Install The Mad Scientist Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Mad Scientist Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Mad Scientist Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Mad Scientist Pack Version 2.63

created by rockrevenchy on Minecraft 1.7.10

I do not own any of these mods and i didnt create any of these mods, im not claiming anything over these mods and i dont wish to act like a dumb douchbag so if someone recognize his mod in here and have something to say, require something from me to do in order to use his mod, wanna chat with some coffee and biscuits or simply wanna share me his/her best recipe that include bacon then please msg me and we'll talk about it

oh also i do not plan on making any profits out of the modpack. so even for the kindest guy in the world who absolutly wish to give me money for the modpack im sorry to tell you that there's not going to have any way to throw money at me as im only doing that for pleasure altho if you really wish to help me out, spread the modpack link, talk about it with your friends and play ! ;p

Now for the credits :

a huge thanks to every mod creators here without you i couldnt build anything here

-Team CoFH for thermal expension, minefactory reloaded, nether ores and much more


So many machines and items geeeeez you guys worked on that for years. i have no idea where i'd be without this mod around !

-simeonradivoev for matter overdrive ( Beam me up scotty ! seriously i enjoy this mod many features star trek related and probably one of the best addon for mine factory and thermal expension ;p

  • ICĀ² Dev Team for (obviously) Industrialcraft !


Seriously you guys rock. i cant immagine creating a modpack without your amazing work

-cpw for ironchest (which obviously integrate more than iron chests lol)


storage would be a huge issue without you around ;p

-DjGiannuzz (well i cant comment the name) for Thaumcraft Nei Plugin


nice job this helps a lot using thaumcraft. well played sir ! well dj.. well annu.... nvm just sir lol

-immibis for tubestuff


nice mod collection you have. i love your creations keep on working !

-BalkondeurAlpha for Balkon's WeaponMod And archimedes ship


never without my trusty musket and my trusty Borg Unicomplex in the sky

-rich1051414 for Damage Indicators


Tracking mobs Hp is the best tool you need ! thanks a lot for granting us that ! ;p

-bspkrs and DaftPVF for treecapitator


seriously there is almost no modpack without any of your mods and there is a good reason !

-multiplemonomials (A.K.A ChatterComa) for AdditionalPipesBC


Your mods are too hidden for the power that you have !!!!

-BuildCraft Team (especially asiekierka) for well you guessed it !


my head would totally obliterate without your mod here thanks a big lot for this amazing piece of work !

-Stuuupiiid (feels weird writing that down) for dungeonpack


you make the world much more interesting to explore your mod makes us go outside... well in game of course ;p

-Annysia for ExtrabiomesXL


i love your trees and plants they're just damn majestic keep up the nice work !

-SirSengir for Forestry for Minecraft


your mod add so many things into this world and so many fonctions its hard to avoid it ! ;p

-pitman87 for tf2 sentry and dispenser


Self defense kiddos, self defense is indeed really important !

-Azanor for Thaumcraft


I understand its not that easy to let modpacks use your mod but i can only be thankful and say im gonna take good care of the conditions you require for using this mod, that is the best mod i've seen in months ! very nice job

-ChickenBones for NotEnoughItem, wireless redstone and chickenchunks


simply amazed i cant tell how amazing your mods look. i always know i can put my trust on your creations they're reliable, stable and useful !

-AtomicStryker for advanced machines and Dynamic Lights


Dynamic lightning is something we all dreamed for so long to be implemented in minecraft ! also i keep reading your name all over internet when i check for mods lol ;p

-xbony2 (and shedar) for Nuclear Control 2


its a must for everybody with a little nuclear reactor in their bedroom for their night light (to help them feel safer)

-Kobata for Inventory Tweak


it may seem like a details for you until you play without this mod, you then realise that your in game life is worthless and your inventory makes you feel even worse, so worse in fact that you start juging yourself and start crying until you reinstall that mod, you then feel like the hugest of the huge boss, so i needed that mod !

-mrcrayfish for furniture mod


what's better than pressure plate tables and stairs to sit down and eat a nice cake well a lot of things actually but especially a real table with real chairs to eat the whole cookie jar you left in the fridge for weird reasons and that is the exact reason why i picked this mod ! slabs, pressure plates and stairs go to hell im gonna sit on a real chair to eat on a real table and store my food in a real fridge before consulting minebay on a real ig computer, oh yeah !

-tonius111 for Nei Integration


this mod is a must for most modpack ! many thanks for the compatibility plugin you made ! ;p

-Portablejim (and Powercrystals (and samrg472)) for PowerConverters


this mod always was a problem to keep following as it was constantly left behind by the creator and samrg who tried to continue it. even if this mod was hard to track its one of my favorites it add so many possibilities in the game !

-covertjaguar for railcraft


I like trains !

-dan200 for computercraft


type irl and ig, that's how i nerd ! :D

-TLHPoE for Deathchest

(im sorry i couldnt seem to find any website that you seem to own or forum page concerning your mod other than the one here) (

dying is now even funnier !

-Glitchfiend for Biomes O'plenty


So much more to see in minecraft maps now ! :D

-meew0 for Symcalc


nice little tool for thaumcraft !

-pixlepix for Thaumic tinkerer


Think you discovered everything in thaumcraft ? think again ! this mod add so many special researches and fonctionnalities its as fun to discover as thaumcraft itself ;p

-Ganymedes01 Thaumcraftgates and AOBD


essentia automatisation and ore and machines compatibilities, here we come !

-Tombenpotter for creating and fewizz for updating Electro-magic tools


the best thaumcraft and ic2 crossover mod in town ! does exactly what i wished for ! :D

-micdoodle8 (and radfast(and dev(and everybody else that i didnt mention))) for galacticraft !


actually im not gonna be good for my personnal comment about this mod altho this video is gonna do the job way better than i would

-MrTJP and Chickenbones for projectred


So nice to see redpower once again ! thanks for that mod !

-NPException and Jezzadabomb338 for DimensionalPockets


...ide a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension inside a pocket dimension ins...

-??? (Alves ? no idea if thats right sorry im trying to rely on google .-.) for starminer


A planet inside a planet inside a planet... yeah we cant fit as many planets insides planets as pocket dimensions... BUT STILL !!!

-DjGiannuzz for HyperionCraft


  • Thanks for dying !

And Thanks to everyone i couldnt mention because my brain is made of melted marshmallow with popcorn and a AA batterie and special thank to mojang, everyone behind the forge API and finally everyone behind the technic launcher and website !

Latest Update

The Mad Scientist Pack was updated to version 2.63