years ago
I am trying to run a server hosting this mod pack. Unfortunately, on loading the MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod causes multiple errors, and when someone uses the computer for the mod it causes another huge error and crashes their game. The error seems to be with forge itself, causing a "netty epoll server io #5/error fml networkdispatcher exception", the error when I try to use the computer is " SimpleChannelHandlerWrapper exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: CauseStackManager called from off main thread (current='Thread{class=class java.lang.Thread, name=Netty Epoll Server IO #2,". I tried making sure the mod and server were at the right version, but it's still crashing, any suggestions?
ubspy 5 years ago
Open a ticket on the Discord server if this is still an issue please- as I don't check these comments that frequently.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
When it comes to powering a Quarry with the Energy Converters Mod, what would be the items to use for that? I can't seem to get any to work, unless it doesn't and I'm trying for nothing.
DragsZombies 5 years ago
It is possible. First off, let me tell you that originally the quarry was meant to be useable only through the use of engines. As such, pipes leading into a quarry won't work. Moreover, you would require a T2+ engine, meaning either a stirling engine or a combustion engine, both of which require physical fuel. The reason for me telling you this is because it seamingly goes against the initial wishes of the Buildcraft mod creator. However, using the energy converters, there is a way around this. The required items depends on which form of power you want to convert. You craft a 'consumer' of that energy type, craft a bridge and place it next to the consumer, and craft an MJ producer, which you put next to the bridge. The crucial part here is that the MJ producer should directly touch the quarry. In this way, the quarry will detect a direct input of MJ and start working.
Posted by AlisAquilae 5 years ago
Why does coal from ProjectE not have an EMC value. same goes for almost everything what in other packs normal has an EMC value except ores and dirt and stuff like that.
CMilkshake 5 years ago
there is a LOT of stuff missing emc values. My only guess is so that people can decide whether or not they want something to be mass-producible using the "/Projecte setEMC" command
Posted by Jordan7890 5 years ago
As above, EMC is balanced to encourage people to explore all the mods the pack has to offer and not just find a few diamonds after 30 minutes and AFK their way to late game. If you're on a server, just delete and allow the projecte config folder to regenerate; or install the modpack on the vanilla launcher and do the same.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
If you delete the ProjectE folder in the config folder of your modpack (singplayer found in %appdata%\.technic\modpacks\tc-redux\config on windows) the mod will regenerate all EMC values, that fixed it for me. I can imagine the modpack creator wanted to try and nerf the transmutation table considering how overpowered it can be.
Posted by ubspy 5 years ago
Wondering if there will be reworks to the values of food, some of the normal go to food only saturate you for 1 food bar and kinda forces you down the pams harvestcraft mod which seems excessive for what its worth, is there any easily obtainable food sources worth going for or should i just go down the pams route
curtis_steel 5 years ago
Pams is quite fun and rewarding- so of course I'd suggest using it. If you're on your own server or in singleplayer- the pams config can be adjusted to make vanilla food saturation normal.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
That said, I will revisit the configuration to ensure my previous balancing tweaks are included to make food a little easier.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
This pack is everything I dreamed of and more (specifically, all the bee mods lol but I was able to easily remove a few jars to get it how I liked) thank you for putting this together! And if I can be so bold, I'd ask why the ProjectE hammers no longer have a mega-impact function like they did back with tekkit classic? Thanks again!
Jordan7890 5 years ago
I'm glad you're enjoying it. Make sure the server you are playing on has not disabled radius mining (such as the official servers as of a few days ago) :)
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Can you help me ? I install this modpack and when I started it it Put me back On the Technic launcher. And it turned off Minecraft.
Sushi_aspire7 5 years ago
Please join the Discord server and open a support ticket.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Hi can you add Quests please ?
tofonek 5 years ago
A quest system has been in the works for a little while now, and will be coming after the upcoming update
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
please add astral sorcery
DaRevooseFloosh 5 years ago
Is there anyway to disable the new sound pack I would like to use just the vanilla sounds without all the new audio?
Jackstral 5 years ago
The new sounds come from the Dynamic Surroundings mod. You can disable all the added sounds or tweak it to be exactly how you'd like it by going into the settings tab.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Why not include Applied Energistics 2?
ButterZwift 5 years ago
Because it takes too much away from the other mods- I've tried to ensure that all the present mods balance each-other in such a way that encourages you to explore what they all have to offer. Instead of just doing one or two mods to get everything you need.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
Please i'd like to know what is the PC specs to handle this modpack. Thanks.
UserN7 5 years ago
The full spec list is available on our Discord server. Almost all CPU's and GPU's will be fine. 2GB of RAM is required, minimum. 4GB of RAM is recommended.
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator
@PULZ good to know. I'm having a laptop with core i3 4030U, gt 820 gpu and 6gb of ram memory.
Posted by UserN7 5 years ago
@PULZ good to know. I'm having a laptop with core i3 4030U, gt 820 gpu and 6gb of ram memory.
Posted by UserN7 5 years ago
@PULZ good to know. I'm having a laptop with core i3 4030U, gt 820 gpu and 6gb of ram memory.
Posted by UserN7 5 years ago
@PULZ good to know. I'm having a laptop with core i3 4030U, gt 820 gpu and 6gb of ram memory.
Posted by UserN7 5 years ago
@PULZ good to know. I'm having a laptop with core i3 4030U, gt 820 gpu and 6gb of ram memory.
Posted by UserN7 5 years ago
@PULZ good to know. I'm having a laptop with core i3 4030U, gt 820 gpu and 6gb of ram memory.
Posted by UserN7 5 years ago
the mod pack wont load i have everything downloaded and it keeps crashing i have tried to uninstall and reinstal but nothing works i wwould like some help if anybody could help me
DarnByte2 5 years ago
Feel free to join the Discord and we can troubleshoot your issue. The most common issues people report are due to them not allocating a minimum of 2GB RAM and/or having the wrong java version (x32 instead of x64)
Posted by Pulz 5 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

This update paves the way for future modpack updates with a switch to the official Solder platform, away from the now deprecated fork. This update fixes many bugs and introduces a handful of new mods, including Glassential and Macaw's building mods,