Install Pixelmon Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name ( Pixelmon Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Pixelmon Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else! Pixelmon Pack Version 6.4

created by Bladehell on Minecraft 1.20.2
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Please can you make it so you can install it without having to use the launcher because I cant go on any other launcher other than the default minecraft one.
ytoggled 3 years ago
I am having a mental break down because of this. I a can't fucking download the god damn server!
Honey_dog_1 3 years ago
does anybody know what mods are in the pack, i cant use the technic launcher because i used a microsoft acc for minecraft and dont have minecraft bought on my mojang acc
galexythehusky1 3 years ago
I have managed to get in it today but now every time I try to join the server it’s lagged me and other times I’ve been randomly taken back to technic when I never closed Minecraft
TheSquareTigerYT 4 years ago
this server is literally trash I got a rank on the server and then when one of the elite four glitched they did not help me or any of the other people that it happened to
jtrgtpractice 4 years ago
What type of gift cards does the store accept?
0SkyGamer 4 years ago
why is no-one monitoring these questions? I see ones months old with no replies!
DattyBoi_YT 4 years ago
when i try to play with the modpack it continuously crashes, is anyone else having the same issue/knows a way to solve it?
DattyBoi_YT 4 years ago
Where do you appeal for a ban?
_S_o_u_p_y_ 4 years ago
on the pokeplay forums at
Posted by Mr_Markov 4 years ago
hello erm I have downloaded the modpack but it won't let me play single or multi play what should I do
zane_kun 4 years ago
How do i download the mod pack
Lewbug 4 years ago
it wont work
LordReich 4 years ago
i cant download the mod.
JordyBear31 4 years ago
I tried joining the OP server and my Minecraft crashed.
Supermath33 4 years ago
it is not leting me get on
smoney 4 years ago
i'm struggling opening minecraft with the mod, is it the same for you or different like opening the server?
Posted by DattyBoi_YT 4 years ago
i can't open the link to download
captainducky 4 years ago
Can you get pokeplay on Xbox I have minecraft
Hunter8099 4 years ago
Unfortunately, the mod used for the pokeplay server is exclusive to the Java edition of minecraft (pc). It probably won't ever be avaliable on Bedrock (xbox, playstation, mobile, etc.)
Posted by Mr_Markov 4 years ago
modpack wont donload
gj1499613 4 years ago
umm when i go to the server it says i have to restart my game and client everytime
Fe4rDR 4 years ago
i downloaded everything but i still cant get past the second step it just keeps bringing me back here
maxamoul 4 years ago
me to
Posted by captainducky 4 years ago
same here, why is no-one answering the questions?
Posted by DattyBoi_YT 4 years ago

Latest Update Pixelmon Pack was updated to version 6.4