Install GT New Horizons

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (GT New Horizons) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select GT New Horizons from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

GT New Horizons Version 2.7.2

created by DreamMasterXXL on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder

GT New Horizons updated to version

Version 17.08.2017

Mod Upgrade:

Avaritia Addons 1.4
GTNewHorizonsCoreMod 1.5.4
GT-PlusPlus 1.5.9
Nodal Mechanics 1.1.19
Storage Drawers 1.10.8b
Storage Drawers Wood Upgrades 1.1.2b
Thaumic Tinker 2.5.553
Yamcore 0.5.77

Code changes:

Core Mod(More Circuit variants using circuit parts and smd circuit parts, fix assembler recipes with cleanroom to 6 input assembler format, Planet Dust new Graphics, Added Transformer, Energy Hatches, Dynamo Hatches and Wet Transformer recipes to missing Tiers UHV, UEV, UIV, Adding new Mold and Shape forms for Small Gears and Turbine Blades, Crafting suggestion #1807 , Crafting suggestion #1807, Wooden brick form stay in crafting grid, Add a tab for all new GT casings and GT meta tile entities, Energy Flow Circuits #1854

Gregtech(Nuclear fuel rods and Reprocessing [1.5.10] #1847, Change the cleanroom option to work with 6 inputs too, Fix string localization, Revert "Getting rubber out of cabel you produced with pvc etc #1804, Use long in nei, Adding the UHPIC wafer for UHV, UEV and UIV Trafos, Show dim id in scanner, update Pump tooltips, maybe correct #1137, Fixed bug - isAllowedToPutIntoSlot don't check size of inventory, Another Distillery recipe fix, [Suggestion] Cardboard books #1789, Blue Alloy Wire change to more easy recipe because they are hv wires, Add new Mold and shape forms for small Gear and Turbine Blades, add new rotor recipes, Crafting suggestion #1807, Output hatch in EBF still dupes fluid #1797, remove silver output, Made the tooltips for Multiblock Hatches more descriptive, Fixed a bug where the Nugget amount did not scale with the config, Fluid can now also be locked via cells, added a chat message, Implemented NBT for the Locked Fluid, Currently not working as intended, Fix string nbt string issue, Nuclear fuel rods and Reprocessing [1.5.10] #1847

Nodal Mechanics(Mod recipes rebalance, Recipe tweaking and thaumonomicon correction, Changed recipe for Unattuned Matrix)

Changed/added Recipes:

Blood Magic(Corrected thaumonomicon text on the various Blood Orbs, Some more thaumonimocon blood magic text changes)
Core Mod(Add new Mold forms and shape forms for Turbine Blades and Small Gears Fix some other recipes, New Rotor mold and shape recipes added)
Ender IO(Basic Capacitor (EnderIo) #1830)
Enhanced Inventorier(New Garden Seed bag)
Gravisuit(make relocator cheaper to zpm level)
Gregtech((Suggestion) Make compressed coal blocks extractable #1829)
Open Blocks(Bug: Crafting things with XP Buckets #1832)
Thaumcraft( Void Aspected Silverwood Wand #1851)
Thaumic Exploration(Think Tank infusion not working #1840)
Witchery(Fixed a typo in the Witchery script)

Config changes:

Core Mod(Large Heat Exchanger Tool Tip Improvement #1839)

Quest Changes:

[Quests] #1828 , [Quest]#626 diamond dolly #640 LPG #1831 , Pyrolyse Oven Quest Miss tiered #1835 , Reverse order of steps in quest 412 'Simple alchemical things' #1837 , Wrong quest description #1735 , Wrong quest description #1735 , Witchery quests #1768 , [Quest] Low tier wires quest redundant #1801 , [Quest] Add crafting tasks for Electromagnetic Polarizer to Basic Crafting: Motors #1803, space race quest scemetivc #1806 , Forestry: Circuits #1818 , OreDictification of Quests #1716 , Infinite Enderpearls #1813 , Ore washer and thermal centrifuge in LV quests #1815 , Oxygen collector quest #1808 , MV Circuit quests still use old recipes #1794 , A lead about lead that leads to lead dust #1796 , Blood Magic Ritual of Binding quest wrong requirements #1798, Advanced Jetpak quest #1846, Void Aspected Silverwood Wand #1851, change capacitor recipe, Advanced Jetpak quest #1846, Garden Sedbag Quest
DreamMasterXXL posted a changelog update for GT New Horizons 7 years ago


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Latest Update

GT New Horizons was updated to version 2.5.1