Install Aetherwars: Infinite

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Aetherwars: Infinite) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Aetherwars: Infinite from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Aetherwars: Infinite Version r0.5

created by Darkmega on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
AAand we're back. How long it lasts? I've got no idea, but we'll see. :)
Darkmega 8 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.5 8 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.5 8 years ago
now the versions are actually around the right way. I did goofed for a bit there. A really now is apoc, and B really is no apoc. Also, updated Zelda sword skills and it's config sneakily.
Darkmega 8 years ago
Updated pack and split the version between A and B version. A has apocalypse mod for ramping difficulty, B doesn't. thats the only difference. also RF tools got dunked. :V that was short lived. Use recommended for A and latest for B. :)
Darkmega 8 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.5c 8 years ago
A small update. Because fat-pack had a few useless mods removed and most definitely had to update ars magica. :D
Darkmega 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.5b 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.5a 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.5 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.4b 9 years ago
Merry Christmas everyone! here, have a quick update on the latest build. :D
Darkmega 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.4 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.3a 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.3a 9 years ago
Commander Equipment Sets, Ex Atris Reborn, Tainted magic, oh my! Latest version is currently set to latest. After I myself get to play with it for a while on my server I'll move it over to recommended. But I'm certain that it should be stable. :)
Darkmega 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.3 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.2 9 years ago
Aetherwars: Infinite was updated to version r0.3.2 9 years ago
If you downloaded the latest version r0.3.1c previously from the last 2 or so days, hit that reinstall button. I downgraded minetweaker cause it was causing recipes to not register client side on the server. :V
Darkmega 9 years ago

Latest Update

AAand we're back. How long it lasts? I've got no idea, but we'll see. :)