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how do I update the launcher from 1.5-1.8? I am using java 8 on a 2019 macbook air big sur...message me on discord (if you have it): Agent Alhpa626#4274
Is their any way to downgrade the crazy craft mod so we can use it?
Can you fix the cc3 modpack pls I can’t download it
hey why did you stop updating the crazy craft like add project e and others
can i join the team for building the server?
is there a Server up for Crazy Craft?
For Crazy Craft 3.0.2, can you please update the Tardis mod to its newest version, if you can please tell me on my discord #2914
i cant install the mod says failed to install
Hi, I would like to play Minecraft with you
What is the mod that makes the health of mobs multiply by a ton?
IsaacLF_ liked the modpack The New Crazy Craft 3.0.2 7 years ago
IsaacLF_ liked the modpack The Fox As The Flash 7 years ago