Install The Mad Scientist Pack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (The Mad Scientist Pack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select The Mad Scientist Pack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

The Mad Scientist Pack Version 2.63

created by rockrevenchy on Minecraft 1.7.10
Generic Clients:

the generic specs needed for this modpack would be

64bits i3 processor with more than 2.5GHz

4G RAM and more

about 600Mo available on your harddrive

java 8

a graphic card that can at least play skyrim with medium quality

Servers: (created and fixed with a windows pc, tho it should work on every platforms)

Type: This modpack is what i classify as a Heavy modpack

again you will require java 8 here

you will need to accept EULA after the first start i'd also recommend leaving the basic settings for most mods except for spawn rates and world gen (you can play around with them without any troubles), if you modify any other setting you should then share these with your other friends, the modpack works with cauldron tho its much slower to boot and might show some instabilities.


The modpack was tested, updated for a long time and even originally created on ubuntu 14.04 (thrusty tahr) and should work with every other versions of linux with java 8. it works well and require very little setup

if you didnt download it yet, download technic launcher for linux (a multiplatform .jar version), either copy and paste the link on this page or search for 'mad scientist pack' on the launcher, put at least 2G of allocated memory and you're good to go !

(verify your graphic card pilots before playing on ubuntu, it doesnt always have the best basic video card pilots (you might get stuck at 10 fps only on vanilla minecraft without the good pilots))

(especially with nvidia (this thread can help


You will need to make sure you have java 8 installed afterward the rest is nothing particullar;

download the technic .exe (or .jar if you wish) and either copy and paste the link on this page or search for 'mad scientist pack' on the launcher, put at least 2G of allocated memory and you're good to go !


I personally dont use a mac for gaming so maybe you already overlooked everything but as i read and understood linux versions (or .jar multiplatform applications) should work well with the latest java update but remember you need to remove any other java applications before installing java 8

(i hope this would help some mac users of the modpack: )

Latest Update

The Mad Scientist Pack was updated to version 2.63