Modpack Contents
This modpack will allow clients to connect to servers that only run Cobblemon and Fabric API.
If you want to get any of these mods for personal use, please download them from their original pages to support their authors.
- Ambient Environment - Adds color noise to biome colors.
- AppleSkin - Displays more information on the HUD about food-related values.
- Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded - Changes many loud server-wide broadcast sounds to be local.
- BedrockIfy - Implements many Minecraft Bedrock Edition features into Java Edition.
- Better Advancements - Enlarges the advancement page.
- Better Ping Display - Displays each player's ping in the player list as a number in (ms).
- Better Third Person - Allows independent rotation of the camera in third-person view. Permission
- Cherished Worlds - Adds the ability to bookmark and search worlds.
- Clumps - Groups EXP orbs in close proximity together into a single entity to reduce lag.
- Cobblemon - Adds the Pokémon to your Minecraft.
- Continuity - Allows for efficient connected textures, similar to Optifine.
- Crafting Tweaks - Allows you to rotate, balance, or clear the crafting grid using buttons. Permission
- CraftPresence - Displays info about the game being played on Discord.
- Dismount Entity - Allows removing entities from vehicles with "Shift+Right-Click". Permission
- Dynamic Crosshair - Changes the crosshair depending on what is being looked at.
- Dynamic FPS - Improves performance when Minecraft is in the background.
- Enchantment Descriptions - Adds descriptions of enchantments to the tooltips of enchanted books.
- Enhanced Attack Indicator - Shows the attack indicator progress meter on more actions.
- Entity Culling - Skips rendering entities you can't see to improve performance.
- Falling Leaves - Adds falling leaf and snow particles.
- FancyMenu - Customizes the main menu.
- FerriteCore - Optimizes memory usage.
- FeyTweaks - Optimizes signs and beacons.
- Highlight - Fixes some selection boxes to properly fit their models.
- ImmediatelyFast - Optimizes immediate rendering.
- InvMove - Adds the ability to walk around while in inventories.
- InvMoveCompats - Adds InvMove compatibility with REI.
- Item Highlighter - Highlights newly picked-up items.
- Krypton - Optimizes the networking stack.
- LambDynamicLights - Adds dynamic lights.
- Language Reload - Improves the language selection menu.
- Let Me Despawn - Allows mobs that pick up items to despawn.
- Lithium - Adds many game optimizations.
- Longer Chat History - Makes the chat history much longer.
- Make Bubbles Pop - Makes bubble particles pop.
- Monsters in the Closet - Highlights any mobs that are preventing you from sleeping.
- NetherPortalFix - Fixes a bug with nether portal linking in multiplayer. Permission
- Not Enough Animations - Adds more animations to vanilla actions.
- Presence Footsteps - Makes footsteps sound better and more dynamic.
- Reese's Sodium Options - Improves Sodium's options menu.
- Roughly Enough Items (REI) - Adds a GUI for searching and viewing recipes.
- Roughly Enough Professions (REP) - REI addon to show the worktables required for villager professions.
- Satin Free Wakes - Adds wakes that trail behind things moving across water, updated version of Wakes.
- Show Me Your Skin! - Allows hiding or customizing armor rendering.
- ShulkerBoxTooltip - Allows viewing the contents of shulker boxes in your inventory with "Shift".
- SlimyFloor - Slime sounds and particles appear in slime chunks underground.
- Sodium - Optimizes rendering.
- Sodium Extra - Provides more options in the video settings.
- Sodium Extras - Adds features to Sodium to improve the experience and performance.
- Sodium Leaf Culling - Improves the performance of leaf rendering.
- Sodium Options Mod Compat - Adds Sodium video settings for various mods.
- Sodium Shadowy Path Blocks - Smooths shading on path blocks with Sodium.
- Stendhal - Better utilities for writing in books.
- Superflat World No Slimes - Removes slime spawns from "superflat" world types. Permission
- SwingThrough - Allows hitting enemies through obstructions like grass.
- Title Fixer - Prevents screen title displays from running off-screen.
- ToolTipFix - Fixes tooltips runnning off-screen.
- Visuality - Adds various particle effects to blocks and entities.
- Xaero's Minimap - Displays a minimap of nearby terrain, players, and entities, and allows waypoint use.
- Xaero's World Map - Adds a full-screen world map.
- Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR) - Prevents configs from being overwritten by updates.
- Aalmanac - Required by Let Me Despawn.
- Architectury - Required by REI.
- Balm - Required by Crafting Tweaks and NetherPortalFix. Permission
- BisectHosting Server Integration Menu - Required by our hosting partner.
- Bookshelf - Required by Enchantment Descriptions.
- CICADA - Required by Show Me Your Skin!
- Cloth Config API - Required by many mods to use their in-game config menus.
- Collective - Required by Dismount Entity and Superflat World No Slimes. Permission
- Fabric API - Required by all Fabric mods.
- Iceberg - Required by Item Highlighter.
- Iris Shaders - Required by all shader packs.
- Konkrete - Required by FancyMenu.
- Melody - Required by FancyMenu.
- Mod Menu - Allows in-game configuration of Fabric mods.
- oωo-lib - Required by Particular.
- Prickle - Required by Enchantment Descriptions.
- Sodium Options API - Required by Sodium Leaf Culling, Sodium Extras, and Sodium Options Mod Compat.
- TxniLib - Required by Sodium Options Mod Compat.
- UniLib - Required by CraftPresence.
- YetAnotherConfigLib - Required by Satin Free Wakes.
- Motschen's Better Leaves (not enabled by default) - Resource pack to make leaves look bushier.
- Complementary Shaders - Reimagined (not enabled by default) - Recommended shader pack.