Install Engrenage

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Engrenage) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Engrenage from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Engrenage Version 4.4.3

created by Wykkss on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder


Version 4.4.3


Mods update :
Factorization 0.8.98 --> 0.8.99b
Config change : FzdsDimension reactivated (It should be fine with this version of forge now).

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Version 4.4


Mods updates :
BiblioCraft 1.11.2 --> 1.11.3
Botania r1.7-225 --> r1.7-228
BrandonsCore -->
buildcraft 7.1.11 --> 7.1.12
Draconic-Evolution 1.0.2-snapshot-3 --> 1.0.2-Snapshot_5-Bugfix
k4lib 0.1.52 --> 0.1.55
malisiscore 0.12.9 --> 0.12.10
malisisdoors 1.10 --> 1.10.1
Mantle 0.3.2 --> 0.3.2b
mcjtylib 1.6.0 --> 1.7.0
NotEnoughKeys 1.0.0b29 --> 3.0.0b43
OpenModularTurrets 2.1.4-183 --> 2.1.5-184
Pam's HarvestCraft j --> k
PneumaticCraft 1.11.16-138 --> 1.11.18-140
Railcraft -->
rftools 3.42 --> 4.00 (NEW : among many other things: quarry like with the builder)
TConstruct 1.8.7 --> 1.8.8
WailaHarvestability 1.1.2 --> 1.1.3

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Version 4.3


New mods ! :

by progwml6
More solar panel for IC2

by voxelcarrot, Arkan
Mass block replacement & other cool stuff

Forbidden Magic 0.57
by SpitefulFox
Thaumcraft addon. Blood magic / Botania integration & other cool stuff

Updates :

Botania r1.7-223 --> r1.7-225
Changelog (from :
Added "Motif" variants of passive flowers. Same as Petite, but instead of being smaller, they don't decay nor produce mana. Since they use the same system, you can find them in the Flower Shrinking page.
Added "Redstone Helper" features to the Manaseer Monocle. Looking at redstone things will show you some data about them.
Added a recipe counter to the recipe registing code just for fun. You can now see how many recipes botania adds, woohoo.
Added comparator support to the Corporea Crystal Cube, it can now detect how many items are in a corporea network with exponential output.
Added Managlass, Alfglass and Bifrost Panes.
Added the Corporea Retainer, a new corporea block you can place next to a Corporea Interceptor, it'll remember the last intercepted request and have the requestor redo it if it gets a redstone signal.
Added the Teru Teru Bozu, a new (cute as hell) block that can send the rain away.
Added two new Portuguese Pavement Colors, yellow and green.
Changed some checks to use Material instead of Block (such as Hydroangeas and Thermalilies). Should make compatibility with TerraFirmaCraft or other mods' different water and lava blocks work better.
Changed the "no mana killzone" of the Dandelifeon from a 5x5 to a 7x7. To be honest, I really don't know where I'm going with this one. It's seeming to me like it's a failed experiment, as the optimal build always ends up being a really simple thing, which I'm not a big fan of. I'm just trying various things and seeing what sticks. I might end up removing it alltogether.
The Dandelifeon produces a lot more mana per cell now, however, whenever a cell is eaten, the board is wiped. Also added an "warning: experimental" page to the entry.As always, this is still not final.
Changed the Gaia Guardian's health to 800 (from 300) and the damage cap to 35 (from 12), 50 if it's a crit. In a way, if you're properly prepared, the boss is actually easier now as it's definitely possible to hit that hard with the proper enchants and potions, it just requires preparation.
Fixed the Corporea Crystal Cube and Hovering Hourglass not rendering every model piece in the inventory.
Fixed the Elementium Axe dropping Zombie Heads from Zombie Pigmen.
Fixed typos.
The Corporea Crystal Cube now shows how many items are in the network in its render without you having to hover on it.
The Corporea Index is now less stingy on how close you need to be to it in the Y axis.
The Manaseer Monocle can now be used as a Cosmetic Override to other baubles. Its benefits are not removed when you do this, so you can use the monocle without taking up a slot.
The Rannuncarpus can now place botania flowers that do stuff as well as redstone dust.
Added Shimmerrock and Shimmerwood Planks, rainbow blocks made with Bifrost Blocks.
Added the Rafflowsia, a new flower that eats passive flowers for mana. And you thought they were useless!
Fixed some entries telling you to go to "Magical Apparatus" when the section is actually called "Natural Apparatus".
Flowers can now be dyed using Floral Powder.
[API] Fixed API dependency on non-API Botania classes.
[API] Added ICorporeaRequestor for use with the Corporea Retainer.

Buildcraft 7.1.9 --> 7.1.10
Bugs fixed (from :
[#3072] PipeTransportFluids crash (proper fix) (asie)
[#3071] Filled cylinder pattern incorrect (asie)
[#3069, #2865] Fluid pipe extraction speed ~25% lower than intended (asie, mconwa01)
Filler not changing pattern on parameter change (asie)
Improvements to robot pathfinding logic (asie, hea3ven)
Incorrect CoFHAPIProps RF API version (asie)
Rotated quarry not detecting its own frame (asie)

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Version 4.2.1


EnderIO update fix travel anchors crash

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Version 4.2


Mods updates :)

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Version 4.1.1


In-Game Wiki Mod added !

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Version 4.1


Mods updates

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Version 4.0


Just before the week-end :)

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Version 4.0 beta


Almost there ! 4.0 will be out this week-end :)

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Version 3.6


Updates :

IC2NuclearControl 2.1.2a --> 2.2.5a
Changelog :
- Applied Energistics 2 suppport. ME Network Monitor, Applied Energistics Card, and the Applied Energistics Monitor Kit.
- Extended OpenComputers support: added Thermal Monitor, Average Counter and Howler Alarm Drivers.
- Issues with the Average/Energy Counter related to RF support should be fixed.
- Fixed Info Panels glitching with chunks, and maybe it's random-texture morphing bug.
- Fixed liquid-related issues that happen with a newer version of Forge.
- Added primitive IC2 Classic support. Currently doesn't do anything though.
- Made Big Reactors stuff register in init.
- Fixes small configuration issue.
- Fixed a small NBT issue.
- New 5x5 Reactor Card with support in the Remote Thermal Monitor.
- Added an API to the Range Trigger, meaning that not only the Liquid card, but the counter and generator cards can be monitored. Needs some testing, though.
- Added more OpenComputers Drivers, including the (normal) Info Panel driver, Thermal Monitor Driver, and extended the Advanced Info Panel driver.
- Changed a bunch of the recipes (again).
- Adds the Italian language.
- Made Gregtech recipes better, so you can make Big Reactors stuff and the Remote Thermal Monitor.
- Fixed the older recipes, also uses refined iron instead of iron.
- Fixed GUI-related bugs, as well as the Thermal Monitor not alerting neighbor blocks when it's redstone is inverted.
- Fixes WAILA providers.
- Added pack.mcmeta.
- Updated Russian language.
- Fixed issue with Energy Sensor Kit. This does mean you need version 691 (or higher) IC2.
- Made the Web Upgrade more stable if/when it is used again.
- Changed Big Reactor's recipes to be more NC2-ish.
- Removed two commented-out classes.
- Stabilized the BC-crossmod code.
- Disabled web-related configs that didn't do anything.
- Lots of refactoring.

PneumaticCraft 1.6.9-73 --> 1.8.1-83
Changelog :
The PneumaticCraft Oil update!
- Added Oil.
- Added Gas Lift, Refinery and Thermopneumatic Processing Plant.
- Added LPG, Gasoline, Kerosine and Diesel.
- Added 'leave liquid/item' option in Liquid Hopper and Omnidirectional Hopper to allow for filtering.
- Rebalanced liquid heat values to nerf lava being used to power Refineries / Thermopneumatic Processing Plants.
- Change to OpenComputers integration: Every block except for the Drone Interface now requires an Adapter placed next to it for the block to provide the functions it used to provide.
- Drones now will turn themselves on whenever they fall off a Charging Station.
- Added Programmable Controller!
- Bugfix: Drone Interface returns 'inf' when invoking getPressure when connected to a drone right at world load.
- Bugfix: Aerial Interface causes null item stack warnings sometimes when trying to feed a player with a full inventory.
- Bugfix: Pressure Chamber rarely breaks when a server restarts.
- Bugfix: Plastic Mixer gets stuck when automatically filling it with liquid Plastic.
- Bugfix: non 3D items don't render in GUI tabs.
- Bugfix: Very strange ConcurrentModificationException with certain modset.
- Bugfix: Liquid dupe with the Liquid Hopper.
- Bugfix: Client crash with Thaumcraft helmet integration. // Wykks: Hey that's my bug ! :)
- Bugfix: Crash when having ComputerCraft installed, but not OpenComputers.

Pam's HarvestCraft g --> i
Changelog :
Amazing Content Update
- Added: Churn Block; uses Salt as fuel to turn Fresh Milk into Butter; Known Bug: Does not have second slot working
- Added: Quern Block; uses Stone Pressure Plates to grind items normally made with Mortar and Pestle
- Added: Animal Trap; uses grain bait, veggie bait, or fruit bait to trap and gather animal items (including new meats like turkey!)
- Added: Fish Trap; uses fish bait to trap and farm fish and water garden foods
- NOTE: Animal Traps need to be surrounded at the same Y level with at least five dirt or grass covered dirt blocks
- NOTE: Fish Traps need to be surrounded at the same Y level with at least five still water blocks
- Added: Wheat Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, and Melon Seeds to Market Block under Seeds (there is a Wheat for Wheat trade, I know)
- Added: Oak Saplings, Birch Saplings, and Dark Oak Saplings to Market Block under Temperate Saplings (there is a Oak for Oak trade, I know)
- Added: Jungle Saplings and Acacia Saplings to Market Block under Tropical Saplings (there is a Jungle for Jungle trade, I know)
- Added: Spruce Saplings to Market Block under Coniferous Saplings (there is a Spruce for Spruce trade, I know)
- Change: Chili Chocolate recipe now requires Mixing Bowl instead of Mortar and Pestle
- Change: Manjuu recipe now requires Mixing Bowl instead of Mortar and Pestle
- Fix: Listed Raw Salmon, Pufferfish, Clownfish, and Cooked Salmon under the correct Ore Dictionary terms
- Added: Pumpkin, Potato, Carrot listed as "cropBlah" in Ore Dictionary
- Added: Torches and Candles listed as "blockTorch" in Ore Dictionary
- Added: Recipe to make Lit Pumpkins with "cropPumpkin" and "blockTorch"
- Fix: Candle textures are now correctly centered (thanks jecowa)
- Change: Removed config option to change amount of Fresh Water gained from recipe
- Config Option: You can now disable using crop items to plant with enablecropitemsasseeds under "miscellaneous recipes" - Default: True
- Change: Crops should now use IPlantable correctly
- Change: Mocha Ice Cream now uses "toolMixingbowl" like other ice cream recipes (thanks Geethebluesky)
- Fix: Various recipes now use "toolMixingbowl" instead of toolMixingbow (thanks Geethebluesky)
- Fix: Shepard's Pie now renamed Shepherd's Pie and recipe fixed to use right Ore Dictionary (thanks MisfitAngel)
- Added: Raw Turkey, Rabbit, and Venison - Find using Animal Trap
- Added: Cooked Turkey, Rabbit, and Venison - Cook the raw versions
- Fix: Pot block can now be properly placed on the Oven
- Added: Strawberry Milkshake, Chocolate Milkshake, Banana Milkeshake, Cornflakes, Coleslaw Burger, Roast Chicken Dinner,
Roast Potatoes, Sunday Roast, BBQ Pulled Pork, Lamb with Mint Sauce, Steak and Chips, Cherry Ice Cream, Pistachio Ice Cream, Neapolitan Ice Cream, Spumoni Ice Cream
- Fix: You can now buy items with metadata from the Market Block (spawn eggs, bonemeal, etc) (thanks Mr. Crayfish)
- Fix: Apiary code cleaned up and being surrounded by flowers, crops, or grass-based gardens actually makes the Apiary produce faster! (thanks Java Matrix)
- Fix: Pot block can now be placed on Oven block
- Fix: Orange Chicken now only needs Saucepan
- Added: Recipe to turn any listAllfishraw into Minecraft fish
- Fix: Made a lot of recipes use the Ore Dictionary even more
- Fix: Sausage in Bread name typo
- Fix: Cranberry Sauce now needs Pot to avoid recipe conflict
- Fix: MFR Planter will now plant Seaweed seeds
- Added: Recipe to turn listAllwater into my Fresh Water
- Fix: Crop to Seed config option should now work
- Config Option: You can now turn off new fishing with enableharvestcraftfish - Default: True
- Added: Pumpkin Cheese Cake item and block
- Added: Pumpkin Muffins, Suadero, and Random Taco items
- Added: Compressed Salt Block and conversion recipes
- Fixed duping issue with apiary/traps by disabling shift-clicking into/out of them
- Fixed ore dictionary labels affecting various recipes
- Added recipes for Plum and Pear juice

Extrautilities 1.2.5 --> 1.2.6
Changelog :
- Added TCon integration (requires TCon version 1.8.5)
The mechanics for TCon integration are NOT finalized and are liable to change in future versions.
- Added Bedrockium material
Created using a TCon smeltery from bedrockium ingots/blocks
Each bedrockium part adds -10% speed to the tool while being held
- Added 'Unstable induced' material
Created using a TCon smeltery from unstable ingots/nuggets/blocks
*Melting an unstable material gives HALF the fluid of what regular equivalent would
Once casted into a part (using a casting table), you have 10 seconds before the part 'denatures'
If a part denatures, it cannot be used to create a tool and can only be recycled in the smeltery (for half its worth)
Denatured parts don't explode (not for lack of me trying)
A tool is made out of 100% unstable ingot parts, will have reinforced level 10, i.e. unbreakable.
- Added Magical wood material
Made in the part builder using 'Magical wood'
It has the same base stats of wood
Each part gives +1 modifier to the tool
A tool made out of 100% magical wood, will have +8 modifiers
- Updated FMP support to FMP version 1.2.0 (not backwards compatible)
- Enderlillies can be planted on water
- Added Mobius ingots to creative tab
- Added custom RNG code that is faster than default java RNG
- Fix non-existant textures being registered

Botania r1.6-191 --> r1.6-192
Changelog :
- Added the Spectral Rail. A new rail that makes carts fly. Woooosh~
- Changed the Spectranthemum to have a limited range and not be chainable. Use minecarts for long range yo.
- Fixed a memory leak with the Hovering Hourglass' render.
- Fixed Corporea requests not updating inventories.
- Fixed lenses being consumed when adding them to spreaders in creative.
- Fixed the Black Hole Talisman being able to place blocks inside the player.
- Fixed the Terra Shatterer's mana display overlapping tooltips when they would go off screen.
- Fixed the yellow quartz Flugel Tiara having pink particles.
- Made the Clayconia's texture more visible.
- Made the mana network, spreaders, pools and flowers more aware of TileEntity invalidation. This may or may not fix the chunkloading issues.
- [API] Added a bunch of isInvalid() checks to SubTileGenerating and SubTileFunctional.
- [API] Corporea properly calls markDirty().
- [API] Increased version number to 51.

Sanguimancy 1.1.9-29 --> 1.1.9-31

Buildcraft 7.0.6 --> 7.0.9

Buildcraft Compat 7.0.5 --> 7.0.8

IndustrialCraft2 2.2.731-experimental --> 2.2.736-experimental

GraveStone 2.12.3 --> 2.12.4

Advanced Generators -->

Gendustry -->

bdlib -->

Malisiscore 0.12.2 --> 0.12.3

Applied Energistics2 rv2-stable-5 --> rv2-stable-7

MrTJPCore -->

ProjectRed --> 4.7.0pre1.84

Guide-API 1.0-15 --> 1.0.1-20

BloodMagic 1.3.2-1 --> 1.3.3-4

EnderIO -->

Forge 1.7.10- --> 1.7.10-

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Version 3.5


Updates :

CoFHLib 1.0.1-151 --> 1.0.2-160
Nei Addons -->
Applied Energistics2 rv2-stable-3 --> rv2-stable-5
Botania r1.6-190 --> r1.6-191
Buildcraft 7.0.5 --> 7.0.6
Buildcraft-compat 7.0.3 --> 7.0.5
IndustrialCraft2 2.2.726-experimental --> 2.2.731-experimental
EnderIO -->

Config change :

Factorization hammer disabled (client crash)

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Version 3.4.4


MrTJPCore -->
ProjectRed -->
Client crash on Extra Utilities Connected Texture and Microblock
Yep It's caused by project red.... Because they decided to update forge multipart automatically (...) and extra utilities doesn't work with the last version of forge multipart.

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Version 3.4


Updates :

AOBD 2.6.2 --> 2.6.3
Buildcraft 7.0.4 --> 7.0.5
Buildcraft Compat 7.0.2 --> 7.0.3
Draconic Evolution 1.0.1a --> 1.0.1c
EnderIO -->
Extra Utilities 1.2.4c --> 1.2.5
IndustrialCraft2 2.2.722-experimental --> 2.2.726-experimental
Malisis Core 0.11.4 --> 0.12.2
Malisis Doors 1.7.1 --> 1.8.1
MrTJPCore -->
OpenComputers -->
ProjectRed -->
Simply Jetpacks 1.4.1 --> 1.5.1
Thaumic Energistics -->

Config change :

Magical Crops :
B:"Magical Crops deal Magic damage when walked on, default true"=false
B:"Magical crops when broke/harvested re-plant themselves, default true"=false
B:"Can mobs drop essence on death (universal switch for all mobs), default true"=false (nerf nerf nerf)

Other :
Tesseract back ! (recipe in QED from Extra Utilities, without private channel)

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Version 3.3


Added :

Magical Crops 4.0.0-beta-3 by Mark719
Config default (yep no changes, for now.)

Updates :

Thaumic Energistics -->
Changelog :
- Essentia Conversion Monitor: When shift-double-rightclicking the monitor only takes essentia matching the input aspect, instead of any essentia in the players inventory.
- Essentia storage bus can now be attached to a ME Condenser, does not require void mode to be enabled.
- FIX: Essentia Storage Bus updates AE network if container contents are externally changed.
- FIX: Fixed Essentia Terminal sync issue if a cell is removed/added while viewing terminal.
- FIX: Fixed Essentia Conversion Monitor crash & eating stacks.
- FIX: priority GUI tab icon size corrected.

OpenComputers -->
Changelog :
- Added: APU, a hybrid of CPU and GPU. Limited for the costs, but essentially opens up a card slot.
- Added: Getter in Debug Card to query list of online players and known dimensions.
- Added: Made blocks compatible with AE2 spatial system.
- Added: Slow block breaking for robots and drones.
- Changed: AE2 controller driver functionality is now always present in interfaces, even when channels are enabled.
- Changed: Port of a received ComputerCraft network message is now appended instead of prepended (allows more generic message handling).
- Changed: Removed recipe for endstone, added fake endstone instead and OreDictionatified the drone recipes.
- Changed: Tablets should now keep running when changing dimensions (e.g. going to the nether).
- Changed: Updated native libraries to Lua 5.2.4. Tested them as best I could in VMs, but let me know if persistence stops working for you after this update.
- Fixed: 3D Printer shape limit check being off by one.
- Fixed: Duplicate rendering of equipped item on robots.
- Fixed: GUI of invalidated screens not closing.
- Fixed: Hopefully got rid of potential one-time lag when turning on the first computer after starting the game.
- Fixed: Hover upgrades not working when built-into robots (worked only in container slots).
- Fixed: Issues in ComputerCraft integration.
- Fixed: Issues with AE2 export bus driver.
- Fixed: MFR Safari Net converter (i.e. info added to item stack descriptor).
- Fixed: Shift-clicking something into a database filling all empty slots with that item.

Industriacraft2 2.2.720-experimental --> 2.2.722-experimental

Applied Energistics2 rv2-stable-2 --> rv2-stable-3
Changelog :
- Fixes #1465: Disassembling a Crafting Storage will yield the correct material - yueh
- Removes default RF tooltip on AE blocks - TheJulianJES
- Fixes #1442: Parts display their name in WAILA - TheJulianJES
- Fixes #1389: Hold backspace to clear search in terminals - yueh
- Fixes #1384: No infinite power with RotarCraft v6 anymore - jeremiahwinsley

MrTJPCore -->

ProjectRed -->
Changelog :
- ADDED: Block Placer
- ADDED: Filtered Importers
- ADDED: Ability to add colour filters to pressure tubes with wool strips
- FIX: Block Breaker dropping wrong metadata for some blocks
- FIX: Block Breaker not playing sound effects
- FIX: Block Breaker break particles
- FIX: Deviating Lilies rendering dark in world
- CHANGE: World gen rates tweaked slightly
- CHANGE: Tube and machine recipes tweaked slightly
- CHANGE: Item Importers can suck up items that collide on front
- CHANGE: Item Importers can suck up items in 3x3 grid on redstone pulse
- CHANGE: Bonemeal now works on liles

EnderIO -->
Changelog :
- Add Natura Barley to Flour SAG Mill recipe.
- #2479 Dark Glass
- allow shift clicking item conduit upgrades (filters, speed, etc)
- also clear requestedItems when clientItems is cleared
- Fix machine active state blinking in between successive tasks
- Improve telepad power usage curve and add configs for values
- Centralize config sync packet, sync telepad lock configs
- Use getters for collision/selection on inv panel to stop getting stuck

Config change :

Full rework of cofh config & oregen stuff (omg it took me so long, and still don't know exactly if its ok)

Random things :
Imbues are back

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Version 3.2


Added :

BetterFps 1.0.0 by Guichaguri

Updated :

Applied Energistics2 rv2-stable-1 --> rv2-stable-2
Botania r1.6-188 --> r1.6-190
EnderIO -->
forge 1.7.10- --> 1.7.10-
GraveStone 2.12.2 --> 2.12.3
PneumaticCraft 1.6.8-72 --> 1.6.9-73
thaumicenergistics -->
IguanaTinkerTweaks 2.1.4 --> 2.1.5
ThaumicTinkerer 2.5-491 --> 2.5-494

Config change :
# 0 = normal, -1 = easy (all research items are directly purchased with RP), 1 = Hard (all research items need to be solved via the research table)
I:research_difficulty=-1 (ikr)

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Version 3.1.3


Oh my god !
(Engrenage Mod, warning : private joke inside)

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Version 3.1


Added :

Forestry is back ! (without apiarist pipe)
binnie-mods 2.0-pre8


Updated :

AOBD 2.6.1 --> AOBD 2.6.2
buildcraft 7.0.3 --> buildcraft 7.0.4
buildcraft compat 7.0.1 --> buildcraft compat 7.0.2
Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.6 --> Carpenter's Blocks 3.3.7
industrialcraft2 2.2.719-experimental --> industrialcraft2 2.2.720-experimental
k4lib 0.1.18-universal --> k4lib 0.1.35-universal
OpenBlocks 1.4.2 --> OpenBlocks 1.4.3
OpenModsLib 0.7.2 --> OpenModsLib 0.7.3
TConstruct 1.8.4a --> TConstruct 1.8.5
thaumicenergistics --> thaumicenergistics
Botania r1.6-187 --> Botania r1.6-188

Removed :

Flaxbeard'sSteamPower 0.28.7 (sorry, cause huge lag when the server is running for a while)

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Version 3.0


Here we gooow

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Version 3.0 beta


Stuuuuff (+Mariculture). Release 3.0 should be up this week-end.

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Version 3.0 alpha2


Quick update to fix major issues

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Version 3.0 alpha


And let's gow for the 3.x season ! (as always, no changelog on new season)

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Version 2.8


The last 2.x update !

Updated :

BigReactors 0.4.2A2 --> 0.4.3A
Buildcraft 6.4.7 --> 6.4.11
Botania r1.6-174 --> r1.6-175
CoFHCore 3.0.0RC7-211 --> 3.0.1-254
CoFHLib 1.0.0RC7-127 --> 1.0.1-151
EnderZoo -->
Extra Utilities 1.2.3 --> 1.2.4
Forestry -->
Forge 1.7.10- --> 1.7.10-
iChunUtil 4.2.1 --> 4.2.2
Industrialcraft2 2.2.710-experimental --> 2.2.713-experimental
Malisiscore 0.11.3 --> 0.11.4
OpenBlocks 1.3-snapshot-571 --> 1.4.1
OpenComputers -->
OpenModsLib 0.6-snapshot-323 --> 0.7.1
PneumaticCraft 1.6.4-66 --> 1.6.6-68
RedstoneArsenal 1.1.0RC7-65 --> 1.1.0-80
ThermalDynamics 1.0.0RC8-105 --> 1.0.0-122
ThermalExpansion 4.0.0RC7-141 --> 4.0.0-176
ThermalFoundation 1.0.0RC7-62 --> 1.0.0-81
NEIIntegration 1.0.7 --> 1.0.8
NetherOres 2.3.0RC4-4 --> 2.3.0-12
Toolbox 1.1.0 --> 1.1.1
Applied Energistics 2 rv2-beta-23 --> rv2-beta-28
Thaumic Energistics -->
Witchery 0.23.2 --> 0.24.0
MineFactoryReloaded 2.8.0RC8-86 --> 2.8.0-104

Added :
OpenPeripheral AIO-3 (finally working yay) by OpenMods team
This is an add-on for ComputerCraft and OpenComputers which can convert many blocks from all different mods into ComputerCraft/OpenComputers peripherals.

Config changes :
Malisis doors :
B:config.enableVanishingGlitch=true --> false (shhh don't tell anyone)

Gravestone :

MineFactory Reloaded :
Villager --> Added (because of the gravestone change, and it was already the case with enderio powered spawner)

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Version 2.7


Added :

Toolbox 1.1.0 (by carliman)

What does it?
It can store up to 4 items that can be used.
You can combine all items that are available (even modded items).
The toolbox will automatically use the best tool for the specific block it breaks.
It will also all other actions, that the items have (rightclick, item use on block/entity, etc.)

For example:

A great miner's toolbox: pickaxe, shovel, torch
- it can break all the blocks a pickaxe/shovel can break
- on right click on a block it will place a torch

A great farmer's toolbox: hoe, shovel, seeds, bonemeal
- it will turn dirt to farmland on right click
- it will plant seeds on right click on dirt
- it will grow the seeds with the bonemeal

Updated (lot of stuff !) :

Advanced Generators -->
Changelog :
Added Sensor Module
Syngas Producer changes:
Added Coke (Railcraft) and Sugar Charcoal (MFR) as carbon sources
Will now accept steam from external sources
Can now operate without heating chambers if steam is piped in

Gendustry -->
Changelog :
Added silktouch mode to the Scooporator
Fixed IguanaTweaks complaining about Industrial Grafter and Scooporator
Added Canadian French localization – Thanks DragonsLover
Updated Korean localization – Thanks Puyo061

bdlib -->

Botania r1.5-172 --> r1.6-174
Changelog :
Tons of stuff (

Buildcraft 6.4.5 --> 6.4.7
Changelog :
Fix fix fix (no more filler/builder lag in particular)

Buildcraft Compat 6.4.1 --> 6.4.2

EnderIO -->
Changelog :
Fix fix fix (not the next Enderio big update here)

EnderZoo -->

Extra utilities 1.2.2 --> 1.2.3
Changelog :
Added Last Millenium: a preset 'void' dimension.
Added Portal to the Last Millenium
Added Eminence Stone: a decorative block
Added Ender-Sand Alloy: a decorative block
Added Reinforced Dark Glass: explosion-resistant variation of dark glass
Added config option to enable the Peaceful table in all difficulty levels (not happening in Engrenage)

Fastcraft 1.19 --> 1.21

ForgeMultipart -->

iChunUtil 4.2.0 --> 4.2.1

Industrialcraft2 2.2.706-experimental --> 2.2.710-experimental

Malisiscore 0.11.1 --> 0.11.3

Malisisdoors 1.4.4 --> 1.5.1
Changelog :
- Fixed liquids going through Carriage Doors.
- Fixed Fence Gates and TrapDoors not working.
- Added 1.8 door localizations.

MobiusCore 1.2.4 --> 1.2.5

PneumaticCraft 1.6.3-65 --> 1.6.4-66
Changelog :
-Added Remote
-Minor tweaks to the Programmer difficulty system.
-Bugfix: Drone Interface peripheral does not properly return a table for getAllActions()
-Bugfix: Omnidirectional Hopper GUI has a mislabeled Redstone setting.

The Twilight Forest 2.3.4 --> 2.3.5
Changelog :
Disable GL_LIGHTING for firefly glows (thanks, jaqadro!)
Add block and chain tool
Add knightmetal ring item, part of the block and chain recipe
Make giant blocks self destruct when one of their smaller blocks is destroyed or changed
Added cube of annihilation
Added talisman of the cube
Suppress “Already decorating” error in the biome decorator. I’m fairly sure that this mod does not cause the error on its own, but some cross-mod interactions seem to.
Add huge lily pads to swamps (lots of them)
Add huge water lily flowers
Added repair materials for block & chain, ice bow
Fixed rainbow oak & small twilight oak trees growing with the wrong leaves
Fixed rainbow oak giving the wrong leaf block with pick block
Make canopy oak trees have 2-block wide trunks
That might be too wide, maybe they need to be 1.5 blocks wide
Fixed a bug causing labyrinth entrances to frequently be 3 blocks off the actual ground
Updated German translation, thanks Speedy1505
Updated Russian translation, thanks Sto3IV
Revise knight phantom death code to make generating a treasure chest more certain
Stop crash if the knight phantoms lose their equipped item

OpenComputers -->
Changelog :
Tons of stuff (

Wawla (not waila !) 1.1.1 --> 1.2.1

Appliedenergistics2 rv2-beta-18 --> rv2-beta-23
Changelog :
Fix fix fix (

ThermalDynamics 1.0.0RC7-98 --> 1.0.0RC8-105

Thaumic Energistics -->
Changelog :
Fix and easier recipes (
& fix for AE RV2 Beta 22.

ATG 0.10.0 --> 0.12.0 (Should be safe if you use it)

ThaumicTinkerer 2.5-474 --> 2.5-479

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Version 2.6


Updated (No detailled changelog because I'm lazy) :

appliedenergistics2 rv2-beta-14 --> rv2-beta-18
Botania r1.5-170 --> r1.5-172
buildcraft 6.4.4 --> 6.4.5
Chisel2 -->
ExtraCells 2.2.54b84 --> 2.2.62b93
iChunUtil 4.1.3 --> 4.2.0
IguanaTinkerTweaks 2.1.3 --> 2.1.4
industrialcraft2 2.2.695-experimental --> 2.2.706-experimental
malisiscore 0.10.5 --> 0.11.1
malisisdoors 1.4.3 --> 1.4.4
Minechem -->
OpenComputers -->
ProjectRed -->
ThaumicTinkerer 2.5-469 --> 2.5-474
Draconic-Evolution 1.0.1-snapshot_5 --> 1.0.1-RC-3

Added :
WAILAPlugins 0.0.1-14
ttCore 0.1.0-67
RandomThings 2.2.4 (Don't forget to check what's disabled in Engrenage by typing Engrenage in NEI)

Conf changes :
Iguana Tinkers Tweak + 2 level !

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Version 2.5


Added :

Draconic Evolution (by brandon3055) 1.0.1-snapshot_5

Updated :

Buildcraft 6.4.3 --> 6.4.4
Changelog :
[#2574} Construction Marker issues (asie)
[#2566] ConcurrentModificationException on Planter (hea3ven)
Broken alternate sealant recipe config option (Unh0lyTigg)
Planters sometimes not finding valid blocks (hea3ven)
Potential fix for block breaking robots hanging up on air blocks (Kubuxu)

buildcraft-compat 6.4.0 --> 6.4.1
Changelog :
Ender IO non-item conduits treated as item conduits (asie)

Industrialcraft2 2.2.694-experimental --> 2.2.695-experimental
Changelog :
Optimize explosion code to be faster. — player

Another One Bites the Dust 2.4.0 --> 2.5.0

Botania r1.5-169 --> r1.5-170
Changelog (Additions only, check website for the full changelog) :
Added a Minecart with Mana Pool and a Mana Pump to go along with it.
Added Phantom Ink. Can be crafted with a piece of botania armor to hide the armor model in the player.
Added the Flower Pouch. You guessed it, it stores flowers.
Added the Horn of the Covering. An alternate version of the Horn of the Wild that clears snow.

NEI Addons -->

Waila 1.5.9 --> 1.5.10
Changelog :
Fixed NBT syncing. Should remove all flickering observed in 1.5.9 [ Lordmau5 ]
Fixed ExU drums [ Lordmau5 ]
Fixed Thermal Expansion + added data for Caches [ Lordmau5 ]
Added support for Thermal Dynamics [ Lordmau5 ]

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Version 2.4.1


Added :


Updated :

appliedenergistics2 rv2-beta-11 --> rv2-beta-14
(Fix client crash on ME crafting term)

IguanaTinkerTweaks 2.1.2 --> 2.1.3

twilightforest 2.3.3 --> 2.3.4

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Version 2.4


Updates :

OpenComputers -->

Witchery 0.23.0 --> 0.23.2

TConstruct 1.8.2a --> 1.8.3b
Changelog :
- Rebalance arrow/bolt damage
- Buff throwing knives
- Shurikens can now be thrown with tool-rightclick just like splash-potions/block-placement
- Quartz now always adds flat damage to all ranged hits
- Bouncepads don't break transparency anymore
- New Gear-Module that adds integration for gear-casting if mods with gears are present
- Complete Thermal Expansion/Foundation integration with the new fluids and some recipies
- More IMCs for other mods (Thermal Foundation materials should now be repairable with the newest version)
- Dynamic/Zelda Sword Skills support
- Config option to disable Villager melting into emeralds
- Nametags can now be used in a Tool Station/Forge to rename anything
- Fix buckets
- Fix bows and some other things causing extreme FPS lag in some instances (thanks skyboy)
- Fix slight offset when aiming (also thanks skyboy)
- Fix achievements in multiplayer
- Fix Reinforced sometimes not working properly
- Fix an issue with RF modifiers if a specific mod combination occured
- Several Crash/Bug Fixes

industrialcraft2 2.2.691-experimental --> 2.2.694-experimental

ForgeMultipart -->

BiblioCraft 1.10.0 --> 1.10.2
Changelog :
*Fixed a crash when loading resource packs in folder.
*Fixed a crash when using the new Furniture Paneler on a server
*Fixed a crash with blue power
*Fixed a bug when shift-clicking blocks into the furniture paneler

Sanguimancy 1.1.8-4 --> 1.1.9Pre-24

Minechem (RC6) --> Minechem (Release)
Synth Tweaks — hilburn
Fixes unwanted potion effects — hilburn
Update version numbers — jakimfett
Get CoFH lib instead of api — jakimfett
Fix import of IEnergyReceiver — jakimfett
Add localization for recreational effect config — jakimfett
Add recreational effects toggle — jakimfett
Fix config localization failz — jakimfett
fixes derp — hilburn
Improves sided behaviour of Fusion Multiblock — hilburn
Truncate author list — jakimfett
Synthesiser Journal Fix — hilburn
Update Forge version — jakimfett
Update blacklist/synth examples — jakimfett
Fix the default synth/decomp blacklist — jakimfett
RF Fixes for v5 — hilburn
Left an optional on — hilburn
Fixes SMP Decomposer dump fluid bug — hilburn
Synthesiser Minetweaker Tweaks — hilburn
fixes #604 — way2muchnoise
adds NEI support for the bucket recipes — way2muchnoise
All teh Fixes — hilburn
Update Minetweaker.zs — hilburn
Fixes element decay — hilburn
Remove CoFH API from source — jakimfett
Fix download-task usage — jakimfett
Fluid stuff — hilburn
Fluid Decomposition Stuff — hilburn
adds decomp for dustSalt — way2muchnoise
updated textures — way2muchnoise
expands size of inv for decomp and synth — way2muchnoise
Update ru_RU.lang — verybigbro
prepped for removing CoFHAPI — hilburn
Fixes @Optional derp — hilburn
Add donation info to OpenBlocks DonationStation — hilburn
Fix link — hilburn

appliedenergistics2 rv2-beta-8 --> rv2-beta-11
Changelog :
Fixes #1015 Pattern terminal destroying a single item when not able to satisfy a NEI recipe - yueh
Fixes #1011 skip null values returned by the oredictionary - yueh
Update zh_CN.lang - bakaxyf
Fixes #861 Wireless Terminal notifies player, if it is unlinked - thatsIch
Fixes #920 Increased GUI close distance to match Vanilla MC distance - thatsIch
Fixes #743 Crash with BC plugs
Fixes #942 BC builder can build AE networks again
Update #319 Now compiled against BC 6.4.2, with that MJ is gone
Enhancement #817 Crafting CPU GUI now shows a green background on items being crafted, and a yellow background on scheduled items - Eearslya
Enhancement Added an option to disable the colored crafting status - yueh
Enhancement Added more information to the security audit - yueh
Enhancement Improved performance - yueh
Fixes #972 Level Emitter tool-tip now corresponds to the actual behavior - thatsIch
Fixes #982 Auto-crafting lag reduced - yueh
Fixes #910 Dense cables render correctly with FMP now - yueh
Fixes #943 Reduced lag when breaking multiple blocks at once using Annihilation Plane - yueh
Fixes cable render crash and covered cables render as smart - yueh
Update fr_FR.lang - Mazdallier
Update zh_CN.lang - bakaxyf
Updated Texture / Model License to be more specific - AlgorithmX2
Updated Forge to recommended and other dependencies - yueh

OpenBlocks 1.3-snapshot-567 --> 1.3-snapshot-571

OpenModsLib 0.6-snapshot-315 --> 0.6-snapshot-323

CoFHCore 3.0.0RC5-207 --> 3.0.0RC7-211

CoFHLib 1.0.0RC5-123 --> 1.0.0RC7-127

RedstoneArsenal 1.1.0RC4-54 --> 1.1.0RC7-65

ThermalDynamics 1.0.0RC5-94 --> 1.0.0RC7-98

ThermalExpansion 4.0.0RC6-138 --> 4.0.0RC7-141

ThermalFoundation 1.0.0RC4-58 --> 1.0.0RC7-62

Config changes :

IguanaTinkerTweaks :
Mining level changes (Thaumcraft/Blood magic/Sanguimancy stuff)

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Version 2.3



Updates :

Witchery 0.22.0 --> 0.23.0
Changelog :

Bibliocraft 1.9.2 --> 1.10.0
Mod update spotlight :

generators -->
Changelog :
Fixed Flux Generators not working with some machines and pipes/conduits

binnie-mods 2.0-pre7 --> 2.0-pre8

AgriCraft 1.3.0-b407 --> 1.3.1
Changelog :
-ADDED: Nitor Wart: a new crop that produces glowstone dust
-CHANGE: Renamed Mushroom Seeds to Spores
-CHANGE: Sprinklers are now less laggy
-FIXED: Various crashes related to analyzed seeds in the journal after removing mods
-FIXED: Unable to plant crops on soul sand
-FIXED: Broken scythes will no longer harvest crops
-FIXED: Blacklisted seeds bypass disabling of Vanilla farming correctly

buildcraft 6.4.2 --> 6.4.3
Changelog :
* [#2518] Exceptions in Pump Robots (hea3ven)
* [#2517] Programming Table crash in certain Java configurations (asie)
* [#2510] Entity stripes handler duplicating items (hea3ven)
* {#2509] Robot gets stuck in recharge mode (asie)
* [#2506] Builder causes lag in 6.4.1 (asie)
* [#2502] Combustion Engine not recognized as tank from front (asie)
* Incorrect Forge version dependency (Vexatos)
* Infinite loop when looping through direction parameters and no pipes are connected (hea3ven)
* Invalid power scale for laser colours (asie)
* Low/High Energy Stored trigger works as expected again (asie)
* Robots fly away when searching for a station to recharge (hea3ven)
* Robots are charged wirelessly (asie)

industrialcraft2 2.2.689-experimental --> 2.2.691-experimental

MobiusCore 1.2.3 --> 1.2.4

Jabba 1.2.1 --> 1.2.1a
Changelog :
* Fix: Check that packets are only sent for valid Barrels
* Fix: Make sure the name for a Structural Level exists when using color overrides
* Fix: getStackInSlot no longer immediately notifies neighbors
* Change: Ensure that QOL Storage upgrades are always reverse craftable

Added :

BloodUtils 1.4_B0 & WaslieCore 1.1_B44

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Version 2.2.1


HariboteAirCraft removed (Cause crash)

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Version 2.2


Update :

Minecraft Forge 1.7.10- --> 1.7.10-
CoFHLib 1.0.0B9-118 --> 1.0.0RC5-123
AgriCraft 1.2.2 --> 1.3.0-b407
BloodMagic 1.3.0b-3 --> 1.3.1-7
Botania r1.5-165 --> r1.5-169
industrialcraft2 2.2.684-experimental --> 2.2.689-experimental
ProjectRed -->
MineFactoryReloaded 2.8.0RC7-71 --> 2.8.0RC8-86
RedstoneArsenal 1.1.0RC2-43 --> 1.1.0RC4-54
ThermalDynamics 1.0.0RC2-77 --> 1.0.0RC5-94
ThermalExpansion 4.0.0RC2-129 --> 4.0.0RC6-138
ThermalFoundation 1.0.0RC3-56 --> 1.0.0RC4-58
CoFHCore 3.0.0RC2-195 --> 3.0.0RC5-207

Config change :
Fix BC Pipe sealant slime recipe with ore dict green support because why not
Disable redstone arsenal bow (Again...)
Disable pneumaticcraft squid plant effet (other plant effet were already disabled)
Disable Thaumcraft's champion mobs (Even when disabled they will still have a greatly reduced chance of spawning in certain dangerous places.)

Removed :
Optifine (License restriction + cause crash with some mods like Thaumcraft)
Modular systems (Crash with modular storage and broken effective value for the modular furnace)

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Version 2.1.1


BuildCraft 6.4.1 --> 6.4.2
Notable fix (which seems to hang our server)
Infinite loop when looping through direction parameters and no pipes are connected (hea3ven)

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Version 2.1


Added :

Thaumcraft NEI Plugin

Config changes :

MineFactory Reloaded :
Sewage and sludge lakes disabled
The Harvester recipe is back, but the energy cost is tripled

StartingInventory :
Add Forestry Mailbox

EnderIO :
Change of getting a broken spawner raised from 30% to 50%
Maximum RF/t sent and received by a Dimensional Transceiver per tick raised from 20480 to 40960

Other :
Tesseract disabled (should have already been disabled... Something was messed up)

Updated :

ThermalFoundation 1.0.0RC1-13 --> 1.0.0RC3-56

CoFHCore 3.0.0B9-40 --> 3.0.0RC2-195

RedstoneArsenal 1.1.0RC1-19 --> 1.1.0RC2-43

MineFactoryReloaded 2.8.0RC6-5 --> 2.8.0RC7-71

CoFHLib 1.0.0B8-34 --> 1.0.0B9-118

ThermalExpansion 4.0.0B8-23 --> 4.0.0RC2-129

OpenComputers -->

PneumaticCraft 1.6.2-64 --> 1.6.3-65
Changelog :
- Added relative coordinates to drones!
- Improved seed picking up and planting.
- Programmers now can be set up to automatically program an item as soon as it gets inserted into the Programmer.
- Added External Program drone widget.
- Programmers now apart from the player's inventory, will also use adjacent inventories to program.
- Bugfix: Sometimes you glitch through an elevator when starting the elevator.
- Bugfix: Crash with Elevators when having two or more Elevator Callers next to eachother.
- Bugfix: Dupe bug with Liquid Hoppers.
- Bugfix: NEI Pressure Chamber recipe handler shows that only 1 gunpowder is required in making an Etching Acid Bucket.
- Bugfix: IGW entry for Drones is missing.

ThaumicTinkerer 2.5-466 --> 2.5-469

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Version 2.0.1


Forgot forge ~_~

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Version 2.0


Aaaand It's up ! Enjoy !

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Version 2.0 beta


Beta time !
Mods updates + Growcraft bamboo
Aaannd Optifine !

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Version 2.0 alpha4


Balance update, and the usual mods updates.

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Version 2.0 alpha3


Added : Genetics, Modular systems
With a bunch of updates.
(Changelog will be formated like before, after 2.0)

Discuss this update (1)

Version 2.0 alpha2


You know, sometimes bad things happens...

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Version 2.0 alpha


The changelog should be avalaible when the 2.0 version will be ready !

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Version 1.8.2


Fix world crash with ThaumicTinkerer (osmotic enchanter)

ThaumicTinkerer "162" --> build #466

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Version 1.8.1


Fix crash with EnderIO (when removing eio blocks with yeta wrench)

EnderIO -->
Changelog :
- don't break conduits with the yeta wrench on left click
- give achievements for smelting iron and cooking fish in the alloy smelter
- Finish refactoring wrenching/itemdrops into base classes.

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Version 1.8


Config change :
OpenBlock :

# Blacklist for effects used by flim-flam enchantment
S:flimFlamBlacklist <
"disarm" -- new

# Allow only flimflams that don't cause death (or at least very rarely)
B:safeOnly=false --> true

EnderIO :

Complete rework of EnderIO config, some changes may not be listed below !

# Maximum level of XP the soul binder can contain.
I:soulBinderMaxXPLevel=70 --> 40

# The number of levels required to change the type of a broken spawner.
I:soulBinderBrokenSpawnerLevels=60 --> 15

# The cost in RF of transporting a bucket of fluid via a Dimensional Transceiver.
I:transceiverBucketTransmissionCostRF=100 --> 0

# Maximum number of blocks that can be traveled from one travel anchor to another.
I:travelAnchorMaxDistance=48 --> 60

IC2 :

disable = IC2:blockMachine2, IC2:itemScrapbox -- new

Other :

Universal charger (Power converter) removed

Mods changes :

Wawla Added
(Add more info on waila)

EnderIO -->
Changelog (relevant changes, check website for the full changelog) :
- add recipe handler to upgrade basic to normal capacitor banks
- Add hardened conduit facade. Also fix hidden facades rendering box
- Fix wither skeletons not spawning and fix their equipment/rendering
- ME conduits should now behave better
- #746 added speed downgrade to item conduit

EnderZoo --> 1.0.9
Changelog :
- IEnderZooMob extends IMob now
- Fixed wither cats being invincible to mob grinders

OpenBlocks 1.3-snapshot-544 --> 1.3-snapshot-550

OpenModsLib 0.6-snapshot-295 --> 0.6-snapshot-305

OpenComputers --> 1.4.7a.32-universal

Botania r1.3-153 --> r1.4-155
Changelog :
Huge changelog, new flowers, new potions, etc... (check website)

Buildcraft 6.3.3 --> 6.3.4
Changelog :
[#2425] Crash with Artifice (asie)
[#2423] Builders use uncolored pipes for colored pipes (asie)
[#2419] No RecipeSorter configuration for PipeColoringRecipe (asie)
[#2418] Searchbar crash in creative mode (asie)

industrialcraft2 2.2.667-experimental --> 2.2.668-experimental
Changelog :
- Clear texture load cache to save some memory.
- Reject invalid item stacks from armor slots.
- translation updates

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Version 1.7


Config changes :
Added a working recipe for the replicator (IC2)

Relevant changes (summary, look below for the full mods update list) :
PneumaticCraft :
- You can now right click blocks to plant seeds.
- Added MFR Fertilizer support (DarkstarDS9).
Thaumcraft :
- nerfed some of the loot that can appear in uncommon loot bags
- increased the difficulty of champion mobs
ProjectRed :
- FIX: Crash on world generation

INpureCore (was at 1.0.0B7-19.jar previously) --> 1.0.0B8-49
Back in the modpack ! (Remove facades and useless stuff in NEI)

AOBD 2.3.6 --> 2.4.0 :
Changelog :
-Added support for Tinker's Construct smelteries (smelt the ores and cast them into ingots. This will NOT make tools out of every ore, that would just be silly).
-Added support for SimpleOreGrinder
-Fix EnderIO screwed up energy usage amount (again)

AppleCore 1.0.2 --> 1.1.0
Changelog :
- Added a better way for mods to be able to integrate their plant growth with AppleCore
- Renamed "" config option to ""
- Fixed hunger HUD overlays being drawn when the hunger bar is not (fixes a slight incompatibility with the Hunger Strike mod)

OpenComputers -->

Thaumcraft 4,2.3.3 -->
- nerfed some of the loot that can appear in uncommon loot bags
- increased the difficulty of champion mobs
- the arcane spa can no longer place water in the nether
- traveling trunks should no longer despawn if commanded to stay put in unloaded chunks
- added chunk check to prevent possible recursion crash with vis relay network

PneumaticCraft 1.5.3-universal --> 1.5.4-56-universal
Changelog :
-You can now right click blocks to plant seeds.
-Added MFR Fertilizer support (DarkstarDS9).
-Added "setRenameString" method to the Drone Interface.
-Updated pt_BR.lang (MrKunji).
-Bugfix: Plants don't grow when there's a block directly above.
-Bugfix: Crashes with certain Drone Interface actions.
-Bugfix: Drone will steal XP when right clicking an Essence Berry for example.

industrialcraft2 2.2.663 --> 2.2.667

ForgeMultipart -->

forestry --> :
Changelog (Summary)
- new inventory code, hive and world gen updates, improved fluid handling and many bug fixes.

MrTJPCore -->
Changelog :
- ADDED: Utility class for configs
- ADDED: Block library
- ADDED: mcmeta file

ProjectRed (Base, Integration, Lighting, World, Compat) 4.5.9 build #60 --> 4.5.10 build #61 :
Changelog :
- FIX: Crash on world generation
- FIX: Time set on sequencers
- FIX: Sickles not harvesting tall grass
- CHANGE: Enabled tube device inventory export

binnie-mods 2.0-pre4 --> binnie-mods 2.0-pre5

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Version 1.6.1


Trolled by Dropbox...

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Version 1.6


ThaumicExploration 1.1-29 --> 1.1-36

TiC Tooltips 1.2.1 --> 1.2.3 :
Changelog :
- Fix the completely broken 1.2.2 build (seemingly got stuck half-way through reobf or something)
- Fixed potential IndexOutOfBoundsException
- Fixed accidental redistribution of Tinkers Construct's access transformer file

PneumaticCraft 1.5.2-50-universal --> 1.5.3-universal

NEIIntegration 1.0.4 --> 1.0.5

Malisis' Doors 1.4.2 --> 1.4.3
Changelog :
- Fixed crash on dedicated servers.

industrialcraft2 2.2.660-experimental --> 2.2.663-experimental

EnderIO -->
Changelog :
Too long check website

Buildcraft 6.3.1 --> 6.3.3
- [#2381] Individual robot blacklist (asie)
- [#2377] Make swimming in oil a lot harder (Vexatos)
- [#2376] Make oil behave like lava? (asie)
- Add block description support to facades (asie)
- Add fluid/power number hiding support (immibis/asie)
- Add support for connected textures using getIcon() in facades (asie)
- Make facade lookups much less strict (asie)
- Performance optimization for auto workbenches (immibis)
- Performance optimization for block breaking robots (hea3ven)
- [#2404] Bug in energy consumption routine (asie)
- [#2397] Inventory not updating properly when removing pluggables (asie)
- [#2389] Facades added through IMC only allow crafting of metadata 0 in multiplayer (asie)
- [#2388] add-facade IMC checks block.getRenderType() on server (asie)
- [#2386] Vanilla logs not facadeable (asie)
- [#2385] Robot registry NPE (asie)
- [#2370] Planter robot can’t plant potato and carrot (hea3ven)
- [#2350] Picker robot won’t drop items in pipe (hea3ven)
- Check if another mod added fluids before us (asie)
- Fix docking stations staying linked when changing a robot’s main link (hea3ven)

OpenBlocks 1.3-snapshot-529 --> 1.3-snapshot-544

OpenModsLib 0.6-snapshot-282 --> 0.6-snapshot-295

MrTJPCore -->

ProjectRed (Base, Integration, Lighting, World, Compat) 4.5.6 build #57 --> 4.5.9 build #60

INpure Core removed (temporary) : known issues with buildcraft 6.3.2

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Version 1.5


BC Quarry removed
Ender quarry added (Extra utilities)

Thaumcraft -->

Botania r1.3-151 --> r1.3-153

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Version 1.4.1


Forgot something, oops !

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Version 1.4


RPG Advanced Mod 1.0.0 Added

Another One Bites the Dust 2.3.5 --> 2.3.6
Changelog :
- Fix wrong energy values being passed to the EnderIO's SAG Mill (error was left from when MJ was removed)
- Fix a weird crash related to GregTech
- Added a new texture for the clusters Thaumcraft research (thanks BluSunrize and Inap!)

Baubles -->
Changelog :
- api cleanup (closes #80)
- now you won't lose items in bauble crafting grid when switching back to vanilla inventory

Big Reactors 0.4.0A --> 0.4.1A2
Changelog :
- upgrades to the latest version of CoFHCore, which fixes crashes which may occur when using BR with certain other mods.

Binnie's Mods 2.0-dev5 --> 2.0-pre4

Blood Magic 1.3.0Beta-6 --> 1.3.0b-3
Changelog :
- Potential fix for Zephyr dupe bug
- Added a demon limit to the config - if you spawn in a Demon Portal, it will only spawn demons to a limited quantity
- Removed unneeded tiers for the Demon Invasion.
- Added a few SoulNetwork-editing commands (courtesy of Arcaratus)
- Backend stuff for Project: Omega, which has been removed for this version.
- Added LP bar that shows the LP depending on your current highest orb - reuse an orb bound to you to activate this feature
- Added the Demon Invasion system. Most of it is done, however may not be completely balanced. The initial stages are done, and more will follow. Refer to my 8th Developer Commentary ( ) for how to activate.
- Added the T4 Spell Enhancement blocks - they require Life and Soul shards (from the demon invasion)
- Added a lot of demons, fixed demon village pathing algorythms
- Added T6, including the new Orb. The T6 is made by taking 19 runes and adding them similar to how the T5 runes were added - 3 out in total and one down. Then pillars such that the cap stone (Shard Cluster, see NEI) is one higher than the BloodStone block. T6 orb is made by infusing a Shard Cluster with 200k LP.
- Added a (disabled) bar for measuring reagents for a future seeecret update.

Botania r1.3-143 --> r1.3-151
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

ChickenChunks -->

Factorization -->
- A copy of this changelog is now located INSIDE the mod itself! Whoah! It's like a whole new mod!
- They told me not to feed the Greg. I fed the Greg. Hopefully there won't be any strange consequences?
- Hopefully made the pocket crafting table less laggy
- Hopefully fixed AT verifier issues
- Goo:
Shifting goo into the void will return it to you; use this to recover goo that is inconvenient to break
Goo now expands twice as quickly, and punching it removes a larger area
Using goo in creative mode should behave better
Creative-mode players can spread goo up to 1024 blocks
Fixed z-fighting at certain camera angles
Shows a bounding box in the tool tip
- Screwpump:
Clicking on a screwpump with a fluid container will drain its buffer into the container
Pumps faster
Uses a bit less power
No longer floods for free
- Sculptures:
High-fired sculptures that were glazed with a block that was since removed (or with those old glaze textures) can have a new glaze applied for free
Raw glazes have colors that are actually random rather than just varying shades of red.
- The nametag buff can no longer be applied infinitely
- Shift-clicking an otherwise blank servo rail with an LMP will remove the color
- Screw pump's max pump height is now 12 instead of 7
- Better format for the half-hour time reminders
- Barrels don't break in creative mode, unless you shift-punch.
- Barrels don't render the item count if the item count is 1.
- Fix horrific infinite steam bug
- It is I who did the half-hour time reminders! They can be turned off now!

ForgeMultipart -->

industrialcraft 2 2.2.648-experimental --> industrialcraft-2-2.2.660-experimental

ironchest2 -->

Jabba 1.2.0 --> 1.2.0a
Changelog :
- Added fake input stack when barrel is not void and nearly full, allows mods which only handle normal inventories to detect the barrel being full.
- Ensure that barrels do not have a negative stored count
- Did a pass on BlockBarrel methods that use TE’s to protect against NPE’s and slightly improve speed.

Waila 1.5.6a --> 1.5.8a
Changelog :
- [Bugfix] Filtered out aspects with a value of 0 in the thaumcraft module.
- [Bugfix] Config option for thaumcraft is now working again.
- [Bugfix] Removed more debug print in Redflux handlers
- [Feature] Block ID/Meta option is working again, with the added qualified name of the block.
- [Feature] Ported to NEI 1.0.4.x
- [Feature] Completly NEI independent. You can run Waila without NEI now.
- [API] Added a new RENDER tag and registration method for people to do custom rendering directly inside the tooltip. For details, see this page.
- [API] accessor.getBlockID() is now returning the proper value again.
- [API] Added accessor.getBlockQualifiedName() to return the ResourceLocation string of the block.
- [Modules] Thaumcraft module is back in, much simpler thanks to the new API method.
- [Modules] Updated RedstoneFlux module to work properly with B7
- [Fix] Waila targets the proper block while morphed
- [Fix] Fixed reach distance error (Waila should now show even when looking at a block at the nearly max reachable distance).
- [Localization] Updated ru_RU (Adapta)
- [Localization] Added it_IT (TheVikingWarrior)
- [API Fix] Fixed a rare corner case with getNBTData that would be triggered if writeToNBT was called with a different TileEntity then the targeted one.
- [API Fix] Updated package-info to superseed all previous versions of the included APIs
- [API] IWailDataProvider.getNBTData now has a Player argument to be able to access player data server side.
- [API] IWailEntityProvider.getNBTData now has a Player and World argument.
- [API] currenttip is now a ITaggedList. It adds tag support for lines, making the tooltip less dumb. Right now, currenttip need to be manually casted to ITaggedList to access the new features. Please check HUDHandlerIEnergyHandler for an example of usage.
- [Doc] The javadoc has been done in most of the interfaces. It can be viewed at

Malisis Doors 1.3.2 --> 1.4.2
Changelog :
- Fixed Doors brightness at night when lit by torches.
- Fixed crash when crafting vanilla doors.
- Added auto-close timer for Custom Doors.
- Added the possibility to edit existing doors inside the DoorFactory.
- Fixed Fence Gate height when next to a wall block.
- Added Fence Gate camo. They will take the texture of surrounding blocks.
- Added option to enable/disable Fence Gate camo.
- Fixed possible crashes with Carriage Doors and Rusty Hatch.

MalisisCore 0.10.3 --> 0.10.5

MineChem (RC4) --> (RC6)
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

MineTweaker3 3.0.9B --> 3.0.9C

NotEnoughItems -->

NEIIntegration 1.0.3 --> 1.0.4
Changelog :
- Removed BuildCraft handlers (moved over to BuildCraftCompat)
- Added tooltips for unlocalized names and maximum stack sizes of items
- Added dumpers for entity and dimension IDs
- Added a config option to disable the rather technical Fluid Registry handler
- Added Russian localization (Adaptivity)

neiaddons -->
Changelog :
- Fixed crashes if any of the Forestry modules are disabled
- Built agains newer versions of everything

IC2NuclearControl 2.0.5b-Unicorn --> 2.1.2a
Changelog :
- Fixes some issues with OpenComputers.
- Added Big Reactors support for monitoring their reactors with an Industrial Information Panel.
- Added basic OpenComputers support for the Advanced Info Panel, allowing you to get and set thickness, rotation and color.
- RF support for Energy Counter/Average Counter.
- Disabled the Web Upgrade's recipe and use.
- Added the Orange Lamp.
- WAILA support for the Howler Alarm, the Energy Counter and the Average Counter.
- Completed GregTech recipes.
- Fixed bug where the Energy Counter averaged instead of counted.
- Might of fixed graphical issues with the Advanced Information Panel.
- Changed version number of the NEI Plugin to match the same scheme as the rest of the mod.
- Refactoring.
- Small name change in the creative tab.
- The recipes part of the config is now case-insensitive.
- Fixes heat bug with the Thermal Monitor
- Information panels sides have a IC2-style 32x32 texture from Pyro.
- Translation to pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese).
- Bugfix: you can now click the buttons in the average counter.
- Wrench drops working properly with the advanced panels.

PneumaticCraft 1.4.3-40-universal --> 1.5.2-50-universal
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

Thaumcraft -->
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5-161 --> 2.5-162

Tinkers' Construct 1.7.1d --> 1.8.2a
Changelog :
- IMC for bow and arrow materials
- UBC support (thanks Glassmaker!)
- Full localization
- Necrotic modifier only heals when hitting stuff that is alive
- Fix Smite/Antispider not giving any bonus damage!
- Fix items taken from drying racks or casting table/basins or oreberries sometimes not showing up in the inventory
- Fix some tools messing up boss-health rendering
- Some graphical/text fixes
- Fix crashes when trying to craft bows/crossbows with materials that don't support it
- Some fixes when TinkerSmeltery is disabled
- Some more crash fixes and preventions
- Standard Tinker Weapons can be used with Battlegear again
- Fix moss on javelins sometimes removing ammo
- Fix Daggers returning arrows
- Fix stone-crossbow-bodies giving extra modifier
- Smeltery module shoudl now be deactivatable
- Prevent some crashes with outdated mods
- Toggling the belt after death doesn't crash anymore. Still causes inventory desyncs.
- Some compatibility fixes for Iguana Tinker Tweaks
- No more player resizing. This time for real.
- Complete rework of projectiles and ranged weapons
- New Weaponry book containing all the info for the new stuff (probably not complete, but should contain everything you need to know)
- New stuff is missing textures for Netherrack, Ardite, Flint etc
- Tons of damage
- Shooting your friends never was this fun

TiCTooltips 1.1.11b --> 1.2.1
Changelog :
- Added the new modifier localization code from the latest TiC
- Fixed a crash in the creative menu when ExtraBiomesXL was installed
- Consolidated the valid material tooltips of patterns when they use an OreDictionary entry
- Updated Russian localization (thanks Adaptivity)
- Updated for Tinkers Construct v1.8.0+ (support for all the new weapons, etc; not backwards compatible)
- Added Knockback tool stat where applicable
- Added Sprint Damage tool stat where applicable
- Added Traditional Chinese localization (thanks NatsuArashi)
- Updated various localizations (thanks puyo061, Adaptivity, TheVikingWarrior, Mrkwtkr)

Waila Harvestability 1.1.0 --> 1.1.1
Changelog :
- Improved harvest level name integration with Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
- Added Korean localization (thanks MMKP)
- Various other localization updates (thanks apheliotropism, Mrkwtkr, TheVikingWarrior, Adaptivity)

OpenComputers -->
Changelog :
- Fixed: IC2 is recognized as energy providing mod again (note: it still worked as long as there was another supported power providing mod present, but OC went to no-power mode if IC2 was the only such mod present).
- Fixed: Negative values for width/height of gpu.copy/gpu.fill doing bad things.
- Fixed: Forgot adding backwards compatibility to inventory_controller.getStackInSlot; sides.back now refers to the robot's own inventory again. However, please transition to using inventory_controller.getStackInInternalSlot for this.
- Fixed: Drones with an active leash causing leash items to be dropped when picked up (shift-rightclicked).
- Fixed: Leash on drones not rendering centered on drone.
- Fixed: Potential NPE in Waila handler.
- Added: Wake-on-Redstone and Wake-on-LAN for computers via and component.modem.setWakeMessage.
- Added: High precision input mode for tier three screens (component.screen.setPrecise), allowing for floating point coordinates in mouse events (sub-character accuracy).
- Added: Wireless redstone on tier two redstone cards now works in drones and tablets.
- Added: Highlighting matching items in NEI item list when hoving slots in GUIs.
- Added: Blood Magic integration (AtomSponge).
- Added: Additional parameter for for input validation (Magik6k).
- Fixed: Potential crash when using Analyzer on Server Racks.
- Fixed: Potential crash in client log-in event handler.
- Fixed: Potential fail of re-assigning primary component using primary.lua.
- Fixed: Infinite fluid exploit.
- Fixed: Robots not dropping their tool and container slots when broken.

Witchery 0.20.6 --> 0.22.0
Changelog (summary):
- Add Werewolves and silver weapons to fight them with. Curse of the Wolf can turn players into werewolves with shapeshifting!
- Adds the ability to mix brews in a witches' cauldron containing one or more from over 100 effects. Also adds earmuffs, player compasses, pitfall blocks and a few other bits and bobs.

Twilight Forest 2.3.1 --> 2.3.2

iChunUtil-4.0.0 Removed

binnie-fix-dev5-1.7.10-1.0 Removed

Config changes :

# The height of the Solar Panel blocks. [range: 0.1 ~ 1.0, default: 0.375]
S:SolarPanelHeight=0.375 --> 0.15

# Maximum output in RF/t of the Advanced Photovoltaic Panels.
I:maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF=40 --> 70
# Maximum output in RF/t of the Photovoltaic Panels.
I:maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF=10 --> 15

# Enable fluid Effects
B:fluidEffects=true --> false

B:Tool.Flux.Bow=true --> false

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Version 1.3


HungerOverhaul beta2 --> beta5
modifyFoodEatingSpeed=true --> false
Add custom pic :)
Pam's HarvestCraft d --> f
AppleCore 1.0.1 --> 1.0.2
OpenComputer 1.4.2 --> 1.4.4
Buildcraft 6.2.6 --> 6.3.1
EnderIO -->
BuildCraftCompat 6.3.1 added
PowerConverters added
Solar Flux 0.5a added
Railcraft trade station removed
CompactSolars (mod) removed

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Version 1.2


sugarcaneRegrowthMultiplier=3 --> 2
cactusRegrowthMultiplier=3 --> 2
cocoaRegrowthMultiplier=3 --> 2
cropRegrowthMultiplier=3 --> 2
dryingRackTimeMultiplier=3 --> 2
treeCropRegrowthMultiplier=3 --> 2
saplingRegrowthMultiplier=3 --> 2
netherWartRegrowthMultiplier=3 --> 2
breedingTimeoutMultiplier=3 --> 2
eggTimeoutMultiplier=4 --> 3
wrongBiomeRegrowthMultiplier=2 --> 1 (disabled)
wrongBiomeRegrowthMultiplierSugarcane=2 --> 1 (disabled)
noSunlightRegrowthMultiplier=2 --> 1 (disabled)
childDurationMultiplier=3 --> 2

Nether ores:
ExplosionChainReactEnable=true --> false
ExplosionProbability=75 --> 20 (Percent chance out of 1000 (lower is less likely).)
AngryPigmenEnable=true --> false
SilkyAngryPigmenEnable=false --> true
MobsAngerPigmen=true --> false

BiblioCraft v1.9.1 --> v1.9.2:
Add pic EngrenageTV

Removed BC pump modified (removed Mining well dependency)

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Version 1.1



hoeToolDamageMultiplier=5 --> 3
sugarcaneRegrowthMultiplier=4 --> 3
cactusRegrowthMultiplier=4 --> 3
cocoaRegrowthMultiplier=4 --> 3
cropRegrowthMultiplier=4 --> 3
dryingRackTimeMultiplier=4 --> 3
hungerLossRatePercentage=80 --> 70
modifyFoodStackSize=true --> false
treeCropRegrowthMultiplier=4 --> 3
saplingRegrowthMultiplier=4 --> 3
netherWartRegrowthMultiplier=4 --> 3
breedingTimeoutMultiplier=4 --> 3


Fix spawn minerais (thanks direwolf20) : cofh\world\Vanilla.json

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Latest Update

Engrenage was updated to version 4.4.3