Install Engrenage

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Engrenage) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Engrenage from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Engrenage Version 4.4.3

created by Wykkss on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Engrenage updated to version 3.6

Updates :

IC2NuclearControl 2.1.2a --> 2.2.5a
Changelog :
- Applied Energistics 2 suppport. ME Network Monitor, Applied Energistics Card, and the Applied Energistics Monitor Kit.
- Extended OpenComputers support: added Thermal Monitor, Average Counter and Howler Alarm Drivers.
- Issues with the Average/Energy Counter related to RF support should be fixed.
- Fixed Info Panels glitching with chunks, and maybe it's random-texture morphing bug.
- Fixed liquid-related issues that happen with a newer version of Forge.
- Added primitive IC2 Classic support. Currently doesn't do anything though.
- Made Big Reactors stuff register in init.
- Fixes small configuration issue.
- Fixed a small NBT issue.
- New 5x5 Reactor Card with support in the Remote Thermal Monitor.
- Added an API to the Range Trigger, meaning that not only the Liquid card, but the counter and generator cards can be monitored. Needs some testing, though.
- Added more OpenComputers Drivers, including the (normal) Info Panel driver, Thermal Monitor Driver, and extended the Advanced Info Panel driver.
- Changed a bunch of the recipes (again).
- Adds the Italian language.
- Made Gregtech recipes better, so you can make Big Reactors stuff and the Remote Thermal Monitor.
- Fixed the older recipes, also uses refined iron instead of iron.
- Fixed GUI-related bugs, as well as the Thermal Monitor not alerting neighbor blocks when it's redstone is inverted.
- Fixes WAILA providers.
- Added pack.mcmeta.
- Updated Russian language.
- Fixed issue with Energy Sensor Kit. This does mean you need version 691 (or higher) IC2.
- Made the Web Upgrade more stable if/when it is used again.
- Changed Big Reactor's recipes to be more NC2-ish.
- Removed two commented-out classes.
- Stabilized the BC-crossmod code.
- Disabled web-related configs that didn't do anything.
- Lots of refactoring.

PneumaticCraft 1.6.9-73 --> 1.8.1-83
Changelog :
The PneumaticCraft Oil update!
- Added Oil.
- Added Gas Lift, Refinery and Thermopneumatic Processing Plant.
- Added LPG, Gasoline, Kerosine and Diesel.
- Added 'leave liquid/item' option in Liquid Hopper and Omnidirectional Hopper to allow for filtering.
- Rebalanced liquid heat values to nerf lava being used to power Refineries / Thermopneumatic Processing Plants.
- Change to OpenComputers integration: Every block except for the Drone Interface now requires an Adapter placed next to it for the block to provide the functions it used to provide.
- Drones now will turn themselves on whenever they fall off a Charging Station.
- Added Programmable Controller!
- Bugfix: Drone Interface returns 'inf' when invoking getPressure when connected to a drone right at world load.
- Bugfix: Aerial Interface causes null item stack warnings sometimes when trying to feed a player with a full inventory.
- Bugfix: Pressure Chamber rarely breaks when a server restarts.
- Bugfix: Plastic Mixer gets stuck when automatically filling it with liquid Plastic.
- Bugfix: non 3D items don't render in GUI tabs.
- Bugfix: Very strange ConcurrentModificationException with certain modset.
- Bugfix: Liquid dupe with the Liquid Hopper.
- Bugfix: Client crash with Thaumcraft helmet integration. // Wykks: Hey that's my bug ! :)
- Bugfix: Crash when having ComputerCraft installed, but not OpenComputers.

Pam's HarvestCraft g --> i
Changelog :
Amazing Content Update
- Added: Churn Block; uses Salt as fuel to turn Fresh Milk into Butter; Known Bug: Does not have second slot working
- Added: Quern Block; uses Stone Pressure Plates to grind items normally made with Mortar and Pestle
- Added: Animal Trap; uses grain bait, veggie bait, or fruit bait to trap and gather animal items (including new meats like turkey!)
- Added: Fish Trap; uses fish bait to trap and farm fish and water garden foods
- NOTE: Animal Traps need to be surrounded at the same Y level with at least five dirt or grass covered dirt blocks
- NOTE: Fish Traps need to be surrounded at the same Y level with at least five still water blocks
- Added: Wheat Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, and Melon Seeds to Market Block under Seeds (there is a Wheat for Wheat trade, I know)
- Added: Oak Saplings, Birch Saplings, and Dark Oak Saplings to Market Block under Temperate Saplings (there is a Oak for Oak trade, I know)
- Added: Jungle Saplings and Acacia Saplings to Market Block under Tropical Saplings (there is a Jungle for Jungle trade, I know)
- Added: Spruce Saplings to Market Block under Coniferous Saplings (there is a Spruce for Spruce trade, I know)
- Change: Chili Chocolate recipe now requires Mixing Bowl instead of Mortar and Pestle
- Change: Manjuu recipe now requires Mixing Bowl instead of Mortar and Pestle
- Fix: Listed Raw Salmon, Pufferfish, Clownfish, and Cooked Salmon under the correct Ore Dictionary terms
- Added: Pumpkin, Potato, Carrot listed as "cropBlah" in Ore Dictionary
- Added: Torches and Candles listed as "blockTorch" in Ore Dictionary
- Added: Recipe to make Lit Pumpkins with "cropPumpkin" and "blockTorch"
- Fix: Candle textures are now correctly centered (thanks jecowa)
- Change: Removed config option to change amount of Fresh Water gained from recipe
- Config Option: You can now disable using crop items to plant with enablecropitemsasseeds under "miscellaneous recipes" - Default: True
- Change: Crops should now use IPlantable correctly
- Change: Mocha Ice Cream now uses "toolMixingbowl" like other ice cream recipes (thanks Geethebluesky)
- Fix: Various recipes now use "toolMixingbowl" instead of toolMixingbow (thanks Geethebluesky)
- Fix: Shepard's Pie now renamed Shepherd's Pie and recipe fixed to use right Ore Dictionary (thanks MisfitAngel)
- Added: Raw Turkey, Rabbit, and Venison - Find using Animal Trap
- Added: Cooked Turkey, Rabbit, and Venison - Cook the raw versions
- Fix: Pot block can now be properly placed on the Oven
- Added: Strawberry Milkshake, Chocolate Milkshake, Banana Milkeshake, Cornflakes, Coleslaw Burger, Roast Chicken Dinner,
Roast Potatoes, Sunday Roast, BBQ Pulled Pork, Lamb with Mint Sauce, Steak and Chips, Cherry Ice Cream, Pistachio Ice Cream, Neapolitan Ice Cream, Spumoni Ice Cream
- Fix: You can now buy items with metadata from the Market Block (spawn eggs, bonemeal, etc) (thanks Mr. Crayfish)
- Fix: Apiary code cleaned up and being surrounded by flowers, crops, or grass-based gardens actually makes the Apiary produce faster! (thanks Java Matrix)
- Fix: Pot block can now be placed on Oven block
- Fix: Orange Chicken now only needs Saucepan
- Added: Recipe to turn any listAllfishraw into Minecraft fish
- Fix: Made a lot of recipes use the Ore Dictionary even more
- Fix: Sausage in Bread name typo
- Fix: Cranberry Sauce now needs Pot to avoid recipe conflict
- Fix: MFR Planter will now plant Seaweed seeds
- Added: Recipe to turn listAllwater into my Fresh Water
- Fix: Crop to Seed config option should now work
- Config Option: You can now turn off new fishing with enableharvestcraftfish - Default: True
- Added: Pumpkin Cheese Cake item and block
- Added: Pumpkin Muffins, Suadero, and Random Taco items
- Added: Compressed Salt Block and conversion recipes
- Fixed duping issue with apiary/traps by disabling shift-clicking into/out of them
- Fixed ore dictionary labels affecting various recipes
- Added recipes for Plum and Pear juice

Extrautilities 1.2.5 --> 1.2.6
Changelog :
- Added TCon integration (requires TCon version 1.8.5)
The mechanics for TCon integration are NOT finalized and are liable to change in future versions.
- Added Bedrockium material
Created using a TCon smeltery from bedrockium ingots/blocks
Each bedrockium part adds -10% speed to the tool while being held
- Added 'Unstable induced' material
Created using a TCon smeltery from unstable ingots/nuggets/blocks
*Melting an unstable material gives HALF the fluid of what regular equivalent would
Once casted into a part (using a casting table), you have 10 seconds before the part 'denatures'
If a part denatures, it cannot be used to create a tool and can only be recycled in the smeltery (for half its worth)
Denatured parts don't explode (not for lack of me trying)
A tool is made out of 100% unstable ingot parts, will have reinforced level 10, i.e. unbreakable.
- Added Magical wood material
Made in the part builder using 'Magical wood'
It has the same base stats of wood
Each part gives +1 modifier to the tool
A tool made out of 100% magical wood, will have +8 modifiers
- Updated FMP support to FMP version 1.2.0 (not backwards compatible)
- Enderlillies can be planted on water
- Added Mobius ingots to creative tab
- Added custom RNG code that is faster than default java RNG
- Fix non-existant textures being registered

Botania r1.6-191 --> r1.6-192
Changelog :
- Added the Spectral Rail. A new rail that makes carts fly. Woooosh~
- Changed the Spectranthemum to have a limited range and not be chainable. Use minecarts for long range yo.
- Fixed a memory leak with the Hovering Hourglass' render.
- Fixed Corporea requests not updating inventories.
- Fixed lenses being consumed when adding them to spreaders in creative.
- Fixed the Black Hole Talisman being able to place blocks inside the player.
- Fixed the Terra Shatterer's mana display overlapping tooltips when they would go off screen.
- Fixed the yellow quartz Flugel Tiara having pink particles.
- Made the Clayconia's texture more visible.
- Made the mana network, spreaders, pools and flowers more aware of TileEntity invalidation. This may or may not fix the chunkloading issues.
- [API] Added a bunch of isInvalid() checks to SubTileGenerating and SubTileFunctional.
- [API] Corporea properly calls markDirty().
- [API] Increased version number to 51.

Sanguimancy 1.1.9-29 --> 1.1.9-31

Buildcraft 7.0.6 --> 7.0.9

Buildcraft Compat 7.0.5 --> 7.0.8

IndustrialCraft2 2.2.731-experimental --> 2.2.736-experimental

GraveStone 2.12.3 --> 2.12.4

Advanced Generators -->

Gendustry -->

bdlib -->

Malisiscore 0.12.2 --> 0.12.3

Applied Energistics2 rv2-stable-5 --> rv2-stable-7

MrTJPCore -->

ProjectRed --> 4.7.0pre1.84

Guide-API 1.0-15 --> 1.0.1-20

BloodMagic 1.3.2-1 --> 1.3.3-4

EnderIO -->

Forge 1.7.10- --> 1.7.10-
Wykkss posted a changelog update for Engrenage 8 years ago


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Latest Update

Engrenage was updated to version 4.4.3