Install MK's AP [resource intensive]

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (MK's AP [resource intensive]) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select MK's AP [resource intensive] from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

MK's AP [resource intensive] Version 2.31

created by DarkMetaknight on Minecraft 1.7.10

First of all, download and unzip this folder, it contains preset settings for controls: [NOT NEEDED IF VERSION 2.0+]

Also enable the "AntiqueAtlasExtras" in the resource pack options! [NOT NEEDED IF VERSION 2.0+]

Getting Started: First, place links house, very useful starting gear in there! The fastest way to progress is finding a Roguelike Dungeon, they look like towers, and there will be a spiral staircase downward inside, after going through the whole thing you should be at least diamond tier!

Don't take night time lightly! There are very dangerous mobs about at night!

"Your Modpack LAGS!" If you're lagging, turn the graphics settings down, namely render distance, if that doesn't solve you're lag problem, consider giving the modpack more RAM or switching to the regular version.


Q1: What does X mod do?

A1: Check Permissions & Licensing, that has the mod page(s) you're looking for.

Q2: Please add buildcraft and tech!

A2: That's not the main thing for this Modpack, the point is to go into dungeons and adventure, sorry, but you may have to look elsewhere...Like Technic and others.

Q3: Where do I suggest mods?

A3: Go to the official minecraft forums thread, or the discussions page here and post what mod you want added, I'll consider the mod requests, yes, every single one.

Q4: How hard is this Modpack?

A4: Very difficult! Even more so than the normal version! Lycanite's Mobs is quite a big cause of this difficulty increase. If your a beginner in Minecraft, you probably should play the other version first.

Q5: Why do you not have Optifine in this version? It improves performance.

A5: Incompatibilities, Optifine limited what mods I could use, hence why I created this separate version in the first place.

KNOWN ISSUES THAT I MAYBE CAN FIX: I am not a modder, I can do nothing but remove certain mods/add certain ones...And change configs. Breaking a tool in a Battlegear 2 Dual Wield slot with a replacement available will crash the game. To fix this, go into the InventoryTweaks options ('...' in top right of inventory) and turn off Auto-refill. This is a non-issue if downloaded fresh after 10/22/2020 as I snuck this change in without 'officially' updating and forcing everyone to re-download the whole pack.


If you already have Technic Launcher skip to step 2.

  1. Download and install Technic Launcher.

  2. Boot up Technic, go to the Modpacks page, and search "MK's AP", should find the pack. Click Install

  3. After it installs you may want to add the manual mods, these mods are noted on the About page here, install specified versions.

Latest Update

MK's AP [resource intensive] was updated to version 2.31