Install The Classic Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Classic Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Classic Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Classic Pack Version 3.3.6

created by Pulz on Minecraft 1.12.2 using Technic Solder
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In the small chance anyone else using this pack on a cloud PC or VM is experiencing constant crashes despite doing literally dozens of things to try to fix it, after 3 days of troubleshooting I was able to fix it by installing Optifine HD U G5 and disabling all particles. For some reason, SOMETHING in this pack doesn't play nice with VM's VRAM. Crash reports always point to null, and a full dump pointed out access violations with 2 different NVIDIA DLL's. No drivers I installed fixed it.
Jordan7890 11 months ago
I like what this Modpack is representing. A modern and expanded version of the all known "Tekkit". But there are some minor things I wanna talk about. - Maybe I haven't found it by now but as far as I know, there is no Chunk Loader in this Pack even though the original Tekkit Classic had at least the "Dimensional Anchor". I prefer the "Chicken Chunks" Version but that doens't matter. I wonder why there is no such thing in this Pack - I would love to see the "Dimensional Doors" mod to give the world a bit more mystery. I know that Dimensional Doors isn't part of "Tekkit Classic" but the normal "Tekkit". - This version of IC2 has both, the liquid UU-Matter and the item version. But I am unable craft anything out of the item. Are the crafting recipes turned off or blocked or something? - And the last thing is that I don't find any block to transfer lava or energy between dimensions. One thing me and my friends do a lot is to transfer lava from the nether into the overworld with the Tesseract and use IC2' geothermal generators to make EU out of it. But there is no Tesseract in this Pack. Any alternatives? Besides the things I said, "The Classic Pack" is absolutely awesome and thanks to all the classic mods a real throwback to 2014.
Dhemotrex 1 year ago
Hi there, I'd apologise for the very late response but there are numerous comments here that state that this is not checked often. There is a suggestion channel on the Discord though. I'm glad you enjoy the theme of the pack and what it represents! To address some of these - UU matter is still usable, you can check the recipes by hovering over it and pressing U (for 'usage'). There are multiple different ways to load chunks, as different mods have different options. Check for 'chunk' in the search bar to find one that suits you best. There is also the 'Weirding Gadget' which has no recipe by default, that can be adjusted to your liking. There are also different storage options for liquids such as lava, but to transfer across distances you will need to look at chunk loading
Posted by Pulz 1 year ago | Modpack Creator
can u add the mod applied energetics 2 to be a little easy to craft itens and be more organized plss
DeagleTheKing 2 years ago
Reminder that the Discord server is the quickest way to get answers or support, I don't always check the discussion tab here as there are no notifications.
Pulz 2 years ago
I would appreciate it if ComputerCraft was updated to CC:Tweaked. It has better multiplayer performance and a few important features that I can't live without
LDDestroier 2 years ago
This has been planned for some time, it is still on the to-do-list :)
Posted by Pulz 2 years ago | Modpack Creator
Unplayable. All these mods all adding their own version of the same ore and no good ore dictionary mod or something to merge all those is causing major issues with ore generation. Was looking for iron and by the time half an hour had passed, travelling thousands of blocks, I had found 4 to 5 different versions of Copper... and not a single Iron. Really needs to be addressed. Nothing wrong with creating a kitchensink modpack. They can be tremendous fun. But, attention does need to be spent on considering the ramifications this has on world gen.
1CTbHgynTHakEfeC 2 years ago
There is no way to unify ore generation, instead - ore generation has to be disabled per-mod. The modpack uses InstantUnify and UniDict to allow for cross-mod compatibility and all ores will only ever drop one specific ID type. I have had to remove and then introduce custom recipes for certain mods where the recipes are hard-coded to expect a specific mod type of ore. 30 minutes to find iron ore seems rather extreme, especially given I can hop into multiple seeds and find iron ore within minutes - just as I would in a vanilla game. The distribution of ores, especially when observing things like quarrying over the last four years has never raised any flags or reports. It will be introduced at some point, but it is not a priority. This is not a modpack where every conceivable mod has been thrown in, a LOT of thought has gone into what mods compliment eachother and what mods needed heavy balancing.
Posted by Pulz 2 years ago | Modpack Creator
Reminder that the Discord server is the quickest way to get answers or support, I don't always check the discussion tab here as there are no notifications.
Pulz 2 years ago
Reminder that the Discord server is the quickest way to get answers or support, I don't always check the discussion tab here as there are no notifications.
Pulz 2 years ago
Reminder that the Discord server is the quickest way to get answers or support, I don't always check the discussion tab here as there are no notifications.
Pulz 2 years ago
anyone still play this
paulbeast2267 3 years ago
Plenty do :)
Posted by Pulz 2 years ago | Modpack Creator
issue with server download and primitive mobs. they are spawning excessively on the server I'm running and don't know how to fix it
Ustanker 3 years ago
If you still need help, please open a ticket via Discord as I rarely check these comments
Posted by Pulz 2 years ago | Modpack Creator
Small issue with project E not having the EMC values for base minecraft items, also i would highly reccomend adding Project E Expanse or whatever the mod is that adds in EMC values for mod items like AE2, IC2, BC, BoP, and alot of others. then the Project EX mod for adding an update to project E items giving a much longer and better late game play.
Lesperence 3 years ago
Thank you for your suggestions. Regarding ProjectE - values have been purposely balanced, adjusted or removed from items in this modpack. You can restore the values to default by deleting the ProjectE config folder.
Posted by Pulz 2 years ago | Modpack Creator
Reminder that the Discord server is the quickest way to get answers or support, I don't always check the discussion tab here as there are no notifications.
Pulz 3 years ago
Reminder that the Discord server is the quickest way to get answers or support, I don't always check the discussion tab here as there are no notifications.
Pulz 3 years ago
Reminder that the Discord server is the quickest way to get answers or support, I don't always check the discussion tab here as there are no notifications.
Pulz 3 years ago
Have you considered using IC2 Classic instead of experimental? IC2 Classic is much closer to the original Tekkit and Experimental adds quite a bit of tedium to crafting.
Imrotahk 3 years ago
Considered :)
Posted by Pulz 3 years ago | Modpack Creator
Is there a server to play this on? asking before i download it, tryna find something fun to play with my friend
buffah 3 years ago
There are two servers included in the server list by default
Posted by Pulz 3 years ago | Modpack Creator
When will the default emc value version be updated ?
wonfs 3 years ago
You can revert the modpack configuration by deleting the projecte config folder manually :)
Posted by Pulz 3 years ago | Modpack Creator
I can't install, pops up : Failed to download
Weedo24 3 years ago
If you still need help with this, please join the Discord server on the sidebar and find the support channel as I don't check these comments very often! Regarding your message- without seeing the log file I can only suggest you delete the modpack, restart the launcher to clear its cache and try again. It is referencing minecraft libraries, which are not controlled by me or my modpack, but by the launcher. I'm happy to help you troubleshoot this though.
Posted by Pulz 3 years ago | Modpack Creator
why cant i download the server?
VEEPEEXDEE 3 years ago
Do you get any message when trying this? If you still need help, feel free to give us a shout on discord for a much, much quicker response.
Posted by Pulz 3 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

This update paves the way for future modpack updates with a switch to the official Solder platform, away from the now deprecated fork. This update fixes many bugs and introduces a handful of new mods, including Glassential and Macaw's building mods,