Install MCMinersPack Lite

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (MCMinersPack Lite) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select MCMinersPack Lite from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

MCMinersPack Lite Version 1.1b2

created by rodriguezrrp on Minecraft 1.7.10
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also this mods has 123 mods a bit above 100 but amzing mod runs litely
silverwolf1313 7 years ago
also why most of the vanilla and moded picks not work and the matelergy or something omg my favorite mod
Posted by silverwolf1313 7 years ago
well, i know when you run the pack it says 123 mods, but if you look in the "mods" folder of the pack (the folder which contains the mod files themselves) theres like 78 items. I was looking at it that way. Cause some mods seem to have multiple mods in them, for lack of better words. (Like i think BuildCraft, while one mod, sort of splits into three or four parts: BC Builders, BC Transport, BC Robots, etc.)
Posted by rodriguezrrp 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
Why the vanilla and modded picks dont work: That is intentional. The picks that do and are intended to work are the Tinkers Construct ones. Courtesy of Iguana Tinker Tweaks (A Tinkers Construct addon mod), you have to go the tinkers construct tools route. Make survival more tiered and progressive. I have a bit of a guide on my "main" MCMinersPack's help page, and I'm sure you can google it and find more help on how to play survival with TC and IguanaTinkerTweaks.
Posted by rodriguezrrp 7 years ago | Modpack Creator
is it possible for a sever for this modpack if not thats fine it would just be amazing to have one
silverwolf1313 7 years ago
Well, I would kinda like that too, but to have a dedicated, public, 24/7-type server running for this modpack, it would cost me some money, and... yeah. I don't have that kind of money basically. I may make a server pack that people can download and use to make their own servers though.
Posted by rodriguezrrp 7 years ago | Modpack Creator

Latest Update

MCMinersPack Lite was updated to version 1.1b2