Install Tech Kit Reloaded

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tech Kit Reloaded) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tech Kit Reloaded from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tech Kit Reloaded Version 1.2

created by MisterCrow on Minecraft 1.12.2

Tech Kit Reloaded updated to version 1.2

- Added mod "Forge Multipart CBE" to the modpack. This is a dependency for "Project Red: Base" and adds microblock functionality.
- Added mod "Modular Powersuits" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "MrTJPCore" to the modpack. This is a dependency for "Project Red: Base".
- Added mod "Nether Foundation" to the modpack. This is a replacement for "Netherending Ores", as it's more "Tekkit like" (e.g. explosive nether ores / pigmen attack if you mine nether ores).
- Added mod "Numina" to the modpack. This is a dependency for "Modular Powersuits".
- Added mod "Project Red: Base" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "Project Red: Compat" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "Project Red: Fabrication" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "Project Red: Integration" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "Project Red: Lighting" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "Project Red: Mechanical" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "Project Red: World" to the modpack. This was originally intended to be included, but a version for 1.12.2 wasn't available at the time.
- Added mod "Thermal Innovation" to the modpack. This adds a few useful new tools.
- Removed mod "BuildCraft" from the modpack. Mod feels a bit obselete in comparison to others. Since it no longer supports RF power, it alienates itself. Furthermore, the abundance of huge oil spawns makes things too easy.
- Removed mod "BuildCraft Compat" from the modpack as BuildCraft has been removed (it's included within Buildcraft now, so would have been removed even if BuildCraft would have stayed).
- Removed mod "Ender Storage 1.8+" from the modpack. It makes things too easy!
- Removed mod "Netherending Ores" (and associated configs) from the modpack. It's been replaced with a more "Tekkit like" mod - "Nether Foundation".
- Removed mod "Optifine" from the modpack, due to copyright restrictions. Furthermore, as this is purely a performance mod, it should be up to players whether they want to install it or not.
- Removed mod "Redstone Paste" from the modpack as it was only filling in whilst we waited for a 1.12.2 version of Project Red to become available.
- Updated all pre-existing mods to their latest release versions (including Forge, to v14.23.5.2768). Mods that don't have release versions for MC v1.12.2 have been updated to their latest experimental versions.

Known Issues:
"Industrial Foregoing" - forces a crash on start-up when the computer's clock reads 1st April (some stupid April fools joke). Apparently updating to the latest version of Forge fixes this, but I'm reluctant to try this because I know the mods in this modpack work with the current stable release of Forge. The current latest Forge release is not a stable release, so it risks breaking stuff / being buggy. As a workaround, simply change your computers date, or move the modpack out of your installation folder temporarily.
"Modular Powersuits" - has a bug where it will drain your currently selected item (if it's a powered item), instead of internal batteries on your suit.
"Thermal Dynamics" - integrating signalum plated fluiducts in with regular fluxducts can cause energy transfer bottlenecking (even if you're well below the 4,000RF/t limit). Best avoid using the signalum plated fluxducts on large, power hungry networks.
MisterCrow posted a changelog update for Tech Kit Reloaded 5 years ago


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(Can't edit the changelog annoyingly, so posting here instead). Known Issue: Note that you must use vanilla Minecraft tools to mine ores in the nether. Using tools from mods in the nether will mean you destroy the ores when you mine them. Hopefully the makers of Nether Foundation will fix this soon!
Posted by MisterCrow 4 years ago

Latest Update

Updated Tech Kit reloaded to v1.2, check the changelog!