Install Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official)

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official)) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official) from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official) Version 1.0.980

created by Slayer5934 on Minecraft 1.12.2

Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official) updated to version 1.0.931

1.0.931 Pi
The release is finally here (again.)
Mod Additions:
- Oceanic Expanse (To replace CoralReef and FutureMC + Add more 1.13 aquatic features and extras.)

Mod Removals:
- CoralReef

Mod Updates:

Additional Changes:
- Disabled FutureMC aquatic features.
- Changed EntityPurger references for fish.

1.0.93 Pi
The release is finally here.
Mod Additions:

Mod Removals:
- NormalASM/CensoredASM (I have found 5+ bugs related to this mod, it's time for the chopping block; This change fixes freezing while fighting certain mobs and many crashes.)

Mod Updates:

Additional Changes:

1.0.92 Pi
Mm yes testing
Mod Additions:
- Default World Generator (To set default world type and name.) CLIENTSIDE
- Guidebook (To add the guidebook for MineColonies.)
- LibraryEx (For NetherEx.)
- NetherEx (To add stuff to the nether.)
- Nyx SLY (To add falling meteors, gear, moon cycle events, and my version of Meteor Kats.)
- Rebirth Of The Mobs (To adjust entity settings.)

Mod Removals:
- Bloodmoon (Replaced by Nyx.)
- NVL Forcefields (These were useless.)

Mod Updates:
- Fluidlogged-API-v2.1.2-mc1.12.2 (Performance improvements, features, and bug fixes (like water bottles.)
- IC2Classic-1.12-1.5.7 (Bug fixes, including a fix for item duplication.)

Additional Changes:
- Added a crapload of MineColonies tooltips to help players new to MineColonies.
- Added a default config for NetherEx, most notably make lava infinite in the nether.
- Added a default config for Nyx, most notably disable fallen stars.
- Added a target effect for eyes to spawn thingies.
- Added FutureMC beehive spawning to flower forest and increased spawn chances.
- Added IC2 villager profession names to Village Names.
- Changed bloodmoon chance to 5% on full moons.
- Changed default world type to quark realistic.
- Changed Xaeros map settings to be easier on the eyes.
- Changed block search count to 3, max block count to 1200 and enabled placement of items at tree base for TreeCapitator.
- Disabled botania shaders because it interferes with optifine shaders.
- Disabled fuel related tooltips for MineColonies structures.
- Disabled HarvestCraft and Anamania beehive generation and added FutureMC honey to oredicts.
- Disabled MineColonies voices.
- Disabled on demand animated textures in NormalASM.
- Disabled suffocation damage for all passive mobs.
- Disabled vanilla chicken spawning in Animania config and added tooltip for wing ring. Thanks to Nereidalbel for the tip about HarvestCraft market.
- Enabled MineColonies in other dimensions.
- Enabled modded villager spawning and extra villager spawning for Village Names.
- Enabled profession name display for Village Names.
- Fixed angel ring tooltips needing shift to be pressed, why did I do that to begin with?
- Fixed mining laser crashing the game by shooting nether ores, had to disable explosions, oh well.
- Fixed solar panel recipes. (Whoops.)
- Make botania rune names more gooder for some people.

1.0.91 Pi
Bad fishy bad bad fishy >:C
Mod Additions:
- Future MC (For the fish.. among other things. :P)

Mod Removals:
- Just A Few Fish (Mean fish did mean things, they must go now.)

Mod Updates:
- entitypurger-1.2.4 (The creator of the mod was very nice and forked the change I wanted.)

Additional Changes:
- Added a default config for Future MC. (Disabled some redundant stuffs, except some decorations in villages.)
- Disabled openblocks scaffold cause it sucks.
- Added new EntityPurger config.

1.0.9 Pi
Yis yis gib more updat
Mod Additions:
- Advanced Solars Classic (To add the missing low-light energy gain and textures.)
- AE2 Unofficial Extended Life (An up to date fork of AE2 for 1.12.2 with many features and fixes.)
- Better Invisibility (Mobs can't see you when you go invisible.)
- Better Ping Display (Better ping display.) CLIENTSIDE
- Bloodmoon (Spooky moon does spooky things!)
- ChunkGenLimiter (Limits chunk generation to 2 per tick by default. I may increase this in the future.)
- CoralReef (For the fishes.)
- Creeper Confetti (Sometimes creeper will explode pretty colorful things.)
- Damage Tilt (Technically a bug fix, tilt towards damage.)
- DupeFix Project (Fixes dupe bugs in some mods.)
- EntityPurger (Fixes the spawning limit being filled and no new mobs spawn after a while, I made a custom fork to ignore named entities here:
- Entity Desync Fix (Fixes glitchy item/entity physics and mismatched motion.)
- Eyes In The Darkness (Some say >me< they watch while gathering energy until they have enough to turn the moon red..)
- Fix Experience Bug (Fixes the dimension change experience bug.)
- Fluidlogged API (Fixes water related bugs like jagged lighting and connections through walls.)
- Had Enough Items (Better memory and speed fork of JEI.)
- IC2 Tweaker (To add AE2 dusts to IC2C macerator and support to add more recipe fixes later.)
- Just A Few Fish (To add fish, yes, this is the end of squid ruled oceans.)
- Natures Compass (Locates biomes, might reduce lag for servers if someone is flying looking for a specific biome.)
- NormalASM (To replace the strangely themed LoliASM..)
- Pack Crash Info (To help mod authors if someone supplies a log using my modpack.)
- Particle Culling (To cull particles not visible through blocks.) CLIENTSIDE
- ReAuth (It works correctly again.) CLIENTSIDE
- Regrowth (To compliment MineColonies.)
- Village Names (Better villages, yes.)

Mod Removals:
- AE2 (Replaced by AE2 Unofficial Extended Life.)
- JEI (Replaced by HEI.)
- LoliASM (Replaced by NormalASM.)

Mod Updates:
- Chococraft_1.12.2-
- CustomMainMenu-MC1.12.2- (Added splashes.) CLIENTSIDE

Additional Changes:
- Added recipes to convert old solar panels to the new ones, and made the new solars have the same recipe as before.
- Added recipes for AE2 dusts for IC2C machines.
- Added recipes for aluminum dust for IC2C machines.
- Added pack info for Pack Crash Info.
- Added a default config for Creeper Confetti.
- Added a default config for EntityPurger.
- Added a default config for Bloodmoon. (2.5% rate for bloodmoon, halved default config spawn rate.)
- Added a default config for Eyes In The Darkness. (Notably disables jumpscares.)
- Added a default config for Regrowth.
- Changed QuickTeleports timeout from 30 to 90 seconds.
- Changed XaerosMinimap to display biome and time by default.
Slayer5934 posted a changelog update for Tekxit 3.14 Pi (Official) 1 year ago


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Latest Update

Another update for Pi just to make sure everything is oki doki!