Install Engrenage

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Engrenage) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Engrenage from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Engrenage Version 4.4.3

created by Wykkss on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Engrenage updated to version 1.4

RPG Advanced Mod 1.0.0 Added

Another One Bites the Dust 2.3.5 --> 2.3.6
Changelog :
- Fix wrong energy values being passed to the EnderIO's SAG Mill (error was left from when MJ was removed)
- Fix a weird crash related to GregTech
- Added a new texture for the clusters Thaumcraft research (thanks BluSunrize and Inap!)

Baubles -->
Changelog :
- api cleanup (closes #80)
- now you won't lose items in bauble crafting grid when switching back to vanilla inventory

Big Reactors 0.4.0A --> 0.4.1A2
Changelog :
- upgrades to the latest version of CoFHCore, which fixes crashes which may occur when using BR with certain other mods.

Binnie's Mods 2.0-dev5 --> 2.0-pre4

Blood Magic 1.3.0Beta-6 --> 1.3.0b-3
Changelog :
- Potential fix for Zephyr dupe bug
- Added a demon limit to the config - if you spawn in a Demon Portal, it will only spawn demons to a limited quantity
- Removed unneeded tiers for the Demon Invasion.
- Added a few SoulNetwork-editing commands (courtesy of Arcaratus)
- Backend stuff for Project: Omega, which has been removed for this version.
- Added LP bar that shows the LP depending on your current highest orb - reuse an orb bound to you to activate this feature
- Added the Demon Invasion system. Most of it is done, however may not be completely balanced. The initial stages are done, and more will follow. Refer to my 8th Developer Commentary ( ) for how to activate.
- Added the T4 Spell Enhancement blocks - they require Life and Soul shards (from the demon invasion)
- Added a lot of demons, fixed demon village pathing algorythms
- Added T6, including the new Orb. The T6 is made by taking 19 runes and adding them similar to how the T5 runes were added - 3 out in total and one down. Then pillars such that the cap stone (Shard Cluster, see NEI) is one higher than the BloodStone block. T6 orb is made by infusing a Shard Cluster with 200k LP.
- Added a (disabled) bar for measuring reagents for a future seeecret update.

Botania r1.3-143 --> r1.3-151
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

ChickenChunks -->

Factorization -->
- A copy of this changelog is now located INSIDE the mod itself! Whoah! It's like a whole new mod!
- They told me not to feed the Greg. I fed the Greg. Hopefully there won't be any strange consequences?
- Hopefully made the pocket crafting table less laggy
- Hopefully fixed AT verifier issues
- Goo:
Shifting goo into the void will return it to you; use this to recover goo that is inconvenient to break
Goo now expands twice as quickly, and punching it removes a larger area
Using goo in creative mode should behave better
Creative-mode players can spread goo up to 1024 blocks
Fixed z-fighting at certain camera angles
Shows a bounding box in the tool tip
- Screwpump:
Clicking on a screwpump with a fluid container will drain its buffer into the container
Pumps faster
Uses a bit less power
No longer floods for free
- Sculptures:
High-fired sculptures that were glazed with a block that was since removed (or with those old glaze textures) can have a new glaze applied for free
Raw glazes have colors that are actually random rather than just varying shades of red.
- The nametag buff can no longer be applied infinitely
- Shift-clicking an otherwise blank servo rail with an LMP will remove the color
- Screw pump's max pump height is now 12 instead of 7
- Better format for the half-hour time reminders
- Barrels don't break in creative mode, unless you shift-punch.
- Barrels don't render the item count if the item count is 1.
- Fix horrific infinite steam bug
- It is I who did the half-hour time reminders! They can be turned off now!

ForgeMultipart -->

industrialcraft 2 2.2.648-experimental --> industrialcraft-2-2.2.660-experimental

ironchest2 -->

Jabba 1.2.0 --> 1.2.0a
Changelog :
- Added fake input stack when barrel is not void and nearly full, allows mods which only handle normal inventories to detect the barrel being full.
- Ensure that barrels do not have a negative stored count
- Did a pass on BlockBarrel methods that use TE’s to protect against NPE’s and slightly improve speed.

Waila 1.5.6a --> 1.5.8a
Changelog :
- [Bugfix] Filtered out aspects with a value of 0 in the thaumcraft module.
- [Bugfix] Config option for thaumcraft is now working again.
- [Bugfix] Removed more debug print in Redflux handlers
- [Feature] Block ID/Meta option is working again, with the added qualified name of the block.
- [Feature] Ported to NEI 1.0.4.x
- [Feature] Completly NEI independent. You can run Waila without NEI now.
- [API] Added a new RENDER tag and registration method for people to do custom rendering directly inside the tooltip. For details, see this page.
- [API] accessor.getBlockID() is now returning the proper value again.
- [API] Added accessor.getBlockQualifiedName() to return the ResourceLocation string of the block.
- [Modules] Thaumcraft module is back in, much simpler thanks to the new API method.
- [Modules] Updated RedstoneFlux module to work properly with B7
- [Fix] Waila targets the proper block while morphed
- [Fix] Fixed reach distance error (Waila should now show even when looking at a block at the nearly max reachable distance).
- [Localization] Updated ru_RU (Adapta)
- [Localization] Added it_IT (TheVikingWarrior)
- [API Fix] Fixed a rare corner case with getNBTData that would be triggered if writeToNBT was called with a different TileEntity then the targeted one.
- [API Fix] Updated package-info to superseed all previous versions of the included APIs
- [API] IWailDataProvider.getNBTData now has a Player argument to be able to access player data server side.
- [API] IWailEntityProvider.getNBTData now has a Player and World argument.
- [API] currenttip is now a ITaggedList. It adds tag support for lines, making the tooltip less dumb. Right now, currenttip need to be manually casted to ITaggedList to access the new features. Please check HUDHandlerIEnergyHandler for an example of usage.
- [Doc] The javadoc has been done in most of the interfaces. It can be viewed at

Malisis Doors 1.3.2 --> 1.4.2
Changelog :
- Fixed Doors brightness at night when lit by torches.
- Fixed crash when crafting vanilla doors.
- Added auto-close timer for Custom Doors.
- Added the possibility to edit existing doors inside the DoorFactory.
- Fixed Fence Gate height when next to a wall block.
- Added Fence Gate camo. They will take the texture of surrounding blocks.
- Added option to enable/disable Fence Gate camo.
- Fixed possible crashes with Carriage Doors and Rusty Hatch.

MalisisCore 0.10.3 --> 0.10.5

MineChem (RC4) --> (RC6)
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

MineTweaker3 3.0.9B --> 3.0.9C

NotEnoughItems -->

NEIIntegration 1.0.3 --> 1.0.4
Changelog :
- Removed BuildCraft handlers (moved over to BuildCraftCompat)
- Added tooltips for unlocalized names and maximum stack sizes of items
- Added dumpers for entity and dimension IDs
- Added a config option to disable the rather technical Fluid Registry handler
- Added Russian localization (Adaptivity)

neiaddons -->
Changelog :
- Fixed crashes if any of the Forestry modules are disabled
- Built agains newer versions of everything

IC2NuclearControl 2.0.5b-Unicorn --> 2.1.2a
Changelog :
- Fixes some issues with OpenComputers.
- Added Big Reactors support for monitoring their reactors with an Industrial Information Panel.
- Added basic OpenComputers support for the Advanced Info Panel, allowing you to get and set thickness, rotation and color.
- RF support for Energy Counter/Average Counter.
- Disabled the Web Upgrade's recipe and use.
- Added the Orange Lamp.
- WAILA support for the Howler Alarm, the Energy Counter and the Average Counter.
- Completed GregTech recipes.
- Fixed bug where the Energy Counter averaged instead of counted.
- Might of fixed graphical issues with the Advanced Information Panel.
- Changed version number of the NEI Plugin to match the same scheme as the rest of the mod.
- Refactoring.
- Small name change in the creative tab.
- The recipes part of the config is now case-insensitive.
- Fixes heat bug with the Thermal Monitor
- Information panels sides have a IC2-style 32x32 texture from Pyro.
- Translation to pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese).
- Bugfix: you can now click the buttons in the average counter.
- Wrench drops working properly with the advanced panels.

PneumaticCraft 1.4.3-40-universal --> 1.5.2-50-universal
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

Thaumcraft -->
Changelog :
Too long (check website)

Thaumic Tinkerer 2.5-161 --> 2.5-162

Tinkers' Construct 1.7.1d --> 1.8.2a
Changelog :
- IMC for bow and arrow materials
- UBC support (thanks Glassmaker!)
- Full localization
- Necrotic modifier only heals when hitting stuff that is alive
- Fix Smite/Antispider not giving any bonus damage!
- Fix items taken from drying racks or casting table/basins or oreberries sometimes not showing up in the inventory
- Fix some tools messing up boss-health rendering
- Some graphical/text fixes
- Fix crashes when trying to craft bows/crossbows with materials that don't support it
- Some fixes when TinkerSmeltery is disabled
- Some more crash fixes and preventions
- Standard Tinker Weapons can be used with Battlegear again
- Fix moss on javelins sometimes removing ammo
- Fix Daggers returning arrows
- Fix stone-crossbow-bodies giving extra modifier
- Smeltery module shoudl now be deactivatable
- Prevent some crashes with outdated mods
- Toggling the belt after death doesn't crash anymore. Still causes inventory desyncs.
- Some compatibility fixes for Iguana Tinker Tweaks
- No more player resizing. This time for real.
- Complete rework of projectiles and ranged weapons
- New Weaponry book containing all the info for the new stuff (probably not complete, but should contain everything you need to know)
- New stuff is missing textures for Netherrack, Ardite, Flint etc
- Tons of damage
- Shooting your friends never was this fun

TiCTooltips 1.1.11b --> 1.2.1
Changelog :
- Added the new modifier localization code from the latest TiC
- Fixed a crash in the creative menu when ExtraBiomesXL was installed
- Consolidated the valid material tooltips of patterns when they use an OreDictionary entry
- Updated Russian localization (thanks Adaptivity)
- Updated for Tinkers Construct v1.8.0+ (support for all the new weapons, etc; not backwards compatible)
- Added Knockback tool stat where applicable
- Added Sprint Damage tool stat where applicable
- Added Traditional Chinese localization (thanks NatsuArashi)
- Updated various localizations (thanks puyo061, Adaptivity, TheVikingWarrior, Mrkwtkr)

Waila Harvestability 1.1.0 --> 1.1.1
Changelog :
- Improved harvest level name integration with Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
- Added Korean localization (thanks MMKP)
- Various other localization updates (thanks apheliotropism, Mrkwtkr, TheVikingWarrior, Adaptivity)

OpenComputers -->
Changelog :
- Fixed: IC2 is recognized as energy providing mod again (note: it still worked as long as there was another supported power providing mod present, but OC went to no-power mode if IC2 was the only such mod present).
- Fixed: Negative values for width/height of gpu.copy/gpu.fill doing bad things.
- Fixed: Forgot adding backwards compatibility to inventory_controller.getStackInSlot; sides.back now refers to the robot's own inventory again. However, please transition to using inventory_controller.getStackInInternalSlot for this.
- Fixed: Drones with an active leash causing leash items to be dropped when picked up (shift-rightclicked).
- Fixed: Leash on drones not rendering centered on drone.
- Fixed: Potential NPE in Waila handler.
- Added: Wake-on-Redstone and Wake-on-LAN for computers via and component.modem.setWakeMessage.
- Added: High precision input mode for tier three screens (component.screen.setPrecise), allowing for floating point coordinates in mouse events (sub-character accuracy).
- Added: Wireless redstone on tier two redstone cards now works in drones and tablets.
- Added: Highlighting matching items in NEI item list when hoving slots in GUIs.
- Added: Blood Magic integration (AtomSponge).
- Added: Additional parameter for for input validation (Magik6k).
- Fixed: Potential crash when using Analyzer on Server Racks.
- Fixed: Potential crash in client log-in event handler.
- Fixed: Potential fail of re-assigning primary component using primary.lua.
- Fixed: Infinite fluid exploit.
- Fixed: Robots not dropping their tool and container slots when broken.

Witchery 0.20.6 --> 0.22.0
Changelog (summary):
- Add Werewolves and silver weapons to fight them with. Curse of the Wolf can turn players into werewolves with shapeshifting!
- Adds the ability to mix brews in a witches' cauldron containing one or more from over 100 effects. Also adds earmuffs, player compasses, pitfall blocks and a few other bits and bobs.

Twilight Forest 2.3.1 --> 2.3.2

iChunUtil-4.0.0 Removed

binnie-fix-dev5-1.7.10-1.0 Removed

Config changes :

# The height of the Solar Panel blocks. [range: 0.1 ~ 1.0, default: 0.375]
S:SolarPanelHeight=0.375 --> 0.15

# Maximum output in RF/t of the Advanced Photovoltaic Panels.
I:maxPhotovoltaicAdvancedOutputRF=40 --> 70
# Maximum output in RF/t of the Photovoltaic Panels.
I:maxPhotovoltaicOutputRF=10 --> 15

# Enable fluid Effects
B:fluidEffects=true --> false

B:Tool.Flux.Bow=true --> false
Wykkss posted a changelog update for Engrenage 9 years ago


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Latest Update

Engrenage was updated to version 4.4.3