Minecraft Forge, by lexmanos, cpw, and many others, is licensed under the Minecraft Forge Public License.
Nether Ores, COFH Core, Thermal Foundation, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Dynamics, and Redstone Arsenal, are developed by Team CoFH and are permitted to be used in modpacks under various licenses.
CodeChickenCore, EnderStorage, Not Enough Items, and Chicken Chunks are developed by Chicken Bones, and are reproduced here with permission under the following license:
You are welcome to include any of my mods in modpacks as long as you provide credit. My name and a link to this page is fine.
Forge Multipart is developed by Chicken Bones and is licensed under the Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
Waila (What Am I Looking At) and JABBA (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) are developed by ProfMobius and are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
QmunityLib is developed by quetzi and is licensed under the MIT License.
NEI Integration is developed by tonius111 and is licensed under the MIT License.
BDLib, NEI Addons, and Gendustry are developed by BDew and are licensed under the Minecraft Mod Public License version 1.0.1.
PlanetGuyLib is developed by planetguy32 and is licensed under the General Public License version 3.
Waila Harvestability is developed by squeek502 and is released into the public domain.
Map Writer 2 is developed by Liam Davey, VectronDiablon, and others and is released into the public domain.
Forestry is developed by SirSengir and others and is licensed under the Lesser General Public License version 3.
Carpenter's Blocks is developed by Mineshopper and is licensed under the Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
BuildCraft is developed by asie and others and is licensed under the Minecraft Mod Public License version 1.0.
Blue Power is developed by quetzi and others and is licensed under the General Public License version 3.
Remain in Motion is developed by planetguy32 and others and is licensed under the WTF Public License.
Railcraft is developed by CovertJaguar. Its wiki is here. It is licensed under the Railcraft License.
Project E is developed by SinKillerJ. It is licensed under the following terms:
This mod may be redistributed as part of a modpack, both public and private modpacks are allowed. You may not mirror the mod by itself or create a "mod installer", legal action will be taken against sites found violating this.
ComputerCraftEdu is developed by dan200, TeacherGaming, and E-Line Media. It is free for all to use to promote learning.
Inventory Tweaks is developed by Kobata. It is licensed under the MIT License.
Another One Bites the Dust 2 is developed by ganymedes01 and is licensed under the following terms:
Feel free to use this mod in any mod pack, public or private. Just don't get credit for my work.
AsieLib and Computronics are developed by Vexatos and asie and are licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Big Reactors is developed by Erogenous Beef and is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Additional Pipes is developed by tcooc, multiplemonomials, and others, and is licensed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public License version 1.0.
Logistics Pipes is developed by Team RS485, and is licensed under the following terms:
You are free to use this mod in your modpack.
Immibis Core, Immibis' Peripherals, and Tube Stuff are developed by immibis and licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Default Options is developed by Blay09 and is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Engineer's Toolbox is developed by emasher and is licensed under the following terms:
Feel free to use my mods in any modpack provided that the pack in no way violates the Minecraft Terms of Use, you give me appropriate credit for my work, and you do not directly make money off of my mods. For instance, advertisements are fine, selling access to my mods is not. I also ask that you either keep my mods up to date in you pack, or tell your users to report any bugs with old versions to you, as I don't want to see bug reports for bugs I've already fixed. Please do not send me messages asking me for permission. Everything you need to know is already explained here. I would, however, appreciate a heads up if you're planning on using my mods in a pack that is already well established and you expect the pack to get tens of thousands of downloads or more.
Iron Chests is developed by progwml6, cpw, and others. It is released under the terms of the General Public License version 3.
It's the Little Things is developed by Zlepper. It is released under the following terms:
Feel free to use the mod.
MCDiscord is developed by CanVox. It is released under the terms of the Lesser General Public License version 3.
MineTweaker is developed by Stan Hebben. It is released under the following terms:
The mod can be used in any modpack as long as it is provided for free.
ModTweaker is developed by jaredlll08 and others, and is released under the MIT License.
Modular Powersuits is developed by MachineMuse and is released under the 3-Clause BSD License.
OpenCCSensors is developed by lyqyd, CloudHunter, and others. It is released under the terms of the MIT License.
QuiverBow is developed by Domochevsky. It is released under the following terms:
Using this mod in modpacks is granted by default, assuming the usual crediting policies. (Name drop and link.)
I do like hearing about packs that use it, so drop me a line when you do so. :)
Solar Flux is developed by Nauktis. it is released under the terms of the General Public License version 3.
Zetta Industries is developed by marcin212 and is released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License.
IC2 Classic is developed by Speiger. Technic Pack has permissions to include IC2 in all packs, and permission from Speiger to include IC2 Classic in this pack:

Nether Ores, COFH Core, Thermal Foundation, Thermal Expansion, Thermal Dynamics, and Redstone Arsenal, are developed by Team CoFH and are permitted to be used in modpacks under various licenses.
CodeChickenCore, EnderStorage, Not Enough Items, and Chicken Chunks are developed by Chicken Bones, and are reproduced here with permission under the following license:
You are welcome to include any of my mods in modpacks as long as you provide credit. My name and a link to this page is fine.
Forge Multipart is developed by Chicken Bones and is licensed under the Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
Waila (What Am I Looking At) and JABBA (Just Another Better Barrel Attempt) are developed by ProfMobius and are licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
QmunityLib is developed by quetzi and is licensed under the MIT License.
NEI Integration is developed by tonius111 and is licensed under the MIT License.
BDLib, NEI Addons, and Gendustry are developed by BDew and are licensed under the Minecraft Mod Public License version 1.0.1.
PlanetGuyLib is developed by planetguy32 and is licensed under the General Public License version 3.
Waila Harvestability is developed by squeek502 and is released into the public domain.
Map Writer 2 is developed by Liam Davey, VectronDiablon, and others and is released into the public domain.
Forestry is developed by SirSengir and others and is licensed under the Lesser General Public License version 3.
Carpenter's Blocks is developed by Mineshopper and is licensed under the Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
BuildCraft is developed by asie and others and is licensed under the Minecraft Mod Public License version 1.0.
Blue Power is developed by quetzi and others and is licensed under the General Public License version 3.
Remain in Motion is developed by planetguy32 and others and is licensed under the WTF Public License.
Railcraft is developed by CovertJaguar. Its wiki is here. It is licensed under the Railcraft License.
Project E is developed by SinKillerJ. It is licensed under the following terms:
This mod may be redistributed as part of a modpack, both public and private modpacks are allowed. You may not mirror the mod by itself or create a "mod installer", legal action will be taken against sites found violating this.
ComputerCraftEdu is developed by dan200, TeacherGaming, and E-Line Media. It is free for all to use to promote learning.
Inventory Tweaks is developed by Kobata. It is licensed under the MIT License.
Another One Bites the Dust 2 is developed by ganymedes01 and is licensed under the following terms:
Feel free to use this mod in any mod pack, public or private. Just don't get credit for my work.
AsieLib and Computronics are developed by Vexatos and asie and are licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Big Reactors is developed by Erogenous Beef and is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Additional Pipes is developed by tcooc, multiplemonomials, and others, and is licensed under the terms of the Minecraft Mod Public License version 1.0.
Logistics Pipes is developed by Team RS485, and is licensed under the following terms:
You are free to use this mod in your modpack.
Immibis Core, Immibis' Peripherals, and Tube Stuff are developed by immibis and licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Default Options is developed by Blay09 and is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
Engineer's Toolbox is developed by emasher and is licensed under the following terms:
Feel free to use my mods in any modpack provided that the pack in no way violates the Minecraft Terms of Use, you give me appropriate credit for my work, and you do not directly make money off of my mods. For instance, advertisements are fine, selling access to my mods is not. I also ask that you either keep my mods up to date in you pack, or tell your users to report any bugs with old versions to you, as I don't want to see bug reports for bugs I've already fixed. Please do not send me messages asking me for permission. Everything you need to know is already explained here. I would, however, appreciate a heads up if you're planning on using my mods in a pack that is already well established and you expect the pack to get tens of thousands of downloads or more.
Iron Chests is developed by progwml6, cpw, and others. It is released under the terms of the General Public License version 3.
It's the Little Things is developed by Zlepper. It is released under the following terms:
Feel free to use the mod.
MCDiscord is developed by CanVox. It is released under the terms of the Lesser General Public License version 3.
MineTweaker is developed by Stan Hebben. It is released under the following terms:
The mod can be used in any modpack as long as it is provided for free.
ModTweaker is developed by jaredlll08 and others, and is released under the MIT License.
Modular Powersuits is developed by MachineMuse and is released under the 3-Clause BSD License.
OpenCCSensors is developed by lyqyd, CloudHunter, and others. It is released under the terms of the MIT License.
QuiverBow is developed by Domochevsky. It is released under the following terms:
Using this mod in modpacks is granted by default, assuming the usual crediting policies. (Name drop and link.)
I do like hearing about packs that use it, so drop me a line when you do so. :)
Solar Flux is developed by Nauktis. it is released under the terms of the General Public License version 3.
Zetta Industries is developed by marcin212 and is released under the terms of the 3-Clause BSD License.
IC2 Classic is developed by Speiger. Technic Pack has permissions to include IC2 in all packs, and permission from Speiger to include IC2 Classic in this pack: