Install Almura 2.5 - Origins

Step 1

Installing a modpack using the Technic Launcher is easy. If you don't already have the launcher downloaded, visit our download page to get the latest version.

Step 2

Type in the modpack name (Almura 2.5 - Origins) or paste the following url into the search box.

Step 3

Finally, click Install at the bottom right of the launcher after you select Almura 2.5 - Origins from the list on the left. The launcher will handle everything else!

Almura 2.5 - Origins Version 1.7.10_b135

created by Almura on Minecraft 1.7.10 using Technic Solder
Pushed build b135 this evening. Should fix a couple long standing issues and speed up FPS a bit.
Almura 6 years ago
We released B133 tonight. Please let me know if you still see a bunch of white images after logging in.
Almura 7 years ago
We released B122 this evening. Introduced Player Caches and the Farmers Almanac. We've made tons of changes to how our custom crops work. Check out for all the details!
Almura 8 years ago
We pushed build b119 last night. Fixes an issue with the server listing screen as well as implements new ability to use a blaze rod to move a seed barrel.
Almura 8 years ago
Almura Origins is scheduled to be released later today. Check out for all the details!
Almura 8 years ago
Pushed out b107. This should resolve the launcher file missing error some of you experienced.
Almura 9 years ago
We are up to b105!. Fixed Mac/Linux logon issues, lowered ram usage by over 50%, increased the speed of our custom block renderer and restored the ShaderMod compatibility even though we are using Forge 1492.
Almura 9 years ago
Almura Rediscovered has Launched! We've just released b102 which is a huge bug fix update. Come join us!
Almura 9 years ago
b100 coming 10/1/2015!. Almura Castle has been located! Come discover what the Ancients have done in the newly re-discovered world of Asgard! Tons of new things added, 5 brand new worlds to be explored!
Almura 9 years ago
Be sure to check out our in-game Guide system. Some of you may remember this feature from our Spoutcraft days, "Infoguide".
Almura 9 years ago
Been a while since I've updated this page. We are up to b72 now. Come check us out!
Almura 9 years ago
Pushed b62 this evening. We've set our preferred font as the default and have pre-set an optimized configuration for graphics. Look forward to a lot of new builds coming in the next 7 days.
Almura 9 years ago
We pushed out quite a few builds in the past couple days. Check out our website: for all the details.
Almura 10 years ago
b34 now available. Fixed currency not displaying in HUD. Also resolve some other GUI displays and added storage crates and a new Quantum Chest.
Almura 10 years ago
b33 is now available. Crops now respect light levels, most crops won't grow at night w/o additional light. Also fixed some collision box issues with decorations and flooring items.
Almura 10 years ago
We've posted b30 and the Live server is now available!
Almura 10 years ago
Almura 2.0 b27 now available! Feel free to test it out and post any bugs in our forums located at
Almura 10 years ago

Latest Update

Pushed build b135 this evening. Should fix a couple long standing issues and speed up FPS a bit.