Install Engrenage

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Engrenage) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Engrenage from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Engrenage Version 4.4.3

created by Wykkss on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Engrenage updated to version 3.3

Added :

Magical Crops 4.0.0-beta-3 by Mark719
Config default (yep no changes, for now.)

Updates :

Thaumic Energistics -->
Changelog :
- Essentia Conversion Monitor: When shift-double-rightclicking the monitor only takes essentia matching the input aspect, instead of any essentia in the players inventory.
- Essentia storage bus can now be attached to a ME Condenser, does not require void mode to be enabled.
- FIX: Essentia Storage Bus updates AE network if container contents are externally changed.
- FIX: Fixed Essentia Terminal sync issue if a cell is removed/added while viewing terminal.
- FIX: Fixed Essentia Conversion Monitor crash & eating stacks.
- FIX: priority GUI tab icon size corrected.

OpenComputers -->
Changelog :
- Added: APU, a hybrid of CPU and GPU. Limited for the costs, but essentially opens up a card slot.
- Added: Getter in Debug Card to query list of online players and known dimensions.
- Added: Made blocks compatible with AE2 spatial system.
- Added: Slow block breaking for robots and drones.
- Changed: AE2 controller driver functionality is now always present in interfaces, even when channels are enabled.
- Changed: Port of a received ComputerCraft network message is now appended instead of prepended (allows more generic message handling).
- Changed: Removed recipe for endstone, added fake endstone instead and OreDictionatified the drone recipes.
- Changed: Tablets should now keep running when changing dimensions (e.g. going to the nether).
- Changed: Updated native libraries to Lua 5.2.4. Tested them as best I could in VMs, but let me know if persistence stops working for you after this update.
- Fixed: 3D Printer shape limit check being off by one.
- Fixed: Duplicate rendering of equipped item on robots.
- Fixed: GUI of invalidated screens not closing.
- Fixed: Hopefully got rid of potential one-time lag when turning on the first computer after starting the game.
- Fixed: Hover upgrades not working when built-into robots (worked only in container slots).
- Fixed: Issues in ComputerCraft integration.
- Fixed: Issues with AE2 export bus driver.
- Fixed: MFR Safari Net converter (i.e. info added to item stack descriptor).
- Fixed: Shift-clicking something into a database filling all empty slots with that item.

Industriacraft2 2.2.720-experimental --> 2.2.722-experimental

Applied Energistics2 rv2-stable-2 --> rv2-stable-3
Changelog :
- Fixes #1465: Disassembling a Crafting Storage will yield the correct material - yueh
- Removes default RF tooltip on AE blocks - TheJulianJES
- Fixes #1442: Parts display their name in WAILA - TheJulianJES
- Fixes #1389: Hold backspace to clear search in terminals - yueh
- Fixes #1384: No infinite power with RotarCraft v6 anymore - jeremiahwinsley

MrTJPCore -->

ProjectRed -->
Changelog :
- ADDED: Block Placer
- ADDED: Filtered Importers
- ADDED: Ability to add colour filters to pressure tubes with wool strips
- FIX: Block Breaker dropping wrong metadata for some blocks
- FIX: Block Breaker not playing sound effects
- FIX: Block Breaker break particles
- FIX: Deviating Lilies rendering dark in world
- CHANGE: World gen rates tweaked slightly
- CHANGE: Tube and machine recipes tweaked slightly
- CHANGE: Item Importers can suck up items that collide on front
- CHANGE: Item Importers can suck up items in 3x3 grid on redstone pulse
- CHANGE: Bonemeal now works on liles

EnderIO -->
Changelog :
- Add Natura Barley to Flour SAG Mill recipe.
- #2479 Dark Glass
- allow shift clicking item conduit upgrades (filters, speed, etc)
- also clear requestedItems when clientItems is cleared
- Fix machine active state blinking in between successive tasks
- Improve telepad power usage curve and add configs for values
- Centralize config sync packet, sync telepad lock configs
- Use getters for collision/selection on inv panel to stop getting stuck

Config change :

Full rework of cofh config & oregen stuff (omg it took me so long, and still don't know exactly if its ok)

Random things :
Imbues are back
Wykkss posted a changelog update for Engrenage 8 years ago


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Latest Update

Engrenage was updated to version 4.4.3