Install Aetherwars: Infinite

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Aetherwars: Infinite) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Aetherwars: Infinite from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Aetherwars: Infinite Version r0.5

created by Darkmega on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
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have a server or anything like that??
kingi 7 years ago
Hey ! :) I've a problem when i try to install the modpack :/ I have this "failed to download" ...
Mauyenrouche 8 years ago
Can you retry it a few times? I know sometimes it glitches out and doesn't download some stuff, but if it keeps up constantly I'll see what I can do about it.
Posted by Darkmega 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
hey, how do i get a satchel of equipment? i cant seem to progress without it
splitsoul666 8 years ago
it's the neutral tier key object for getting starting sets. you only get one from magister or machinist sets, or two from the generalist set. You're not meant to be able to get all the starting sets, it's just a way to make selectable starting gear.
Posted by Darkmega 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
hey, how do i get a satchel of equipment? i cant seem to progress without it
splitsoul666 8 years ago
I love this pack, and a official server would be amazing if you could add it!
pietoday 8 years ago
soo... no idea why, but i ended up not being able to do anything. i couldn't open the books, i couldn't break blocks. as if my mouse wasn't working. found out why, ALL my key-binds where blank, wtf? i did the reset to default so i'm fine know, just wanted to post this in case others have the same problem.
WragonMcneil 8 years ago
Indeed. I know of this, but it's an incompatibility of some kind with key binding overhaul that lets you map keys to need multiple buttons to be inputted. I tried including the options.txt with the versions which contains the keybinds but it didn't seem to work if you already had a version previous. But I wasn't sure if it would happen to people coming in newly to the pack. So I left it, but I forgot to put it in the help tab as a known bug. Thanks for mentioning it here. And I hope after you got that sorted you're enjoying the pack. :)
Posted by Darkmega 8 years ago | Modpack Creator
can you add rotorycraft and reactorcraft
kodygardner 9 years ago
I considered it but figured it a no, because some of the stuff would require an edit job to work on biospheres which is the intended world type to play aetherwars in, and by doing so would cause Reika to get salty if I made any kinds of changes etc... and I've never used them but hear they're a bit long winded and realistic which isn't quite how Aetherwars is meant to go.
Posted by Darkmega 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
could u add big reactors t the pack?
splitsoul666 9 years ago
Sorry, I've tried, but thats a no dice. it caused strange crashes with opis and mobiuscore when I last tried it (which I'd like to keep compatible incase people would need to use opis to diagnose server problems since this pack was made for multiplayer/pvp in mind). Dunno if thats the case anymore since that was sometime ago. But I'd rather not. You can generate good enough power with massive sky platforms by aethering up butloads of enderium fluxducts and wind turbines and get no maintenance power or rig up automated aether generation plants that output fuel into energy engines/generators, so theres many other ways to do this stuff around aetherwars. :) sorry.
Posted by Darkmega 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
I really enjoyed your previous pack. This one looks equally amazing and I have it firmly slotted for when we are done with our current pack. The list of Aether values you have compiled is incredible. I definitely intend to save them and use them for myself in the future. While I have no specific plans to do so, would you be opposed to others using using them in modpacks of their design?
Aqualung 9 years ago
"We"? :o do you have a group you play with? if you do, I'd definitely appreciate a bit of a shout out. :) And thanks. it's been compiled over the versions. It's mostly on basic resources or intermediate resources that you craft from things to craft others, and also on armors, because aethercraft has a armor repair machine that is very useful. As for them being used in other packs, I have no objections to it, you could probably use them in mods like projectE and EE3 if they have ways you can specify your own values. If you find anything that could use a value that's bothersome to make or get do tell me, and I can add them in in a later version. :)
Posted by Darkmega 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
Very small group, two with a possibility of four, on LAN. Here is a short list of things we found that could use values applied [ link because no formatting here]. There is also the basalt (?) from project red volcanoes that didn't make the list in time.
Posted by Aqualung 9 years ago
Alright, I'll look into some Fluxed ingot aether then. always keep putting it off cause I actually hardly use them, but atleast now that it's requested I have a good reason to get off my but and go through some more Thermal expansion stuff. oh, and the pig iron, forgot about that too cause it's rather obscure ingot. Strong boxes are bugged and show as "infinite" aether when I tried to add values to them once, so dunno about those unfortunately. Well, to save myself trouble earlier in deving i sorta rationalized that I'd give people aethers for key components that are often used and allow them to stock up on them and just simply churn the objects out using applied energistics crafting windows and stuff. yeah, There are a few "simple" blocks out there that never got aether values put to them like some of the decorative tinkers construct chisel blocks I noticed. I'll take a look next time I decide to do an update. :) I hope you all enjoy then. and if you decide to have a pvp war, tell me how it goes, you could be the first group I've heard of to try one if you do. :P
Posted by Darkmega 9 years ago | Modpack Creator
so i finaly got around to tryign this pack out loved the 1st one. and my 1st run thru was very event full night one build a wood house to have most of it burnt down night 2 stone house made adn lookign through quest book, dies from meteor kitty. it was a death that will be remembered
Higon 9 years ago
Sounds like ouch? were you in biospheres generator and did you get your starting gear? usually a good place to start is underground. then after the first night and aethering up some smoothstone out of whatever you can get from the ground and the mobs in the morning make yourself a little stone building/castle then expand your territory by lighting it up and farming stuff for aether. There are a lot of ways you can easily make a but load of aether. So if you can get through your first few days to get basic resources and generation in place. you can go really far.
Posted by Darkmega 9 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

AAand we're back. How long it lasts? I've got no idea, but we'll see. :)