snabuls Pablo
snabuls favoured mods for MC 1.11.2! Some good magic (roots 2), some evil magic (abyssalcraft, minions), some new landscape (biomes o'plenty), some surprises (baileys daileys, toro, chance cubes, actually additions).

snabuls "Grue selig"
Most important is of course shinoos "grue". I set config to whimp, but the grue is still tough, especially if you forget about him...) I included bees and magic and ruins and lots of stuff like this to explore.

snabuls Schlon
snabuls favorite mods for Minecraft 1.12 This includes landscapes and decoration as well as surprises and challenges. A little bit tech and magic, too.

snabuls "Abyssalon" - a modpack about Shinoows gruel abyssal mods, many many Dungeons and even more great mods!

Für unseren Rainbowdays Server zusammengestelltes Modpack mit einigen von unseren Lieblingsmods.