Install Engrenage

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Engrenage) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Engrenage from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Engrenage Version 4.4.3

created by Wykkss on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Engrenage updated to version 1.7

Config changes :
Added a working recipe for the replicator (IC2)

Relevant changes (summary, look below for the full mods update list) :
PneumaticCraft :
- You can now right click blocks to plant seeds.
- Added MFR Fertilizer support (DarkstarDS9).
Thaumcraft :
- nerfed some of the loot that can appear in uncommon loot bags
- increased the difficulty of champion mobs
ProjectRed :
- FIX: Crash on world generation

INpureCore (was at 1.0.0B7-19.jar previously) --> 1.0.0B8-49
Back in the modpack ! (Remove facades and useless stuff in NEI)

AOBD 2.3.6 --> 2.4.0 :
Changelog :
-Added support for Tinker's Construct smelteries (smelt the ores and cast them into ingots. This will NOT make tools out of every ore, that would just be silly).
-Added support for SimpleOreGrinder
-Fix EnderIO screwed up energy usage amount (again)

AppleCore 1.0.2 --> 1.1.0
Changelog :
- Added a better way for mods to be able to integrate their plant growth with AppleCore
- Renamed "" config option to ""
- Fixed hunger HUD overlays being drawn when the hunger bar is not (fixes a slight incompatibility with the Hunger Strike mod)

OpenComputers -->

Thaumcraft 4,2.3.3 -->
- nerfed some of the loot that can appear in uncommon loot bags
- increased the difficulty of champion mobs
- the arcane spa can no longer place water in the nether
- traveling trunks should no longer despawn if commanded to stay put in unloaded chunks
- added chunk check to prevent possible recursion crash with vis relay network

PneumaticCraft 1.5.3-universal --> 1.5.4-56-universal
Changelog :
-You can now right click blocks to plant seeds.
-Added MFR Fertilizer support (DarkstarDS9).
-Added "setRenameString" method to the Drone Interface.
-Updated pt_BR.lang (MrKunji).
-Bugfix: Plants don't grow when there's a block directly above.
-Bugfix: Crashes with certain Drone Interface actions.
-Bugfix: Drone will steal XP when right clicking an Essence Berry for example.

industrialcraft2 2.2.663 --> 2.2.667

ForgeMultipart -->

forestry --> :
Changelog (Summary)
- new inventory code, hive and world gen updates, improved fluid handling and many bug fixes.

MrTJPCore -->
Changelog :
- ADDED: Utility class for configs
- ADDED: Block library
- ADDED: mcmeta file

ProjectRed (Base, Integration, Lighting, World, Compat) 4.5.9 build #60 --> 4.5.10 build #61 :
Changelog :
- FIX: Crash on world generation
- FIX: Time set on sequencers
- FIX: Sickles not harvesting tall grass
- CHANGE: Enabled tube device inventory export

binnie-mods 2.0-pre4 --> binnie-mods 2.0-pre5
Wykkss posted a changelog update for Engrenage 9 years ago


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Latest Update

Engrenage was updated to version 4.4.3