Install The 1.7.10 Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The 1.7.10 Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The 1.7.10 Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The 1.7.10 Pack Version 0.10.15

created by xJon on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
HQM Quests coming very very soon! What would you want to see in them? Tell me!
xJon posted a status update for The 1.7.10 Pack 10 years ago


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I am really looking forward to it! It would be nice to see a diverse group of quests, so anyone will be interested in using it. Maybe even do it like classes. Here are some examples: Mage- Quests regarding any form of magic. Mechanic-Quests regarding Machines and tech. Farmer- Quests with Pam's harvest craft or magical crops. Fighter- Quests that require fighting lots of mobs and bosses. Explorer-Quests having to do with all the biomes and maybe ruins. Carpenter- Quests that require the player to make all these decorative items. Builder- Quests regarding building material even the very difficult/expensive ones. Miner- Quests having the player trying to obtain lots of recources. The Multitasker- Quests regarding everything in the pack. The Marksman- Quests having to do with obtaining several ranged weapons (guns mostly). The Collector- Quests having the player trying to obtain everything in a collection (like collecting all of the mob trophies). The Engineer-Quests that will have the player building several vehicles. This is just an idea. Please tell me what you think, because I really want to help!
Posted by Harrerya 10 years ago
When I try to launch the modpack it says "Outdated Java" even though I've deleted the old Java downloaded the new Java over and over but it still won't work! Help please!
Posted by Joey_Nolan 10 years ago
Posted by [email protected] 10 years ago
I think there should be a leveling-up system Tht would be cool.
Posted by [email protected] 10 years ago

Latest Update

The 1.7.10 Pack was updated to version 0.10.15