Lets Play Shaders 2
Here are shaders for everyone!
Shaders in 6.0 and higher:
For Weak computers and people who want classic shaders: RRe36's shaders
For Standard computers and people who want more quality of the shaders: Rudoplays shaders
For The Machines (Strong computers) and people who want the best of shaders: KUDA shaders
Last, But not least, this modpack includes a shaderpack for every type of computers and people bored of normal shaders, Here are the crazyest shaderpack ever made: Acid shaders!
Mods 6.0 and higher
Vannila with shaders: boring! Dont worry, there are mods here.
To let you explore the minecraft world with additional features, this modpacks includes Orespawn.
Go far, you wont get lost thanks to Xaero's Minimap! Oh no, you forgot the recipe to make something, search the net! In this modpack, never! The recipe is in you inventory, thanks to Not enough items!
6.1 and higher
Lets cut a tree...1 log cutted... Wait a second, why Gravity is not effecting the trees? That is not a case in this modpack: Here is the Treecapitator mod!
I love to troll my friends, and I can do it here on the best way ever, i am going to disguise, thanks to the Morph mod!
After a dungeon raid... How much loot, that doesn't fit in my inventory. I'll put it in my backpack!
That is all for now!