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Hello? the celestial conquest 2 discord invite is broken, does it still exist?
TRMiles liked the modpack Dungeon Delvers 8 years ago
Due to Miles temporarily retiring I will be running the pack until such time as he feels like running it again. Please bare with me as I attempt this, it is my first time running a pack ~Envy ^_^
Miles I'
m Boysaij's Friend And I Have A Question Can You Help Me Create A Modpack
If you are interested in being a developer and are good with debugging mods or making modpacks please contact me as well. We really need you right now! email me at [email protected]!
hi TRMiles please for add mod backpack
I`m like for you modpack !!!!
Dungeon Delvers looking good! #3 most popular! All thanks to my team.
Could you maybe find a way to build a staff team on your server to enforce the rules of the server? Please? All I've seen on here is people taking advantage of exploits, fighting with eachother, extreme cyber bullying, and extremely fowl language.
or windows, both the same
can u show me how to make a dungeon delver server for mac
Can u help me make a modpack with a server plz
Dungeon delvers updated to 1.3.1, give it a whirl!
Dungeon Delvers Official Server is now up!
Modpacks are all good. Now *sigh* it's solder time.
Modpack is not cooperating.
Modpack is a bit... buggy.