Install Luxumpack

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Luxumpack) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Luxumpack from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Luxumpack Version 3.4

created by Spireshield on Minecraft 1.12.2

Luxumpack updated to version 2.0

* BuildCraft (and Compat)
* Forestry (and Binnie's Mods)
* IC2 Classic (and Nuclear Control 2)
* Railcraft (and Steve's Carts 2)
* ProjectRed (Core/Exploration/Fabrication/Illumination/Transmission Modules)
* OpenComputers (and Computronics)
* Thaumcraft (and Thaumic Tinkerer, Thaumcraft Gates)
* Botania
* Funky Locomotion
* Chisel
* Carpenter's Blocks
* Storage Drawers (with Misc and Forestry addons)
* Iron Chest
* ExtrabiomesXL
* Twilight Forest
* NotEnoughItems (and CodeChickenCore Lib, Thaumic NEI)
* Inventory Tweaks
* JourneyMap
* Optifine and FastCraft

* BuildCraft: Engines can explode when overheated
* BuildCraft: Not all facades shown in NEI/Creative
* BuildCraft: Water springs disabled
* Forestry: Bronze crafting recipe disabled
* Forestry: Copper/tin ore generation disabled
* Railcraft: Small ores generation disabled
* Nuclear Control 2: 'Old' recipes enabled
* ProjectRed: Copper/tin ore generation disabled
* Thaumcraft: Mirrors disabled
* Thaumic Tinkerer: Flight disabled (Robes of the Stratosphere)
* Botania: 1.8 stones and 1.9 ender content disabled
* Twilight Forest: Uncrafting disabled
* Server: Eye of the Flügel, Flügel Tiara and Thaumic Tinkerer Imbued Fires will be banned server-side
Spireshield posted a changelog update for Luxumpack 2 years ago


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Latest Update

Luxumpack was updated to version 3.4