Install Aetherwars: Infinite

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Aetherwars: Infinite) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Aetherwars: Infinite from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Aetherwars: Infinite Version r0.5

created by Darkmega on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

Aetherwars: Infinite updated to version b0.2.5

-Said goodbye to IC2.
-Was told it would never work, by Rival rebels (I finally noticed the copyright/terms and conditions list while attempting to update it. :V)

+Added Pneumaticraft!
+Added ingame Wiki's!
+Added Too much TNT!
+Upgraded Archimedes ships to Archimedes ships Plus!
+added Moving worlds (dependancy and api for archimedes ships plus)
+Updated Advanced Genetics!
+Updated Applied Energistics!
+Updated Automagy!
+Updated blood Magic!
+Added Guide API because blood magic's new versions apparently need it!
+Updated Codechicken core!
+Updated enderio!
+updated Extra utilities!
+Updated NEI!
+Updated Torcherino!
+Updated Music Choices!
+Updated Mekanism!
+Updated Project Red!
+Updated MrTJPCore
+Updated Zelda Sword skills!
+Updated Pams harvestcraft!
+Updated Hunger Overhaul!

-Removed Mobiuscore and Opis from Client install. Install it on the server manually, and grab it for the client if you need it. Otherwise I suggest a minimap like Journeymap. :D

=Fixed Recipes for zelda sword skills rubberboots and deku leaves to not require IC2 stuff (since ic2 is gone).

+Mobs and bosses have varying chances of dropping Artifacts since world gen to get them out of is few and far between.

+tweaked various hunger overhaul settings.

+added recipe to wormwood since cause i'm not removing hunger overhaul which is causing the rightclick wheat harvest thing.

+Nerfed torcherino's to high hell by making their recipe a lot harder and late game.

+Improved (?) class selection and equipment selection quests. Each type gets 3 tokens, 2 of their type and one general token. Where-as generalists have 2 general tokens and a wild card token to spend on sets. Choose wisely!

+Added Aether values to various mekanism bits and pieces.

+added new recipe for end portal frame blocks.
+added recipe for bomb flower seeds.

+Fixed derpy potion IDs with mana regen/restoration, well fed, aethercraft "Regneration" and trailmix.

+fixed a soundtrack derp and got rid of the silly creative theme song that was still a mono track that i didn't quite care for anymore just by itself forever. :V Meaning, normal tracks will play as normal in overworld even in creative.
Darkmega posted a changelog update for Aetherwars: Infinite 8 years ago


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Latest Update

AAand we're back. How long it lasts? I've got no idea, but we'll see. :)