Technic News

Platform Updated to 2.0.4 & Launcher Updated to 4.242

Now that we seem to have a grasp on the stability of the website it has given us time to work on finishing several features for the Platform and Launcher. These are features people have been requesting for a long time so it feels good to finally be able to get them in your hands. The biggest new feature is we added the contribution system to the Platform. This lets you add other users as contributors to your modpack and they will be able to help post status updates, modify settings, upload resources, update versions and so on. It will not let them do any harmful actions such as delete your pack. I will go into further detail about how this system, and the other new platform bits works later in this post. First, let's list what has changed!

Platform 2.0.4

  • Added the contribution system, which allows users to invite others to help work on a single pack.
  • You can now request to transfer your modpack to another user.
  • Modpack API URLs have been corrected to point to the new
  • A new support system has been setup and is accessible at multiple points throughout the site.
  • Added SSO support for the new support system. It will use your current platform account to authenticate.
  • Added helpful links to the sidebar on the dashboard and community feeds.
  • Added the Technic twitter feed to the sidebar on the dashboard and community feeds.
  • You can now change your email and password under Edit Profile.
  • Modpacks can now add a website which will be displayed in a similar fashion to the server download link.
  • A fancy new error page to replace the "Whoops!" one. Hopefully you never see it!

Launcher 4.242

  • The "Add Pack or Search" box will now correctly pick up new packs from API links when the links are to "" without the "www".
  • Server packs now have an appropriate tag in the Launcher banner, under the pack title.
  • A checkbox has been added to "Launcher Options" which offers users the option to start the launcher in the Modpacks tab.
  • Logging out to change users will no longer break a user's access token, which would prevent them from playing SMP until they restarted the launcher.
  • Minecraft will now be launched in IPv4 mode. This will stop certain types of malware and security software that target IPV6 traffic from preventing users from playing SMP.
  • Solder packs with no valid, visible builds will now be shown as "Offline" in the launcher, as it is not possible to install them.
  • Opening the "Modpack Options" dialog for a solder pack with no valid, visible builds will now convey to the user that no builds are available, and not throw an error.
  • We now provide better support on certain operating systems for mailto: links in the News tab.
  • The Discover tab are now being loaded from the new API hardware. 100% of all launcher services are now being run off the new hardware.
  • The Discover tab contents are now cached when loaded successfully. In situations where the API is unavailable, the cached version will be loaded, if possible.
  • In cases where the Discover tab cannot be loaded correctly, a fallback page is now shown rather than an ugly white screen.
  • The clipboard watcher has been removed entirely. You will now need to manually paste API links into the "Add Pack or Search" box to add new packs.

How to add Contributors to your Modpack

Adding contributors is a very simple process. Simply edit your modpack and click the new Contributors link in the sub-navigation which will bring you to a list of your contributors (which is probably empty!). Type in the contributor your wish to add and hit the Add Contributor button. The platform will try and help you to auto complete your username you are entering.

After adding a user they will be sent an email notifying them they now have contribution access to your modpack. That's it! You can delete a contributor at any time by clicking the delete link next to their name.

How to transfer your modpack to another user

Pack transfer can be found under your modpacks main settings page.

Click transfer ownership and then type in the username your wish to send a request to. The platform will try and assist you in finding the user. Once a request is sent the user will recieve an email notifying them that a pack transfer request has been initiated. They will have to visit your modpacks main page and accept the request to finalize the transfer.

Once accepted the pack will immediately be transfered to the user. That's it! You may cancel a transfer at any time before the user accepts it.

If you have any questions about the new contribution or transfer system feel free to ask in the comments below and we will try to help! Enjoy!


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Just go into your .technic folder and use the temp file as the shortcut to launch it. Copy and paste it to your desktop and just rename it.
CrazyKaylob 9 years ago
hello im _RisingPhoenix_ my old mc name was called thefourknights after i changed my name it wouldent let me sign in i tried evreything changing my password re-installing technic and also trying my old account and it still wont letme pls help D:
_RisingPhoenix_ 9 years ago
For those that are getting the "Your OS has prevented this relaunch from completing" error, all I had to do was rename the file to something different and it worked. This was after downloading it a few times and trying to launch it with no avail. Please let me know if this helps anyone :)
sdwrage 9 years ago
need help wont let me dowload the lancher so i can get tekkit or hexxit
Every time I try to install the launcher, it fails. The process stop but the installation screen stays on. I've been waiting for hours but nothing happen. Someone can help me? (I'm brazilian, so I speak portuguese. Sorry for my english, eh...)
GiglioNero 9 years ago
Launcher cannot connect to servers. I'm not running a proxy, my firewall is letting it through, but it cannot update anything or play anything online. Every pack is labeled as offline (not due to the Java equalization as it's obviously not Feb 9th yet.) and the Discover tab says it "cannot display this page at this time".
Gryph0nnn 9 years ago
Okay, so now I can update packs after closing and relaunching, but all else still applies.
Posted by Gryph0nnn 9 years ago
hey me and my friend have been trying to use the technic launcher, it worked fine for a while but now it doesn't even work it stays at an asset searching screen, any help?
r3d3c4po 9 years ago
im on mac and everytime i download a new pack since the design change, the launcher crashed. Fix the problem... NOW!!!!!!!
seblin11 9 years ago
They will need some more information to fix it. Like, is it just for one modpack, or all of them?
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
i caant frieken download any mods i copy the url like im suposed to and wen i go back to my louncher nthing happens?! can someone plz help meh
cashybear 9 years ago Let me know if you still need help.
Posted by AgentWho 9 years ago
when i launch a custom mod-pack my friend has made it goes stariaght back to the launcher ai and its not the modpack we have been using it for the past week help please
kylem1928 9 years ago
Do official modpacks work?
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
some do but i have trouble launching up tekkit sometimes with the same error but like i said my friends over checked the modpack and its since it said updating before launch.
Posted by kylem1928 9 years ago
Click Launcher Options, Show Console, attempt to run pack, copy contents of console, put up on, link it here.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
for the custom modpack?
Posted by kylem1928 9 years ago
Please read the instructions and don't paste a raw console log in here again.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
And yes, for the custom.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
I can not download the techinic Help me I live in Brazil can not speak much English
Awesome! [:
xJon 9 years ago
Once again I'm getting the "your os has prevented this relaunch from completing. You may need to add an exception in your security software" error. For reference, I'm using Win 7 64 bit os with 64 bit oracle java 8. I never had an issue like this prior to the previous update. I've attempted to restart my computer and my launcher, neither of which have resolved the issue. Before, it seemed to resolve itself. I'm not sure if it was something you did on your end after reading my comment or if it was something else. Any help on this?
Wraithz 9 years ago
I have also this problem.
Posted by jonuman 9 years ago
We've made some changes to the beta that will improve logging for this issue, but working with another user who had this problem on IRC earlier, the root cause of the issue was that we were getting "Access Denied" attempting to create a new file.
Posted by CanVox 9 years ago
I attempted to see if it was caused by not running as admin but that doesn't seem to be the issue. When I had this issue previously, Java binary was allowed on my windows firewall. I recently reinstalled windows fresh and had this issue immediately when trying to run the launcher. I'm not sure what changed with the fresh install, but when I had this issue before and commented on the previous update it seemed to fix itself within a few hours. Not sure if any of that helps.
Posted by Wraithz 9 years ago
Quick update, I attempted trying to run the launcher while windows firewall was turned off. Gave me the same error as before. So its not the firewall. I'm completely at a loss here. I can't even run the launcher to let it install for the first time on this new install of windows.
Posted by Wraithz 9 years ago
Yet another update, running technic using the "temp" application in the .technic folder allows the launcher to run. Yet when I run the primary launcher application it still gives me the error. I'm not sure what version the "temp" application is on.
Posted by Wraithz 9 years ago
I just checked and it seems the launcher is 4.238 so one update behind the current release I believe.
Posted by Wraithz 9 years ago
Same issue. I hope it is fixed soon.
Posted by KrypticGlitch 9 years ago
For some reason, renaming the launcher to "Technic" or anything other than its original name fixed this issue for me. Please let me know if it fixes anyone elses : )
Posted by sdwrage 9 years ago
Adding the folder containing the "java" executable to the path fixed this for me. The source code shows the relaunch command is issued in a way that requires the "java" (or "javaw") executable to be found in the "path" environment variable. See line 146
Posted by genesis_11_1 9 years ago