Install Luxumpack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Luxumpack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Luxumpack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Luxumpack Version 3.4

created by Spireshield on Minecraft 1.12.2


Version 3.4


- Added Ender Tweaker mod
- Replaced Matter Overdrive: Community Edition with Matter Overdrive: Legacy
- Xaero's Minimap: Old deathpoints will no longer be deleted
- MoarTinkers: Disabled Advanced Alloy, Alabaster, Awakened Draconium, Blutonium, Chaotic Draconium, Cyanite, Dark Matter, Draconium, Ebony Psimetal, Fluxed Electrum, Ivory Psimetal, Lonsdaleite, Ludicrite, Psigem, Psimetal, Red Matter, Wyvern Draconium, Yellorium, Enderium, Hardened Stone, Lumium, Mica, Mithril, Quartz Enriched Iron, Refined Glowstone, Refined Obsidian and Signalum
- IC2: Disabled Secret Recipe hiding
- GregTech: Removed ability for iron dust, galena dust and bauxite dust to be hammered into small nickel, lead and aluminium dust respectively
- GregTech: Iron, galena or bauxite dust can be sag milled or macerated into small nickel, lead and aluminium dust respectively
- Forestry: Removed brass recipe for Sturdy Casing
- GregTech/Forestry: Added recipe to exchange sturdy casing and bronze machine hulls

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Version 3.3


- Added IC2 tweaker mod
- Hunger Overhaul: Disabled modified food eating, stack sizes and hoe changes
- Spice of Life Carrot Edition: Extra health will now be lost on death; only one heart is gained per milestone, although milestones remain increments of 5
- Mod Name Tooltip: Changed tooltip to dark gray italic
- Industrial Foregoing: Disabled Laser Drill
- Matter Overdrive: Disabled Space-Time Accelerator
- Macaw's Trapdoors: Added recipe to convert vanilla and macaw oak trapdoors
- Applied Energistics 2: Allow fluix crystals to be macerated into fluix dust
- GregTech: Allow iron dust, galena dust and bauxite dust to be hammered into small nickel dust, small lead dust and small aluminium dust respectively

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Version 3.2


Removed Recurrent Complex and IvToolkit

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Version 3.1


Removed Lycanite's Mobs
Added Bewitchment and Patchouli

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Version 3.0


Initial release of Luxumpack III

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Version 2.1


Mods Added:
* FastLeafDecay
* NEI Integration
* NEI Addons
* Morpheus
* Power Converters 3
* Iron Tanks

Configuration Changes:
* BuildCraft engines no longer explode

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Version 2.0


* BuildCraft (and Compat)
* Forestry (and Binnie's Mods)
* IC2 Classic (and Nuclear Control 2)
* Railcraft (and Steve's Carts 2)
* ProjectRed (Core/Exploration/Fabrication/Illumination/Transmission Modules)
* OpenComputers (and Computronics)
* Thaumcraft (and Thaumic Tinkerer, Thaumcraft Gates)
* Botania
* Funky Locomotion
* Chisel
* Carpenter's Blocks
* Storage Drawers (with Misc and Forestry addons)
* Iron Chest
* ExtrabiomesXL
* Twilight Forest
* NotEnoughItems (and CodeChickenCore Lib, Thaumic NEI)
* Inventory Tweaks
* JourneyMap
* Optifine and FastCraft

* BuildCraft: Engines can explode when overheated
* BuildCraft: Not all facades shown in NEI/Creative
* BuildCraft: Water springs disabled
* Forestry: Bronze crafting recipe disabled
* Forestry: Copper/tin ore generation disabled
* Railcraft: Small ores generation disabled
* Nuclear Control 2: 'Old' recipes enabled
* ProjectRed: Copper/tin ore generation disabled
* Thaumcraft: Mirrors disabled
* Thaumic Tinkerer: Flight disabled (Robes of the Stratosphere)
* Botania: 1.8 stones and 1.9 ender content disabled
* Twilight Forest: Uncrafting disabled
* Server: Eye of the Flügel, Flügel Tiara and Thaumic Tinkerer Imbued Fires will be banned server-side

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Version 1.3


* Random Patches
* BetterFPS
* Surge
* Phosphor
* VanillaFix
* Clumps
* JEI Bees
* ItemScroller
* The One Probe

* Embers Rekindled
* CraftTweaker 2
* Immersive Vehicles

* FPS Reducer
* OreLib
* Hwyla (Waila)
* Waila Harvestability
* Wawla
* Logistics PIpes
* Extra Bit Manipulation

* Forge: Set 'alwaysSetupTerrainOffThread' to true
* Minecraft: Fixed iron bar recipe
* Quark: Disabled enderman anti-cheese
* Twilight Forest: Disabled the uncrafting table
* Extra Utilities 2: Quantum quarry recipe balanced with BuildCraft quarry
* IC2: Fixed glass fibre cable recipe
* Railcraft: Disabled Iron and Steel tanks
* BuildCraft: Set localization to short form from long form
* BuildCraft: Changed values to display per tick than per second
* Forestry: Disabled RF support (can still accept RF through BCFE)
* Forestry: Energy values now display in MJ rather than RF
* Thermal Expansion: Cache base value reduced from 20,000 to 2048
* Thermal Expansion: Tank base value reduced from 20,000 to 16,000
* Thermal Expansion: Energy Cell base value reduced from 2,000,000 to 1,000,000
* Thermal Expansion: Adjusted machine energy values to be more in line with 1.4 and 1.7 values
* Thermal Expansion: Steam Dynamo base value reduced from 40 RF/t to 20 RF/t
* Thermal Expansion: Enabled small energy storage for dynamos
* Thermal Expansion: Disabled Reactant, Enervation and Numisatic Dynamos
* Thermal Expansion: Disabled Reservoir
* Thermal Expansion: Disabled Centrifugal Extractor
* Actually Additions: Coal Generator now generates only 20 RF/t
* EnderIO: Disabled Stirling and Combustion generators

* Stutters running the pack at 8 GB of memory seem to be eliminated when using optimized settings -- please optimize for your machine.
* Waila has been replaced in favour of The One Probe. This is not reversible on the client.
* Item Scroller restores lost functionality from Mouse Tweaks; it is advised to remove Mouse Tweaks if you are still using it.
* MJ and RF energies are now interchangeable, and convert at a rate of 1 MJ : 10 RF
* EnderIO Stirling and Combustion generators have been deprecated; please contact Steve to replace your machine with a respective generator.
* Design choices may be explained upon request.

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Version 1.2


Mods Added:
* Inventory Tweaks
* UniDict
* Morpheus
* ReAuth

Mods Removed:
* MouseTweaks

Configs Changed:
* IC2/GT ingots are now default (UniDict)
* Food eating speed and stack size are returned to vanilla (Hunger Overhaul)

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Version 1.1


Hopefully fixed download

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Latest Update

Luxumpack was updated to version 3.4