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i like boobs
hey is there a server for this mod? if so whats the ip adress
I click the modpack but then it sends me somehwhere where I cant find the Install button???
can this modpack be handled by weaker computers?
Im playing on chromebook my guy I think they can handle it
I cant ever seem to tame the carnoviors can someone explain how to tame them
gostaria muito de um mod de decoração melhor tipo o DecoCraft
When I try to download the modpack it stays at 0% and gives me an error message after a while. Is there a way you can help?
can I get a server download for this pack
Is there a server download that I could get for this modpack?
u might've been banned or the server has reached full capacity because I can oin fine ill ask some staff on server dw
When I try to join the server it tells me that it's down for maintenance even tho I can see that there are players on the server right now. Also this is the second day and it's still the same. Can someone help me with this?
might be caused by your internet
everytime i try to download, i get an error and it tells me to consult the modpack creator. any help?
Is there a server download for this like the technicpacks? I want to play with a friend
I couldn't join the game for some reason do you know why?
does anyone know or can tell me the full list of mods i want to know pls
i cant play with my friend he trying to enter but it cant
what about chisel mod?
that mod would cause a lot of lag
There is an error downloading new update, Error with folder
Please help out with this issue
that issue should be fixed quite a while ago
Not able to start game (version 13, MacOS Mojave), any suggestions?
Does anyone know how I can turn this modpack into my own server???
Sadly you might need to ask the all mighty google.