Install Robot Rainbow

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Robot Rainbow) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Robot Rainbow from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Robot Rainbow Version 1.19

created by ghohenzollern on Minecraft 1.8.9

You will need to install 64-bit Java 1.8 to run this modpack. Oracle may give you 32-bit java by default. 64-bit java can be found here:

Specifying the following command line options to technic is recommended to get the pack to load and play well:

-Xmx4G -Xmn2G -XX:PermSize=256m


In addition, setting the amount of memory to 5GB if possible is required to run the full modpack. If you do not have that much memory, you will need to disable some mods or texture packs. The following mods can be disabled without affecting your ability to connect to Robot Rainbow servers.

Better Foliage, Damage Indicators, Fast Leaf Decay, InventoryTweaks, ITLT, JEI, Liteloader, Ruins, SoundFilters, UpdateChecker, VersionChecker, WAILA, WAILAHarvestability, WAWLA

If you have trouble creating single-player worlds or connecting to servers, be sure to try again. Both things are far more resource-intensive than normal gameplay, and repeated attempts are more likely to succeed as some of the work will have already been done during previous attempts. In addition, temporarily disabling the texture packs (below) may help. They can be re-enabled after the world is created or you have connected to a server. In addition recently Damage Indicators has been showing up in crash logs when creating single player worlds. Disabling it seems to fix this problem.

If there is a specific single-player world you are unable to load and the crash log lists a concurrent modification exception, it is probably a problem with the Custom Recipes mod which occasionally can cause race conditions while syncing recipes between the client and the internal server (which it really shouldn't bother to do as they read the same files, but oh well). Temporarily disabling Custom Recipes, reloading the world, emptying your inventory, exiting the world, then re-enabling Custom Recipes, should allow you to load the world again with Custom Recipes enabled.

Please report bugs to me ([email protected]). Realize that basically all of these mods are no longer being developed for 1.8.9 so my ability to fix bugs is quite limited, though as we are recording weekly with this pack my desire to fix them will be quite high.

Known issues

Using pipes or tubes from other mods with Steam Engines Mod machines has caused crashes and world corruption. Beware! Hoppers work, though.

Placing an Indexer with a Computercraft turtle has crashed our server.

Two recipes appear for certain Stargate components, but only one recipes works.

Crafting double-insulated IC2 wires from single-insulated IC2 wires requires extra rubber.

Smelting IC2 Rubber Logs in an EnderIO Alloy Smelter creates "Oak" Logs with a broken texture. However placing them in the world and breaking them again turns them to Jungle Logs.

Inventory / JEI models for some Thaumcraft constructs do not display. We are trying to chase this down. It appears to be a conflict with Jon's Useless Mod or maybe simple something that happens when the modpack reaches a certain size. We will investigate further as time allows.

Texture packs and Optifine

We suggest you install Optifine and the Soartex_Fanver vanilla texture pack for Minecraft 1.8.9. We use both but cannot provide them in the modpack for licensing reasons. We suggest the following texture pack order:


This is the order we use when recording. The file we provide as Soatex Fanver does not provide a version of Fanver Modded for Minecraft 1.8.9. We do not claim authorship of the textures and strongly suggest you download some version of Fanver_Modded from their website (though do not try to use it with this pack) and otherwise support their continuing efforts.

Getting Started

Many of the mods include informational in-game books. There are also many resources online; check the permissions page (above) or, failing that, Google. We're still exploring all the details of how they interact. We find that to start with Steam Engines, EnderIO and IndustrialCraft 2 provide basic ore processing capabilities. Greater yield duplication can be achieved with NeoTech and Geoactivity, at the expense of greater resources. Want to craft on the go? Just right-click on a crafting table in your inventory! Good loot can be found at Evilcraft temples and some Ruins generated structures as well as chests under infested greatwood trees. The upper levels of roguelike dungeons are relatively easy. Waypoints are useful early-on for making long-distance transport systems. Later-on there are Stargates for that. A turtle makes a cheap quarry. Zombie flesh smelts into leather and can be made into Ham in a double furnace with salt. Want steel? It can be made easily in double furnaces from iron and lots of coal. More efficient recipes involve mixing iron dust with manganese dust. Want to cut down a whole tree? You'll need a Whole Tree Axe.

Want to get started with a specific mod? Here are some tips:

NeoTech: The Grinder is an early game ore-doubler, but you'll need a good pressure plate and plenty of food to operate it.

Afraid of the Dark: To get started, search for a staircase leading down from an eerie forest.

Steam Engines Mod: Double Ovens and Steam Mills are good places to start. You'll need a water tank, JEI shows it in the wrong slot. Grrrr, JEI.

Unlogic II: Paxels are great.

Pneumaticcraft: Press the I key for the in-game wiki on Pneumaticcraft

EvilCraft: You'll need a dead bush. Also remove the Environmental Accumulator from any Evil Temples near where you plan to live.

Chisels & Bits: You should make a bit bag before messing with this mod.

MrDimka's More Extra Food+++ To get started breeding seeds you'll need to craft yourself some tomato seeds.

Reliquary: Kill lots of monsters and see what you can do with the drops. Also guns.

Minions. You should have at least 8 levels & plenty of food. The hotkey should be the \ key, but for some reason it occasionally become unbound and you may need to set it in the Options. Occasionally the Minions become invisible. Re-logging seems to fix this.

Base Metals: Crack hammers double ores as they're mined and make sand from gravel from cobble.

Minecraft Comes Alive: As some other mods rely on Vanilla villagers, MCA villagers are turned off by default. They can be turned on in the config file, either temporarily or permanently to create MCA villagers. In single-player mode, an MCA village can be created using a Crystal Ball.

Extra Utilities 2: You'll need redstone crystals which drop rarely from redstone ore. There are no drums. We suggest Quantum Tanks from Quantum Storage.

Blood Magic: Obtain a Demonic Will by snaring a mob, We've added a crafting recipe from rare monster drops.

Waypoints: You'll need ender pearls to set up this long distance transport system.

Thaumcraft: Craft a wand with iron caps and use it on a bookshelf.

Industrialcraft 2: Get rubber from rubber trees using a tree tap to make insulated wires. We've added rubber trees to many biomes.The online wiki will be necessary to understand machines.

Greg's SG Craft: There are recipes for stargate crystals, but not easy ones.

Latest Update

Robot Rainbow was updated to version 1.19