Install Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 Version 1.3.1

created by einarjh on Minecraft 1.7.10
Two years after updating the client pack, the server pack has also been updated. You can download the server here: - remember to read the README!
einarjh 3 years ago
1.3.1 has been released, and the game should be playable again.
einarjh 5 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 1.3.1 5 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 1.3 5 years ago
And yet another version tonight. New version of OpenComputers, CodeChickenCore and ChickenChunks. Should fix the NEI crash bug.
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 1.2 9 years ago
Derp. 1.1.1 is the real fix. Nice version number at least.
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 1.1.1 9 years ago
Version 1.1 has been uploaded. The only change is an updated AE2 (fixes an ugly crash bug that I discovered), and the config files for NEI and ProjectRed has been tweaked a bit.
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 1.1 9 years ago
Version 1.0 has been posted! The pack will go public when the pack is in use by the Slaskcraft community.
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 1.0 9 years ago
Version 0.5 adds Redstone Arsenal, which was erroneously omitted from the previous versions. Default key bindings have also been tweaked.
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 0.5 9 years ago
Version 0.4 of the alpha pack has been uploaded. This is the smallest update yet: Roguelike Dungeons has been added, and the config files have been tweaked. If nothing else comes up, this will be reuploaded as stable version 1.0
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 0.4 9 years ago
Version 0.3 of the alpha has been uploaded. Removed OreSpawn, added Lots o' Mobs and Malisis' Doors.
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 0.3 9 years ago
Version 0.2 of the alpha has been uploaded.
einarjh 9 years ago
Slaskcraft Pack vol. 1 was updated to version 0.2 9 years ago

Latest Update

Two years after updating the client pack, the server pack has also been updated. You can download the server here: - remember to read the README!