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Welcome to journey in the land of NeverMine
I have put alot of work into this pack!
This is a Fantasy Rpg Modpack
Generally based around the mod Nevermine
But i made it even more special
This pack contains hours and hours of gameplay
So i hope you enjoy the pack as much as i do!
And dont forget... have fun!

Its recommended play with atleast 2 to 3 Ram And HeadPhones for full Experience
I dont know if java 8 works but i now for sure that java 7 works so its recommended to play with java 7
Tips: We have the mod NotEnouchKeys Installed so if you have problems with keys just go to your controls and click conflict and put it to they way you want it!
To DubbleWield you can press R and you can excess that hotbar by pressing the button on the top left in your inventory
You can talk by pressing V (Only works on Server's)
Press C to open your skills
When you press P ingame you will open your ender compendium
And For the minimap is Z & X and N to create a waypoint to view the map on fullscreen you press M
If the pack updates the server link auto updates!!
Still Problems? Look at the help page for more info!


The dimensions that are shown above are only the dimensions from the Nevermine mod itself just so you know this pack has alot more dimensions :)

Also Check out my other pack
Might And Magic: Legacy were Magic comes to life!!
1+ if you enjoy the pack!
Thanks for the support, Have a Great Time